Live Your Extraordinary Life With Michelle Rios

The 7 Pillars of Abundance with Rebecca Whitman

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In this episode Rebecca Whitman, a standout figure in the world of life coaching and entrepreneurship, shares her transformative journey from corporate entertainment to empowering women globally.

Discover her unique Seven Pillars of Abundance, a framework she developed to guide women away from burnout towards balance and prosperity.  Her mission? To help women redefine success beyond mere financial achievement and embrace a well-rounded life of freedom and choice. By exploring the Seven Pillars of Abundance—spirituality, emotions, fitness, romance, mindset, social connections, and finances—Rebecca empowers listeners to step from a space of scarcity to one of flourishing fulfillment.

Rebecca also shares her insights on overcoming limiting beliefs, especially the daunting fear of being alone, by introducing her transformative four A's method. Tune in to discover how you can enrich your life with balance, beauty, and abundance.

In this episode, we explore:

• Significance of spirituality in daily practices 
• The impact of emotions on abundance and gratitude 
• Health as wealth and the importance of fitness 
• Reframing money as a playful energy rather than a stressor 
• Strategies for overcoming feelings of despair and stagnation 

Rebecca's Abundance Journal (Free):
Rebecca's Website:



Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Live your Extraordinary Life podcast. I'm your host, michelle Rios, and today we have an incredibly inspiring guest who embodies what it means to live your extraordinary life. Rebecca Whitman is on a mission to help transform women from burned out to balanced, beautiful and abundant, and I couldn't be happier to have her here on the show today. Through her groundbreaking Seven Pillars of Abundance, rebecca has guided countless women out of toxic relationships to magnetize their soulmates at any stage of their life and transition from unfulfilling jobs and careers to living with purpose and profitability, which is really important. So she's the creator of the Six Figure Side Hustle Program, a bestselling author of three books on business and mindset and the award-winning host of Balance, beautiful and Abundant podcast. She's been recognized as the number one life coach and Empowered Women of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals. Rebecca is, without a doubt, a true force of empowerment. So, without further ado, rebecca, welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Michelle. It's so great to be here. I had so much fun meeting you on that panel and we just really connected and had such a great conversation and I can't wait to have you on my podcast later in the week.

Speaker 1:

I cannot wait. So, for those of you who maybe didn't catch it, rebecca and I met a few months back. We were on a Creating Wealth Summit and there were so many synergies. We couldn't help but go okay, we need to talk, we need to know each other and we need to see where we can work together and help really spread the message, because there's just so much that we do that is in common. So we're going to start where I start, with all my guests, rebecca, and that's with a question what does it mean to you to live your extraordinary life?

Speaker 2:

To me, an extraordinary life means freedom the freedom to do what I want, when I want, where I want and with whom I want. And when I have freedom, that means I have choices and choices are power. When you feel stuck, that means you feel like you've run out of choices and I want to feel just free and expansive and like I have choices and that makes my life feel extraordinary. Just deciding on a whim if I want to like pick up and take a vacation and work from my phone, that kind of freedom and flexibility is everything. I call it financial flexibility, not financial freedom, because it is freedom, but it's also just flexibility and in this high-tech era it's so easy just to just pick up and do business from your phone. So that's what an extraordinary life is adventure and freedom and expansion.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I love it. Okay. So I want to go back a little bit and have you tell us a bit of the backstory on how you became an entrepreneur, because this wasn't always the case, but you have been doing it, and doing it in a way that I think really serves as a new model, kind of, I think, opposite of a lot of the hustle and grind culture that we hope is starting to move away from. We all know we have to work hard and we need to be disciplined and dedicated to not only our business but our spiritual lives, our health, all of the things and we're going to get back into the seven pillars of abundance in a minute but could you tell us a little bit about your journey? How did you even get to this point where we're talking about financial flexibility and freedom?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I graduated from Princeton University. I wanted to work in the entertainment industry as a corporate. On the corporate side, they told me, well, you're going to have to work for free as an intern. And I was like what I signed up for, like making a ton of money. That's why I went to an Ivy league school. So I said I'm just going to be an actress, they're going to make all the money. So I started taking acting classes. I answered an ad in New York city about becoming a millionaire in five years doing network marketing. I bought it hook line and sinker. So I was on.

