Searching for a New Career? Watch Out for These Common Job Search Pitfalls S4E42
Discovering Your Calling - Find Fulfillment & Purpose, CliftonStrengths, Entrepreneurship, Work From Home, Career Coaching
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Discovering Your Calling - Find Fulfillment & Purpose, CliftonStrengths, Entrepreneurship, Work From Home, Career Coaching
Searching for a New Career? Watch Out for These Common Job Search Pitfalls S4E42
Jan 29, 2024 Season 4 Episode 42
Sheri Miter- Certified CliftonStrengths & Career Coach

Does it sound familiar to feel like you're not living up to your full potential in your career? You may have been told to just keep grinding away at a job that doesn't fulfill you, but the pain of feeling unfulfilled and purposeless is still there. It's time to stop settling for a career that leaves you feeling empty and start pursuing work that aligns with your true calling. You deserve to experience the joy and satisfaction that comes with a career that embraces your God-given potential.

"If God planted that very first idea and vision in your heart and mind, he gave you what you need to pursue it. You just have to be brave enough to chase after it." Sheri

In this episode you will learn to:

  • Uncover Your True Calling: Unlock the potential for a fulfilling career.
  • Understand why you aren't fulfilled in your current career.
  • Navigate Career Missteps: Avoid common pitfalls to find your true path.
  • Harness Your God-Given Talents: Leverage innate abilities for career success.
  • Attain Fulfillment and Purpose: Achieve a rewarding and purpose-driven professional life.

Finding Fulfillment in Your Career
The modern world views successful careers as ones that offer high-paying jobs along with several benefits. Yet, chasing these features can sometimes prove to be uninspiring, making it necessary to take a step back and re-evaluate what truly brings us happiness. Sheri Miter pushes back against societal norms and emphasizes the importance of finding fulfillment in a career. She has based her beliefs on personal experience and encourages listeners to find a path that excites and stretches them – not just for today, but for years to come. She advocates for having a job that allows one's God-given talents to flourish and aligns with their purpose, making an everyday mundane routine into a job they love.

Let Sheri know which of the myths you've fallen for and what is your next best step to finding or creating a career that maximizes your full potential!

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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.

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