Expert Ownership Podcast
Expert Ownership Podcast
Unraveling the Law of Exposure in Christian Entrepreneurship
As faithful entrepreneurs, have you ever stopped to consider the impact of your environment on your thoughts, feelings, and actions? And how they ultimately affect your success? Join us in our recent podcast episode as we unravel the law of exposure and its profound influence on our minds, giving you the tools to master your environment, shape your destiny and make a positive impact in the world.
The world is changing fast. And we believe faith-filled entrepreneurs are the key to getting things back on track. As Billy Graham said, "The next great move of God, I believe, will be among believers in the marketplace."
Our goal in this episode is to equip you to make a massive impact in the world by diving into the Law of Exposure.
P.S. If you haven't grabbed a copy of Jason's new book, you can get it HERE.
So today we're talking about the law of exposure, and this is this is a fun one. Like exposure, you've been left out in the Sun. Yeah, not like that, like, not not like you exposing yourself. That's not the direction we're going. So well, but let me give you the law of exposure and we're just gonna jump right into this, because what's really important For Faithfield entrepreneurs is that we monitor our energy levels and whatever we expose our self to, which is the law of exposure. It states this what you expose yourself to dramatically shapes how you think, feel, act, think, feel, act. Tfa, don't ever forget that whatever you expose yourself to is going to Dramatically shape how you think, how you feel and how you act.
Speaker 1:I think Craig Grishel and his leadership podcast for for actually it wasn't his leadership podcast, it was his book Winning the war in your mind, and he talks about the law of exposure. It's really powerful. And so, thinking through that and just want to really share with you some of the things that, david, I've been thinking through as we we look at the law of exposure, because we, as faithful entrepreneurs, we truly believe that what Billy Graham said is true, that he believed the next great move of God would be amongst believers in the workplace. Because of that, we need to take our jobs seriously, we need to take our businesses seriously, we need to take ourselves seriously, and we got to be very careful With what we expose ourselves to. And why. Why is this this? This comes directly from from that book winning the war in your mind. Our mind is receptive by nature and hence every exposure leaves its imprint. Our mind then starts thinking about it and gradually shapes our thinking. So all of this stuff happens Subconsciously, yeah, so our mind starts thinking about these things and it gradually shapes our thinking, feeling and behavior accordingly. And you're not even aware of the subtle programming that you're doing with your, with your mind when you're exposing yourself to certain things.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, I just got to jump in and say this this has nothing to do with business, but everything to do with the spiritual reality and culture right now. This is why the radical left and ungodly people are Exposing our innocent children in elementary school to these sexual anarchy and sexual immorality and all of this other stuff. Through the LGBTQ Agenda. They're exposing these kids to it because it's a subtle programming. Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:I would love for leaders to be speaking like this, to actually say look, we're not just talking on the Leadership side, we're not just talking on the spiritual side of growth in your spirit and All of these other things, growth in your character, growth in your health, and we're gonna talk about that today, but we also have to talk about the fact that there is ungodly, unrighteous Exposure being forced on our children. Yeah, even in Kerry, north Carolina, just this past weekend, they had a Christmas parade and at the end of the Christmas parade they allowed that leadership, the council members of Kerry, north Carolina, allowed the sisters of perpetual indulgence. She's dress up as nuns and and their Trent, their, their men, big men, white faces. They painted their faces white like demons, dressed up as nuns, with sexual indulgences, and all of this, this Defoul stuff, right before the eyes of children in a Christmas parade. Yeah, that's exposure. See, the devil knows that exposure is subtle programming. Yep, so we're gonna talk about how to build your own personal life in four different categories, four different areas, but we also have to talk about the fact. That's the reason why expert ownership is a little bit different, because we're not gonna shy away from these cultural issues that the devil is promoting and pushing in our well. That's why, that's why God's giving you a business.