Speaker 2:

For the next five and a half years I lived in about 20 cities, opening offices all over the Midwest and the Eastern United States for this network marketing company. We used to work in offices and I learned a lot about direct sales, management, leadership, all the things. And I ended up in a very toxic relationship with somebody who was selling cars. So we sold cars together in Jacksonville, florida and then we ended up. And then we ended up. It was, there was a humongous fight and I was able to find an internet startup company and the internet startup company paid me very well. It went out of business. But I had a huge amount in my checking account for my age I think I had like 40 grand in checking and I was like if I don't move, if I don't move to LA and pursue acting, I never will.

Speaker 2:

So I moved to LA to pursue acting. I had small parts on big shows like Friends, csi and 24. I never did catch that big break and while I was auditioning I started working at children's acting schools, which I really loved because I don't have kids and I had a very flexible schedule while the kids were at school. That's when I started studying the law of attraction with brilliant thought leaders like Michael Beckwith, esther Hicks, wayne Dyer, louise Hay, marian Williamson. I started applying it to my financial life. Before I knew it, I was making six figures working part-time. Then I tried to apply it to my love life, but not so successfully. I was in the habit of going for emotionally unavailable, narcissistic men and trying to change them. What a fun hobby. So I decided to marry one.

Speaker 1:

Like so many women Like so many women.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and it was exhausting and I decided to marry one. He it got worse more fighting, more toxicity. So I filed for divorce and it just so happened that, as my marriage was slowly and painfully unraveling, my dad was slowly and painfully dying back in Ohio, where I'm from. And in my last conversation with my dad he said I think you should write a book. And I had no idea what to write about.

Speaker 2:

A few months later, my dad had passed away and my marriage had been dissolved and I was sitting across the desk from my financial planner and he said Rebecca, even though you had your hardest year ever financially, you are emotionally, you are financially, a self-made millionaire this year and I think you should write a book and empower people to do what you did. So I wrote a book called how to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time, and in the book I divide life into seven key areas, which I call my seven pillars of abundance, and when you have these seven areas of your life aligned, you can be, do or have anything you want. And that is the story of how I got to be doing what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's a perfect segue. We got to get into the seven pillars. All right, Rebecca, let's talk about what are the seven pillars of abundance and talk to us a little bit about why you think it's essential that all of these areas I think of this kind of like the life wheel. Do you remember the life wheel? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's Tony Robbins right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is really the essentials of like what you're filling out and how you're focusing on these different aspects of your life. Let's talk about first what they are and why these in particular.

Speaker 2:

So I went to a sales training when I was in my 20s, doing the network marketing company that I was in, and they talked about goal setting in six key areas. And I added an area romantic because, like I said before, I was romantically challenged. Then, in studying the law of attraction, I learned the power of affirmations. So I came up with a signature method of how to create affirmations and all seven pillars of abundance, and that is how they came to be and they're in order of importance. So the first one is spirituality. It's all about connecting with the divine in the morning, having a morning practice which includes prayer, meditation.

Speaker 2:

I'm all about journaling. I have an incredible journal practice that I have not missed a day for 35 years. I met this woman when I was a teenager, in a 12-step group, and she gave me this amazing journal framework that I've been doing. That has completely changed my thinking from negative to positive and helped me just learn from my wins, learn from my failures, learn from other people on their journey. So I'm actually, with your permission, would love to give that journal to your guests, to your listeners, as a just Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's make sure we talk about it, but also I'll link to it in the show notes. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

So spirituality comes first. The second is emotions. All emotions come from scarcity or abundance. We think there's not enough of whatever we want not enough time, not enough energy, not enough money, not enough love, not enough clients, not enough likes or comments on our social or abundance. I have plenty of time, I have plenty of money, I have plenty of energy, I have plenty of clients, plenty of love, plenty of visibility. So it's all about switching from scarcity to abundance and the fastest way to do that is through a gratitude practice.

