FOPO No More: Tips to Overcome Fear of Others' Opinions! S4E40
Discovering Your Calling - Find Fulfillment & Purpose, CliftonStrengths, Entrepreneurship, Work From Home, Career Coaching
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Discovering Your Calling - Find Fulfillment & Purpose, CliftonStrengths, Entrepreneurship, Work From Home, Career Coaching
FOPO No More: Tips to Overcome Fear of Others' Opinions! S4E40
Jan 15, 2024 Season 4 Episode 40
Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach

Do you desire the freedom to live authentically without the fear of other people's opinions holding you back? I will reveal the solution to help you break free from the grips of judgment and pursue your true calling. Imagine living without the weight of external judgment, embracing your true self, and confidently following your passion. I will guide you towards achieving that sense of liberation and empowerment.

“If you start paying less and less attention to what makes you you — your talents, beliefs, and values — and start conforming to what others may or may not think, you’ll harm your potential. You’ll start playing it safe because you’re afraid of what will happen on the other side of the critique. You’ll fear being ridiculed or rejected. When challenged, you’ll surrender your viewpoint. You won’t raise your hand when you can’t control the outcome. You won’t go for that promotion because you won’t think you’re qualified.”  Michael Gervais, The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying About What People Think of You

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Overcome the fear of judgment and live authentically.
  • Pursue your true calling and unleash your full potential.
  • Embrace your greatness and step into your true potential.
  • Free yourself from the fear of other people's opinions and live a fulfilling life.

Embracing New Paths

Sheri Miter's journey into understanding the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO) began when she and her husband realized they no longer wanted to pursue a dream adventure. The fear of what others would think about their decision plagued their minds. As Sheri delved deeper into this topic, she discovered the profound impact of FOPO on individuals, especially in their careers. The realization that many people remain in unfulfilling careers due to the fear of judgment from others struck a chord with Sheri. Her quest to understand and overcome FOPO led her to valuable insights from psychologist Michael Gervais, who highlighted the detrimental effects of this fear on human potential in his book "The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying About What People Think of You." This sparked a desire in Sher

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

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