Speaker 1:Right, think of yourself in 1942. If you lived in 1942 and you owned a business there and you're a Christian. You're not a Jew, you're a Christian and you're living in Nazi Germany. So you are 1942, you live in Nazi Germany, christian business owner and business is booming. Then you discover that the Jews aren't actually being brought to recreation facilities, they're being brought to extermination camps and they're dying. What's your responsibility to do there? Right, okay, that's what David and I are here to equip you with is today we have a Massive Holocaust going on, where Satan is trying to exterminate people. He's doing it through the raging war of ideas, right, of course. Now, jeez, since October 7th, we're realizing the Jewish Holocaust again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, harvard, penn, mit, these presidents refusing to say that the genocide of the Jews is Against school policy Are you kidding me? Yeah, well, the Penn Presidents already been fired and, of course, the pivot is well, the rich donors fired. No, she fired her dad himself because she wouldn't stand for the Against the genocide of an entire people group. Can you imagine if people would have rose up on campus and started to Talk about the like? You can kill all Ukrainians, like when Russia invaded, yeah, the Ukraine. And now you're standing up saying, yes, all Ukrainians can be killed. And you had protests on your campus. Presidents would have come out immediately and squelch that and or even some other people group. You know, heaven forbid. Yeah, they start calling genocide of any other people group. They would have absolutely been up in arms. But when it comes to the Jews, this is how you know. This is a demonic yeah, battle.
Speaker 1:Read Revelation 12. Revelation 12, verse 4 the great red dragons stood in front of the woman and Wanted to devour her child. The great red dragons, the devil, the woman is Israel and the child is the Messiah. And if you want more on that, listen, if you, if you're not listening to our Living Among Lions podcast it's actually, it's a live stream on on Facebook and some of YouTube and we make it. We turn it into a podcast as well, where we talk about the cultural issues that are taking place today. Then Pay attention to it.
Speaker 1:Living Among Lions, we talk a lot about this kind of stuff. So all of these things with exposure, we we don't want to sit here and and and not realize the negative exposure that's taking place in our culture, that we as, as faith-filled entrepreneurs not only have to make sure that our own hearts and minds Are exposed to the godly influences, but we also have to make sure that the ungodly influences are are resisted, and Especially those on the innocent children that really don't have a choice. Yeah, and it's enforced on, and, david and I, our job, given to us by God, we know it is to help launch faith-filled entrepreneurs into greater freedom and success, so that you can be warriors for the Lord. You know you can be warriors in culture, so that we can see a great move of God take place in this nation and around the world. So, if you don't like that, then you can definitely listen to another cute little podcast.
Speaker 1:We're gonna talk about leadership and nothing else. You know, we're gonna talk about the context that we're in, why God wants you to be a leader and why God wants you to crush it in business. That's what we want you to do. Okay, that's why we're talking about the law of exposure. You need to pay close attention to what you're exposed, what you're Exposing yourself to, what you're exposing your mind, your body and your soul. Okay, it's very important that you look at this. You can expose yourself to good or bad.
Speaker 1:So look at these four areas, what David just mentioned. We're gonna look at people, entertainment, education, physical environment. So look at the people. Who are you hanging around? Like seriously, think about that. Who are you hanging around? Jim Rohn Said you are the average of five people, of the five people you keep company with. Okay, you become those people. So look at who are you hanging around. What do they talk about most? When you're with those folks, what do they talk about most? There's nothing wrong with talking football. You know sports. There's nothing wrong with talking about you know what. What card did you just? Get all that stuff's fun hunting. Yeah, okay, do that. You need that. Like it's very good for you to have that type of recreation. But if that's it, if that's all you can ever talk about with those people. Find new people. Right, get some people who have growth mindsets.
Speaker 1:Yeah, my wife and I've been. You know we have several friends, just like all of you out there. You get several different friends, kind of different friend categories, almost like a bullseye, you know, you got your inner core, then you got your one level out and then you got your kind of your outer fringe, yeah, and and so anyway, lori was like this was a couple of months ago. She said I think that this couple, you know, they could potentially become almost like the inner friends. But the problem is, is the last like four dinners we've had with them? We? They never brought up spiritual things, yeah, and I was like, yeah, that's just, that's a tough one. It's not that we're just sitting there judging. We truly enjoy the company, we love it. It's great, it's awesome. But you know, we, I believe right now, in the context that we're in, we are called on a mission, all of us To advance the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Speaker 1:And how does God want to advance it? Through your business, through your marriage, through the way that you're raising your kids, through the way that you vote, through the way that you spend your money, all of these things. And. And so you want to be around people. I want to be around people that are like Motivating me and actually giving me better ideas on evangelism, better ideas on Discipleship, better ideas on how I can be a better witness and a testimony for the kingdom. But if I'm not getting that well, then that's just going to be an outer-tier, fringe friend, but it's not going to be that inner core circle, because I want that law of exposure, the, the closest five. Yeah, I want to make sure we are spiritually minded and David and I can tell you our closest five friends. We kind of have the same group of friends, maybe a little bit different, but David and I gravitate to Bible nerds.