Speaker 2:

The next pillar of abundance is fitness, and fitness is so important because health is wealth. I mean, I know, when we had our conversation, michelle, we talked a lot about your burning out and your health, you know, was at risk. Even though you were like crushing your burning out and your health was at risk. Even though you were crushing your goals financially, your health was at risk. So if you don't have your health, you don't have anything, because health is wealth. If you have your health, you have every financial opportunity in the world, every romantic opportunity available to you. But if you're in a bed and you're sick, obviously all your choices, all your freedom, all your expansion that I talked about, living an extraordinary life that all goes away. So health is everything. So I believe in body before business and schedule your meetings and your day around your workouts.

Speaker 2:

The next pillar is romance, and I believe you attract who you are, not who you want. So that's why it's so important to do the other things first, to be spiritually high vibe, to switch your emotional life from scarcity to abundance. To feel strong, sexy and confident in your body so that you attract someone that is a match for the healthier version of you. I've helped a lot of women exit toxic relationships and I tell people if it doesn't lift you up and support you and serve you, then walk away. There's no such thing as a neutral relationship or a neutral energy. Someone's either supporting you and building you up or they're detracting from you.

Speaker 2:

The next pillar of abundance after romance is mindset, and that's what you guys are doing right now, listening to Michelle's amazing Extraordinary Life podcast. You're working on your mindset. So mindset means learning something, whether it's a podcast, an audible, learning a recipe, taking a class, learning a sport, even crossword puzzles. Anything that grows your mind After mindset is social, and I feel that after COVID hit, so many people lost that aspect and that desire. People got so isolated and that's why there's been an epidemic of depression, drug addiction, suicide. People are just at home hiding behind their technology. I encourage my clients to join networking groups, go back to live events. Facebook groups are great too, but if you can find a way to go to in-person events, there's so much magic that happens in community.

Speaker 2:

And finally, the seventh pillar is financial. And when most people think, well, you're an abundance mentor, they think you're a financial coach, but to me, abundance. Think you're a financial coach, but to me, abundance is all these areas of life. When you have your spiritual life, you're physically fit, you're in love with your soulmate, you have friends, you are going to attract more money with ease and grace. Money is important. Like you said, I don't tell people just to sit home and like pray and meditate. It's all about being very deliberate with your time management and your schedule. I believe that people should have at least three streams of income and not quit their job to start their side hustle. So those are some of my financial philosophies.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yeah, you know my financial philosophies. I love that. Yeah, you know, you and I were on this panel and we talked a lot about the energy behind money and frequency, and that's such an important piece for me because, you know, as you mentioned, I was making a very generous salary and was traveling the world, had the large teams, had the status, but I was also incredibly drained and it was taking a huge toll on my family life. I've been married for 20 years but we always talk about the fact that I was sleepwalking through a large part of that because I was burned out and you just can't show up as your best self when you're in that mode.

Speaker 1:

So for me, this idea of getting to this totality of wealth a true wealth, a holistic view on wealth is so important and it's really sort of the centerpiece of the book I'm writing and really going to the grid of it. We got to let go of some of these old school thinking and beliefs around what it means to have made it or be successful, and out of this place of like validating our existence by hustling and working harder and waiting for the next thing that we can check off our list to say we've done it Look what I've done. I'm somehow validated in this and get to a place where we are really grounded in the things that matter. So thank you so much for sharing that. I think it's so important.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned affirmations, and I know there are a lot of people. I start like you. I start every day with my own journaling, and I'm a big believer that if anything is going to happen, I need to actually not only say it out loud but write it down, because if I don't write it down and if I don't kind of bring it to be in that space, it's in the abstract and it's much harder to bring about, it's much harder to manifest and I don't have the mechanics.

Speaker 1:

Usually a lot of my I always say my brain stream of thinking around journaling is just a lot of. It is brainstorming sometimes of like new ideas and new pathways and you don't even know you're doing it and you're like, oh wait, that's the thing that I need to go do next. But I get a lot of folks at times questioning do affirmations really work? I say them, I say them, I talk a lot about embodiment around it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on affirmations and maybe how you've evolved your affirmation practice, how it's changed over time. Can you share a little bit more about what you do and how you approach it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I understand affirmations don't work if you truly don't believe that it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

So let's say that you have a limiting belief around your love life, right, and you really think that you're going to be alone which is one from my book how to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time.

Speaker 2:

I am magically and passionately in love with my soulmate.

