Live Your Extraordinary Life With Michelle Rios

The Fear Factor

January 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2

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This episode of the Live Your Extraordinary Life podcast hones in on the role fear plays in our lives, in our ability to make decisions, accomplish our goals and realize our dreams. In today’s episode, behavioral health expert Melissa Tremblay addresses why as humans we are hardwired for a fear-based response to situations with unknown outcomes. Melissa bravely shows her vulnerable side and shares with listeners her own experiences with and strategies for coping with fear in her life. Together we explore concrete steps we can all take to “feel the fear and do it any way.” 

Learn More About Melissa
Melissa Tremblay is a behavioral health expert and practicing clinical social worker who for the past 25 years has specialized in trauma, anxiety, mood disorders, grief and loss working with individuals across the life span in multiple settings including community behavioral health centers, medical centers, emergency rooms, schools, and private practice. Melissa firmly believes that we all have untapped potential and gifts and sees it as her mission to Coach individuals with a trauma informed approach to help them reach their full potential. 

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