Speaker 1:Like, if you want to talk Scripture and you, you can go deep and you can. You can tell me, like, like we can talk about the difference between Shibna and Eliakim and Isaiah 22, like I like that, like let's do that now. At the same time, you also need to Appreciate NCAA football and basketball. So if you only want to go down the Bible route but you can't hang on the sport route, then you know that. Okay, so that's great, it's different. What about music and art, though? Jason, that we're not either one of those, but I still like music.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay so, but now listen, great minds talk about ideas, mediocre minds talk about things. Small minds talk about people. You want to be around people who like to talk about ideas Can occasionally talk about things, but never talk about people. That's good. Okay, that's what you want. You want to make sure now you need to be around healthy people. Just take a look at this. How are the people that you hang around? What do they like physically? How about emotionally? Can they keep their emotions to check? What about mentally? Not just you know they have struggles, thinking things or whatever. But no, meant you like, you want good mental health. You don't want stuff jumping onto you because somebody's always anxious all the time.
Speaker 1:I always say that that you're looking for the Thunder cloud, like I people, I don't want someone to bring their thunder cloud into my life. Now, that does not. That is, that does not Remove the responsibility for us to suffer with others believers and all that when they're really struggling. I'm talking about, like the perpetual thunder cloud when they come around. What's the dude on the peanuts, on Charlie Brown? He's constantly negative. Anyway, I don't know, you're probably saying it to yourself right now. You're like David, you're an idiot, you don't know. Well, anyway, I don't have it off the top of my head, but you don't want the thunder cloud. Like, hey, don't bring your thunder cloud into my life.
Speaker 1:I hired two general contractors to do work for me over the last 10 years and Both of them constantly brought me their cloud, their emotional cloud of complaints, and finally I just was like I'm done. I will never use these guys again because I hire contractors to remove that yeah, emotional burden from me. Don't bring, don't bring me your headache. But now you're bringing me your thunder cloud and just storming all over me. I'm like, oh, I feel nasty. Anyway, all right, jason, what's the next one? Okay, well, it's not the next one, because I just want to say this about, about people you want to be around, healthy people in those categories physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
Speaker 1:And when I say physically, like David and I we're members at CrossFit and, in all honesty, we've got several friends there who haven't eaten dessert in like a decade. I'm not joking when I tell you that, like, their idea of a dessert is one dark chocolate, chocolate chip, well, no, like a grape. I remember I asked Steve the other day and I'm saying his name, pinkerton, and I hate you. I'm like he goes yeah, I cheated the other day. So what would you do? He goes well, I eat a couple of frozen grapes. I'm like frozen grapes, are you kidding me? That's a fruit, yeah, anyway, so, but what? The reason why I say that is because it does make me rethink the way that I look at dessert, because I have a friend who's actually crushing it and he's gone a decade without sugar.
Speaker 1:So whenever I'm like, oh, I can't say no to that cookie, I'm like, well, I got Steve. Can you know? I've got Marty Albright, who's six months older than me, abs like Crawling out of his skin and I'm like, if Marty can do it and he's not on some crazy substance, you know, I don't get David and I are not into that. Human growth hormone and replacement testosterone and all that nonsense. I'm not that you can't do it, but unless you need it medically, yeah, I'm not into that. To where you've got a 60 year old man that looks like he's literally a bodybuilder like to me that's laughable. But if you're completely healthy and you're not taking all that stuff and you're my age and you're crushing it physically, I need to be around you at least when we work out. Okay. So what I'm saying is pay attention to the people that you're hanging around. Okay, cuz you're gonna become like them. Okay, so that's people.
Speaker 1:Look at this area. How about entertainment? What music, movies, media Are you taking in? Pay attention to how they make you feel. And just remember, exposure is subtle, subtle, yes, programming. So I, I told my kids it's not okay to roll up in the theater and see 99% of the movies that they put out because it's subtle programming, even them, even the music that they have with the the movies, if they're. It's so catchy, it's so like I'm like, wow, that music is so catchy but it just throws subtle programming. It's anti-christ type stuff, not anti-christ like the devil of the Red Devil with horns and a pitchfork, but anti-christ. Slight deviations, deviations off the design in the image of God, for whether it's a marriage or sex, or Humanity or work or whatever, or interpersonal relationships, respect for parents and authority. They just deviate from it in a very slight way and it's a subtle programming.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you know, it's like the great epic music that's making you feel Empathetic toward the people on the screen and you're feeling, you know just all these great emotions. And you got two girls end up kissing each other. It's like they're trying to break you down. Okay, so you got to pay attention to entertainment. Listen, social media. Social media is to your brain like Mountain Dew is to your body. That's right, you're gonna get a little hit. Yeah, you're gonna feel good, but it is going to wreck you.