Speaker 2:

So if you don't believe that's going to happen, you can say I am magically and passionately in love with my soulmate a million times a day. But if you don't believe it's going to happen, it's not going to happen. It can't erase your subconscious programming. So that's why it's so important, before you do affirmations, to look at your limiting beliefs and to really examine them. So the limiting belief that we're discussing here is I just I miss the boat. You know all the good guys are already taken right, I'm going to end up alone. That's the limiting belief. So it's good to really dismantle that and be like well, what if you did end up alone? And would it be the worst life ever? And you know, are you going to die Like? Just really like dismantle it, because we have these limiting beliefs that we think are like catastrophic, but they're not. And for me before I met my soulmate catastrophic, but they're not. And for me, before I met my soulmate, I made peace. I was just like you know. I surrendered it. I'm like God. If I'm supposed to be alone, I just want to be around positive, cool, high vibe, loving people I don't care if they're men, women, dogs, friends, like whatever. Like I had to surrender it and a really deep level and that's what I think helped bring in my soulmate.

Speaker 2:

So I teach the four A's of transformation. So the first A is to just accept where you are, like okay, I'm believing that all the good guys are already taken, and just accept it and not be like well, I listened to Michelle's podcast and it's all about living an extraordinary life. I shouldn't be thinking so negatively, like no, don't, don't should on yourself. Just accept that you have a limiting belief around this topic. So the second, the second A is uh, okay, well, the wait. The first day is awareness. I have a limiting belief.

Speaker 2:

The second A is acceptance not to judge yourself. The third A is action. Second A is acceptance not to judge yourself. The third A is action. What action can I take to that is the opposite. So can I go on one internet date a week. If that's too much, can I go on one internet date a month, okay? And then the fourth A is affirmation. And then it's a general affirmation, maybe it's not. I'm magically and passionately in love with my soulmate. Maybe a more general one is you know, I am enjoying meeting new people for coffee. Like just general, and then, as you get more confident, I'm going on these internet dates once a month. I'm actually enjoying meeting for coffee. Then you could go more and more specific. But yeah, if you feel like it's not working for you, I would do those things. Look at your limiting beliefs and then accept yourself and then be more specific I mean more general about what you want, until you start to have some ease and some positivity around that area where you feel stuck.

Speaker 1:

I love that. There's something very magical. I know some people can kind of go there more easily and I suspect, rebecca, you're one of them this idea of being able to suspend disbelief. I'm the person you want to take to the movies. Even if I've seen it seven times, I'm deeply in for whatever's happening, I can suspend disbelief that this is just a movie. I feel all the things, and that helps with affirmations, no matter where I am on any particular day. If I am, nope, I'm going to sit with this and just kind of let my mind wander and really dream what it is I want to experience around this and then work my affirmations around that I'm in a place of I'll suspend all disbelief, despite the fact that seven different ways it didn't work. Well, there's got to be an eighth or a ninth, so I'm the rider of the tide.

Speaker 2:

For that You're amazing, because a lot of people that have your education and finance and government policy do not think so whimsically and optimistically and hopefully, about affirmation. So that's amazing that you have that. Affirmations will work a lot faster for you then, because you believe that they can actually work and that's part of it.

Speaker 1:

I think that that's Gabor Mate. You know his work, you've heard his work. He was on a video that I saw recently and it's worth talking about because he's obviously incredibly educated. He went to medical school and he talks about the Winnie the Pooh story Christopher Robin, winnie Pooh At one point, christopher Robbins grows up and says I can't come play anymore and he goes oh, that just moved me to tears and the guy he's being interviewed by he's like well, tell me more about that.

Speaker 1:

He's like because I realized I had worked so hard validating my existence by going to school and studying and working and getting the right residency and all this that I lost my playfulness. I was like Christopher Robbins all grown up and yet I let that ship sail. So I had a very similar experience. So I had this great connection with him because I was like oh my God, that's the story of my life. I had to grow up fast. I let go of this being whimsical as a kid because I had to get super serious and work hard and get into the right schools and do the right things.

Speaker 1:

But here's the great thing, and I think you know this this is what the things you teach, it doesn't matter when you have your awakening and you have probably more than one I'm here at midlife going, oh, this is the most magical time because I was able to go. Nope, this is time for more play. So I have a 17-year-old, almost 18-year-old, who often says I don't know anybody your age who acts more like a kid, and to me, biggest compliment you can give me, because I had lost all of that as a young person, as a young adult, as an adolescent, as a 20 something, even as a 30 something, starting a family and starting to get really serious about doing all the things and building the life. It took getting into my forties and now into my fifties really say, oh, no, no, no. This is a playground, this is the place where we get to play. Go, have more fun. It's a much quicker way than pushing your way up and pushing the boulder up the hill of a career for 30 years which been there and done that.

Speaker 2:

You know I think of that's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. I think of life as a vacation. You know, when you take a vacation, you know it has a beginning, a middle and an end, and that's kind of like a soul taking on a body. It's got a beginning, a middle and an end. We know we're all going to die, but we always forget that. But why not have the most fun and the most passion and the most playfulness and excitement and just good energy while we're here, because it's going to end anyway? So why waste our time and fear, doubt and worry when we know that it's all going to end? Like just exactly the older, the older I get, the younger I get in my spirit and I think that's one of my. I know we're doing this podcast interview on January 6th, but I want to have more playfulness this year than I had last year, because when I take myself too seriously and it stops being fun, then what's the point?

Speaker 1:

I think that that's such an important piece of it. We get so serious about life and forget the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that the goal isn't to become the most successful accumulated wealth human that ever existed and then, at the end of the day, you get like an award on your way of checking out of this life. It's to use up this life, to give out the gifts, to live it fully, and it's almost like everyone missed the memo right, which is why the work you do is so important. Hey, we should just have humans born and be like here you go. Just remember, you're a spiritual being on a human experience, so don't get too tied to this life. Have some fun with it. Make sure you're giving away your gifts. That's why you're actually here. Go have more fun. I love that.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about spirituality, because I do think it's such an important piece of this entire. I don't call it puzzle, but I do often refer to life, an important piece of this entire. I don't want to call it puzzle, but I do often refer to life as a chessboard. When you start to have the awakening, you go from playing checkers to playing chess. So talk to me a little bit about how you look at spirituality and perhaps some of the things you do to connect with the divine source of all things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I am in a constant conversation, all connect with the divine, source of all things. Yeah, I am in a constant conversation, all day with the divine and I am just listening for insights, downloads, aha moments. I'm a total student and seeker and I think my spirituality is all from humility because when I think I already know and I'm not open for any like guidance or signs or directions from anyone, then that's where my growth stops. So, having a mindset of a seeker and a student and learning every day, every day is an opportunity to learn and grow and I can learn from everyone, like everybody's a teacher, whether it's overhearing a conversation in the checkout line at the grocery store or listening to a line from a song, or I can learn so much just from my dog because my dog is so much in the moment and playful and like doesn't worry about anything. I just am a total student and I that's. So having a humble attitude is important and then also just being grateful. Happiness is not getting what I want, but wanting what I have. So just having my problems and perspective, and I was like for a long time in a negative loop around my love life, and it was when Facebook Messenger first came out and remember what you could message back and forth. For some reason I connected with a monk, like in the Himalayas, like I don't know how we became Facebook friends, but literally he was like heaven sent and I was messaging him about how upset I was about another bad date or being single, or how tough it was dating in LA, whatever my gripe was. And he's like why don't you compare yourself instead of to the people that are having what you want? Why don't you compare yourself to the billions of people who don't even have what you have? Like there's so many people who have so much less than you. So I think another part of my spirituality is not to compare myself, because I call it compare and despair-ism. There's always somebody that has more and if I compare myself to them, then I will feel bad about myself. So if I'm going to compare myself to myself, like where was I six months ago or a year ago or 10 years ago on my journey, or who was I before I started my spiritual transformation and being more empathetic, so I think that is another thing.

Speaker 2:

And then another part of my spirituality is being in the present moment. So happiness is being here now and when I'm thinking about the past, I'm usually in regret or self-recrimination. I you know what I could have should have. Why didn't I do that, why didn't I do this? Like beating myself up. I'm a recovering perfectionist, so when I'm in the past, I'm usually just thinking how I could have done it better.