Speaker 1:I told my kids that you have got to understand if you, if you're standing in line at the grocery store and you got a big long line and you got a little time, and boom, your hand goes in your pocket, you pull out your phone, you start scrolling social media, you are taking a hit of Mountain Dew and so I was trying to, I'm trying to teach my kids, like you, summon your phone, your phone does not summon you. If you're standing in that grocery store line, you got 10 minutes and everything inside of you is like grab the phone, check social media, grab the phone, check social media. I say in that moment you say shut up. No, we're not doing it. Why? Because you have to be in control. And if you can't control it like I have a really hard time controlling myself around Tories Ranger cookie dough Then don't be around it like like you have got to be in control.
Speaker 1:So pay attention to the entertainment that you're taking in. If you're gonna be a faith-filled entrepreneur and you are gonna be somebody that's gonna use your business and use your influence to do great things in your community and around the world, then you got to pay attention to the people that you're hanging around. You got to pay attention to the entertainment that you're taking in. The third thing is the education that you're giving yourself and to your kids. What books, what podcasts, what sermons are you listening to? Okay, are you reading your Bible more than you're reading other books? There's nothing wrong with reading a ton of books. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you're not giving your steady even yourself, a steady dose of scripture where you're studying it, I'm not talking about reading it, don't just read the Bible, study it. It is very important what what you pour into your mind is gonna affect how you think and that's gonna affect how you feel and that's gonna affect how you behave. So, what books are you listening to or reading? What podcasts are you listening to and what sermons are you listening to?
Speaker 1:You know, jason and I, we've used the Proverbs 22.6 verse in many times when it comes to leadership. Train yourself and train up a child in the way you should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. And the Hebrew word for train up there many of you have heard us say this before, but that means to touch the palette of, or to cultivate a taste for. So the Hebrew mothers and midwives used to. They didn't have Gerber baby food, so they would chew up a celery, carrot, whatever, into a really fine morsel and then they'd take a piece of it out of their mouth and they would put it on the tip of their finger and touch their infant's palette with it and it would engage the salivary glands and create an appetite in the infant for that healthy food, because that food was going to nourish them. Well, the key was is that that mom, that midwife, would have to chew it up first themselves.
Speaker 1:And Solomon used the exact same word for train up a child in the way you should go. In other words, if you are not consuming scripture, if you are not taking it in, chewing on it, right, your salivary glands engaging and it's becoming part of you, right. If you're not getting the nutrients out of it, well then, how are you going to touch the palette of your kids with spiritual things, with faith filled things? So you have to be in the word of God. That's not some legalism. We've seen enough milk Christianity loaded with these churches and these TED Talk preachers that don't consume scripture. They invest more time in their outfits than they do the word of God. And I'm telling you what's happening Shots fired.
Speaker 1:It is Hebrews 5, 13 and 14. Listen Hebrews 5, 13 and 14. He who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he's only an infant. But solid food is for the mature who, through discipline, have their senses trained to distinguish between good and evil. You see, our kids right now are having a very hard time to distinguish between good and evil. Why? Because mom and dad are not chewing up the scripture and giving them the meat, in very small portions, that they have already chewed themselves, so that you can touch their palette with it. So be in the word of God. We're all in this fight together. Our kids aren't perfect. We're not perfect, none of us are. But get into the word of God and it's the only book you can read where the author is present with you and you consume and get into it, and then you can take small morsels out and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you can touch your children's palette with it. So if you're gonna make any New Year's resolutions I know this is a December podcast and I know I'm dating the podcast, but it's still good If you're listening to this in July, great. If you're making a New Year's resolution, make your top one to be in the word of God every single day, and not to just read it but to study it. That's the best thing that you can do.
Speaker 1:So, law of exposure what you expose yourself to dramatically affects how you think, feel and act. And we're talking about four particular areas for you to pay attention to the people you're around, the entertainment that you take in, the education you're giving yourself. And number four, the physical environment of your home and your office, your car, wherever you are. Pay attention to that physical environment. Now, here's why I say that you have tempting things around you. What's in your fridge, you know? What do you got in your cabinet? Are you trying to make some adjustments to your lifestyle? Because your physical environment listen, an entrepreneur is a youpreneur. If you are not feeling good physically, it's going to affect you in every other area.