Speaker 2:

When I'm in the future, it's like oh my God, what's going to happen? How's it all going to turn out? How am I going to pay for this? How am I going to pay for that? What's going to happen over there? What's going to happen over there? It's just like anxiety.

Speaker 2:

And then, when I just take a deep mindful breath and I feel my five senses so what am I? Tasting, touching, feeling, smelling, seeing, hearing brings me to the moment. And then, if I can't ground myself in the moment, even by touching your fingers on each other, that's grounding, because you're feeling, you're in your senses, looking around, looking at something not made by human hands. I mean, we're just we're looking at your beautiful snowfall out your window, so I'm looking at a squirrel play on a tree. So looking at something not made by human hands. And then, if that's still too overwhelming, just doing the next right thing, like what is the next right action to get me to my goals, to get me to my peace of mind, to get me to feeling okay in my body. So just taking the next step, the next step and the next step, instead of getting so far into the future that I get overwhelmed like what is my next right action All?

Speaker 1:

right. I want to just delve in a little bit to where sometimes it happens. People just get in that stuck mode and they start to go through that despair loop of like ugh, things are just hard right now and I don't see the way out. I don't know what to do next. How do you help yourself get out of that mode? Obviously, grounding and coming back to the present moment's got to be a really important one.

Speaker 1:

But when that mind is taking over and that voice inside your head is going 90 miles a minute of all the reasons why X isn't going to work or Y isn't going to come to be or this should have happened, and you're there for a while, how do you snap back out? Because I know that I have a lot of folks that are listening, that are dealing with some big stuff we all do right. It all comes everyone's like. How come you're always talking about living your extraordinary life? It isn't absent of problems or challenges. It's how I react to those problems and challenges. So I want to hear more about how you pull yourself out of those spaces. How do you help your clients that you coach get out of that space, because it's just so easy? I've seen a lot of people dealing with loneliness over the holidays, financial burdens, illnesses that are not only theirs but their loved ones, and they're just like oh, it just feels heavy. We're starting the new year heavy. What do I do?

Speaker 2:

What really works for me is having the morning practice that I mentioned writing in the God Journal. One of the journal prompts is you know, how is the worst thing that is happening actually the best thing? Because that just flips it over, because I don't know, like the big perspective. I'm sure we can all think of periods in our life where we were going through a lot of emotional or physical pain and we grew tremendously and we learned lessons that we could not have learned any other way. And we grow through what we go through, and just having that practice of thinking how is the worst thing in my perspective actually the best thing that flips, that's a great way to flip it.

Speaker 2:

Exercise, you know, move a muscle, change a thought. Just exercise changes your biochemistry so much with the endorphins, the serotonin, the dopamine. That is something that really helps. And then the third thing is just being of service, like volunteering at a local homeless shelter or, you know, like a dog shelter or volunteering to do something, going to a prison, whatever it is, seeing people that are so less fortunate than you, and being of service or just listening to people Like I, you know, have a lot of clients and I have a lot of people that I mentor and I just don't even talk about myself. They're like oh wait, I haven't even heard anything about you because I'm listening to them and their problems and that gets my mind off my own problems. So asking questions of people really listening and being present with other people is huge, because so many people when we listen we're in our own head or we're checking our phone or we're not even really like active listening.

Speaker 2:

But really listening to someone gets the focus off yourself and then it's just deepening your faith, like knowing that and again, these are affirmations that I love All things are working together for my highest good, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, things are working out better than I can imagine. These are some affirmations that really get me through some dark times and affirming that you know, things are working out for my highest good, whether I can see it or not, all things are working together for my highest good and just deepening that faith muscle. And you know, fear and faith are both the same exact thing. Fear is just thinking that the outcome is going to be negative and faith is just thinking that the outcome of the same exact thing is going to be positive. So if we can choose fear or faith. Why not choose faith? Both things are not in reality, they're in the future.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's absolutely right.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Thank you so much. That's beautiful, it's really beautiful. All right, let's talk money. Let's talk creating wealth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's talk about the fact that, look, it's a resource we all need and this idea of abundance is something that a lot of people, I think, struggle with.