Speaker 1:Okay, david and I we did a physical challenge for our people back when our office was really big, and we'd always do this at the beginning of the year. We'd have a debt challenge. We had a physical challenge like who can lose the most inches? Like we didn't do weight, we just did inches. So then you know, you can keep that to yourself, but let's see who loses the most inches and it really helped our people out. I can remember we had one guy in particular who lost a ton, but before that he would call in sick probably once, maybe twice a month and it was really affecting his job. And I remember watching him come to the office one day and he had gone to Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was walking in with his fried chicken in a big bottle of Mountain Dew and I remember telling him I was like no wonder you're calling in sick, like you literally are taking poison into your body and then it's costing me and I'm having to pay you as you're at home because you're not controlling what you're putting into your pie hole.
Speaker 1:Like, seriously, think about your physical environment. What is it that's around you that you need to get rid of? Okay, so I would break this into. Jason, I didn't look at your show notes, but I'm just doing this off the cuff. I'd break it into routine and reward. Ask yourself what am I eating? That's routine. That actually should become a reward, whether it's a weekly reward or a monthly reward or maybe a benchmark reward. So your routine needs to be and I like the 80, 20 rule or even the 90, 10 rule. I truly prefer it. 90, 10 is probably best, 90, 10.
Speaker 1:90% of the time you are eating spot on, you're eliminating the gluten, eliminating the flour and the sugar. Just think white flour, white sugar, gone out of your diet. Wherever there's white flour, white sugar, it's out. And if God made it, you can eat it. Just eat it in portions, like look at the size of your fist. That's about the portion you should smash in a two hour period. If you wanna eat more, wait another two hours, but anyway. But I tend to try to eat the size of Andre the Giant's fist. Yeah, totally, his fist is there. I'm gonna eat that. You're like fist is half opened, but anyway. But it just keeps things so simple that if God made it, you can eat it. Eliminate the white flour, white sugar, that's just simple. Those are just simple. And then it's the 90, 10. And then, 10% of the time, enjoy a treat.
Speaker 1:Now, this is what I love is think through how many times do you eat, whether it's at lunch or whatever, and you're eating as part of your routine, whether it's breakfast or anything, and then think about the times that you eat with friends or with family. That actually is kind of like a little more special and then you just say, okay, every time I'm eating at work, or I'm eating by myself, or I'm eating on the run, or I'm eating quickly before something, every time that is going to be dialed. The only time I'm allowing my 10% cheats is when I'm with friends or family for a special occasion. If you do that, that will already eliminate a load of excess carbs. Like you should not be getting on an airplane with a muffin in your hand. Oh gosh, don't do it. Get rid of the muffin. Yeah, you're not there to enjoy it with anybody, so don't do it. Don't do that. Okay, let me.
Speaker 1:So those are the four areas we want you to pay attention to the people you're around, the entertainment you're taking in, the education you're giving yourself and your physical environment. So now here's what I want you to do for the next week. Okay, in everything that you do your work, working out, having dinner, having dinner with your friends, exercising, whatever it is that you're doing for the next week watch your thoughts, your feelings and your actions. Okay, and then ask yourself what am I thinking right now? What am I feeling right now? How am I behaving right now? So, think of that. Think, feel, act. What am I thinking right now?
Speaker 1:You're in the middle of your exercise, like for me. I got to do aerodine bikes today, okay, and I know I did this yesterday. What am I thinking right now? And what I was thinking? I was thinking grateful thoughts. I was like Lord, thank you that I can work out like this. This is great, thank you. You know, what am I feeling? I was actually hurting I was, you know. But then the question was how am I behaving? Well, I'm pushing through this. I'm actually doing something that's difficult. So by the time I was done with that, I felt really good. I felt really good. So then you have to then ask so if you're asking what am I thinking right now, how am I feeling, how am I behaving, then ask what am I exposing myself to that's causing these thoughts, feelings and actions? So yesterday I felt really good on my drive home from my workout. Why did I feel that way? Because I just did something very difficult that I didn't want to do, but I did it and I got through it and I felt really good. So guess what? I'm going to do that again.
Speaker 1:Right, you got to pay attention to your energy levels. What is the energy that you feel when you've done that thing. So for me, I noticed at the beginning of this year that I was only checking social media about 15 minutes a day, but every single time when I would get done I felt agitated. I did, I'd feel a little agitated, I just didn't feel quite comfortable. So I cut that out completely. Now I'm literally about three to four minutes a week on social media and that's typically only when something crazy has happened in the world. And I go to X, which is Twitter, and I look at the few people I'm following and I see what they're saying about what's going on. But you got to pay attention to your energy levels. So I've noticed that my energy has shot through the roof since I got completely off social media.
Speaker 1:Now, of course, I'll do a post. If we do a podcast, I'll post it out or whatever, but I'm not engaging or anything like that, and some people would say, oh well, that's wrong. But you know what? It's more important for me to have high energy levels than it is for me to build a platform. So I'm not interested in that. I just want to be who I need to be for my wife and my kids, whether I have a big platform or a small one.
Speaker 1:So pay attention to your energy levels. Pay attention to your clarity of thought. If you're doing something and like whatever it is that you're eating, if 30 minutes after you feel foggy, like you're tired, you're lethargic, then you just ate the wrong thing. Or if you get done having lunch with somebody and at the end of it you feel like exhausted, well then you might be hanging around the wrong person, right? What did it take to get you to that point where you felt foggy or whatever?
Speaker 1:Pay attention, pay attention to healthy sensations. This is like the feeling of gratitude. You know, like I said, when I got done with that workout, my body, I felt the sensation. You know, whenever I do gratitude, prayer and I'm just spending time thanking God for everything that I can think of, I feel it in my body. I feel a sensation like a butterfly sensation in my stomach, like it feels good. What my body is doing is releasing dopamine and oxytocin when you are spending time in gratitude and you're talking with God like that. So then guess what that makes me want to do Pray more, you know, spend more time with God, because I'm paying attention to how it makes me feel Right and then pay attention to your overall feeling. Is your overall feeling? Are you at peace or are you feeling agitated? Are you feeling anxious? If you are, then pay attention. What people am I hanging out with? What entertainment am I taking in? What education am I listening to? A particular book that maybe is taking me down the wrong path? Or my physical environment? You know, should I be saying no to that cocktail? You know, like I've been taking. You know I've been drinking a cocktail, you know, just on the weekends, and it's for some reason I'm not feeling good. Like, pay attention to those things.
Speaker 1:I remember one of our franchisees, jonathan Melvin. He called me and he was like man, my business is booming but for some reason, man, I'm feeling kind of agitated and I'm feeling distant and I don't know, I just kind of feel like hard, you know. And I remember instantly I said, bro, you got to pray more. That's your body telling you I need to spend more time with the Lord, just in prayer. He goes. Okay, I'm going to do that. I was thinking maybe I should work out, maybe I should. I don't know if I needed to fix something relationally. I was like, you know, maybe for sure, but start with prayer. You need to amp up prayer because what I've discovered is, when I'm starting to feel like that, if I amp up my prayer time and I spend more time in quiet time with the Lord, it really helps me. He texts me like a week later and he's like bro, that was it, man. It was totally it. I got to spend more time with the Lord and so but John was just paying attention to how he was feeling.
Speaker 1:So the law of exposure will help you understand this that you will be dramatically affected in terms of how you think, feel and act by whatever you expose yourself to. So pay attention to the people you're hanging around, the entertainment you're taking into, education you're giving yourself and your physical environment. Pay attention to your energy levels, your clarity of thought, healthy sensations and your overall feeling, and when you do that, you're going to find yourself making some really good decisions and sometimes hard decisions to expose yourself to the things that are going to make you a better person and that expert owner that God has created you to be. Okay, I'm not going to do it on it alone today. I actually have a workout that I've got to be at in four minutes, so how about that? But now I feel really good.
Speaker 1:I did this podcast and now I've got these healthy sensations going up. Maybe I should do more podcasts. I've actually got three. We do the expert ownership podcast, our living among lines podcast and then our marriage, beauty and battle podcast once a week. So I'm podcasted out, you know, but I do love you and I hope that this was a blessing to you and I need to be paying attention to this just as much as you do. Jim Rohn says you are the average of the five people you are keeping company with, so pay attention who you're hanging out. With that law of exposure, it's a really good one for us as fate filled entrepreneurs. All right, until next time. You are a faith filled entrepreneur and you were meant for greater freedom and success. Now let's go do this dive into your Bible. We'll talk to you next week.