Speaker 1:

And for us to be able to be in this space and realize, oh, this is a bit of a game, and recognizing, the more you understand how to play the game, the more you can get your mindset in the right place, the more you open yourself up to these different opportunities. Because I think, like you, I don't think you can sit on the sofa and just be thinking great thoughts and the money's going to come pouring in We'd all be doing that but rather it's about having your mindset in the right place, that, when opportunities present themselves, or you pull them in, you're able to act on it because you see it as an opportunity, not as, oh well, that's wishful thinking, or that can never work, or what have you. So let's talk a little bit about how you coach people into this abundant space. I want to hear more about the six-figure side hustle and how it's transformed not only your life but the lives of the people that you coach.

Speaker 2:

Sure. So, yes, money is a game and when you think of what is money, it's like paper and metal and we assign value to it and we've all agreed that this much paper and metal has this much value. But it is a game and it is energy and you don't want to have a negative relationship with money. You want to think of it as your best friend or your lover or someone that you just connect with and can play with and have fun with, because that's just going to draw it in more. I mean, if you thought you know the opposite sex was your enemy and that they're always going to be just rude and terrible to you, then you wouldn't draw in a new lover. So if you want to draw in more money, you want to just be like open to it and excited about it. And the reason why I teach people not to quit their job is because this whole thing that we've been talking about during this whole interview, there's a male and a female paradigm. So the male paradigm of wealth creation is hustle and grind. Just push yourself to exhaustion, work 80 to 100 hours a week and work, work, work, work, work until you can, you know, barely walk, and then you know however much money you have at the end of that push is what your money is. I teach women to be magnetic and to draw people in and, instead of having an attitude of desperation, have an attitude of contribution. How can you help people? And when you're feeling drained and burned out and exhausted, you're like barely able to survive. You're not thinking about contribution, You're just like how can I get to the end of the day without like passing out on my desk? So it's important, as women, that we fill ourself up first, to fill our energy up, our joy up, our passion up, so that we have something to contribute. So I teach women to find their passion. What is there? And I have actually a free guide on my website, rebeccaelizabethwittmancom. Find your meaningful and magnetic purpose. Like what is your life purpose? What do you love talking about? What could you talk about for a half an hour right now, with no notes? What are you always talking to your girlfriends about? What are people coming to you and asking you for advice about? These are some clues as to what you could have as a side hustle.

Speaker 2:

But I teach women don't quit your job. A lot of male business coaches say quit your job, max out your credit cards, sign up for my high ticket coaching program. I'm going to teach you how to be a millionaire in like five minutes. And then the women are like I don't have a job, I don't have insurance, I'm not able to put food on the table for my kids. I have all this pressure to become a millionaire in like five minutes by taking all these video modules and doing all these Zooms and it's like women are like freaking out and then they say, oh, being an entrepreneur doesn't work, or network marketing doesn't work, or being a franchise owner doesn't work, or whatever it is that they try, because they did it in fight or flight mode. Anything you do in fight or flight mode as a woman is not going to feel good. It's going to create cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

Speaker 2:

So I teach women keep your job, have it, pay your bills, have it, you know. Give you health insurance to provide for your family. Let's find a passion. It's one of my coaching programs and I teach them how to take their passion and turn it into a profitable business. That's fun and when you're having fun it gets it done. You are going to attract business and consumers and collaborations and all the things and eventually you can either keep your job and have an income stream or you can quit your job and just do your side hustle and make that your main profession. But, like I said at the beginning of this interview, I think people should have three to five streams of income.

Speaker 1:

I love that, and fun is flow. So having fun in business it doesn't mean every day is a walk in the park. There are systems to be set up and there are mundane tasks that need to still get done. But when you can look at this as I think it's intended to be, which is it's a game, and look at it that way, how can you play the game better, how can you expand your knowledge of the game? It really does become a state of flow. And I think that's where women, trying to do it the way men do it, they get it wrong. Right, trying to do it the way men do it, they get it wrong.

Speaker 1:

And I say that from a place of deep experience, having now been in a place where I honestly did not understand how it was going to work in this entrepreneurial space. I did take the leap out of my corporate job, so it was a little bit of a sink or swim moment for me, and then I had to step back and go oh, wait, a minute, this is a game, let's play the game, let's have fun playing the game. Then the money just started showing up. It was incredible, but I had to change my mindset. I was going at it with the same old beliefs that I had in corporate and it oh was not working. It was actually killing me, so that sort of defeated the whole purpose. So I love that let's talk a little bit about what you have going on in 2025, rebecca.

Speaker 2:

I have a couple really fun events coming up this month. In January If you're hearing this podcast now I have a seven week program called Elegant Warrior Training, where we take seven weeks and each week we do a deep dive into a pillar of abundance and I give you activations, tips, tools and strategies to take that area of abundance to a level 10. And it's something that sets your whole year up for success and giving you a lot of momentum coming out of January into February. So that's one thing I'm offering this year. Another thing I'm offering is I'm doing luxury wellness masterminds at beautiful locations. I love that. I know you should come with me.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to Playa del Carmen, mexico. No, you should come with me. I'm going to Playa del Carmen, mexico, to a beautiful resort called Palmia, and that's going to be January 23rd through 26th and we're going to be doing very deep work, getting our vision boards and our power words and our power playlist and just releasing things that no longer serve us, that we don't want to bring into the new year, and just setting up our 21 customized affirmations for the new year. I help them get three affirmations on each of the seven pillars, all while doing yoga, sound bath, having like world-class vegan cuisine, beach walks. It's going to be an amazing luxury, mindset mastermind. So that's happening in January.

Speaker 1:

And you're meeting other people that are going on this journey at the same time, and I think there's something very powerful about connecting with other women that are in this stage of being on a journey and they become like a new family for you. So if you have the opportunity to do something like this, it's been life transforming for me and fortunately, that week I'll be in Vail skiing, so I won't be able to join you. Opposite type of vacation, but man sign me up for the next one for sure, yay.

Speaker 2:

Well, the next one's going to be in October, so make sure, if you're listening, that you subscribe to my mailing list and follow me on social, because I'll have another one in October. And I love having a mindset mastermind in October, because that's kind of the last quarter of the year where a lot of people start to really take the foot off the gas and I teach you how to have momentum going into the fourth quarter so you can start your year off on a high note.

Speaker 1:

I love that. All right, rebecca, just repeat one more time. Where can people find you? Tell us a little bit about your IG address, as well as your website.

Speaker 2:

My IG is at Rebecca E Whitman and you can also find me at Rebecca E Whitman on Twitter, now known as X and Clubhouse, and LinkedIn is Rebecca Whitman. Facebook is Rebecca Whitman, my website is RebeccaElizabethWhitman with a Zcom, and then I also have all my offerings, my podcast, all the things that I'm doing on a link in bio called pillario, which I'll definitely give you, michelle, michelle, to put in the show notes so you can find everything on pillario.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful and Rebecca mentioned. You have an offer for the audience. You want to remind them what it is and they can make sure they go into the show notes to look for it.

Speaker 2:

Yay. So I have this incredible abundance journal. I have just been transformed by it and gotten through the highs and the lows of life because of this practice. I'm so I believe so strongly in these journal prompts that I will tell you this much If you do this every day for 10 days, I expect you to have a shift or a miracle in your life, and I am standing behind this journal as the most powerful tool for transformation and I'm so excited to share with you. So Michelle will have it in the show notes and it's also going to be on my pillar link. But it is called the abundance journal and it is my gift to you, and don't sleep on it. It will change your life.

Speaker 1:

I love it. It feels like we're gonna. I think what we'll end up doing. It's not only linking to that, but Rebecca and I will do some social media together and we'll talk about it there. Maybe what we can do is we get a group of people actually going on it. We can get Rebecca to come back and can hear some of the shifts that people are having.

Speaker 2:

I and can hear some of the shifts that people are having. I would love that. I would love to hear the shifts, and you can also DM me any questions that you have about this interview or share any experiences you have after writing in the journal Like. Feel free to DM me. I answer all my DMs on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Well, rebecca, thank you so much for sharing yourself, your journey, your expertise, your insights and your time with us today. It's been an absolute pleasure.

Speaker 2:

It has been such a joy. Thank you for having me on your show and I can't wait to have you on my show in a couple of days. The Balanced, beautiful and Abundant show. So part two coming right up.

Speaker 1:

All right, everyone. Until next time, go and live your extraordinary life.

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