The Restored Mind

Family and Christmas

December 13, 2023 Caroline Thao
Family and Christmas
The Restored Mind
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The Restored Mind
Family and Christmas
Dec 13, 2023
Caroline Thao

Hello and welcome! In this episode we are continuing with our mini series "...and Christmas." Today we are talking about Family and Christmas. Sometimes our earthly family can feel like like it's not so "normal" but what is normal anyway? We are diving into scripture and taking a look at how Jesus's birth brought us adoption into God's family. 

Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Show Notes Transcript

Hello and welcome! In this episode we are continuing with our mini series "...and Christmas." Today we are talking about Family and Christmas. Sometimes our earthly family can feel like like it's not so "normal" but what is normal anyway? We are diving into scripture and taking a look at how Jesus's birth brought us adoption into God's family. 

Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Hey friend, welcome to the Restore Mind podcast, where we are going to be talking about various life topics surrounding mindset transformation. Imagine what it will look like to have peace in your life, despite what the world is telling you. Hi, my name is Caroline, a wife, mom of three, and makeup turned fitness enthusiast. I am here to help you build a strong mindset that will propel you forward into a life of peace and joy. Philippians 4. 13 says, I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Well, my friend, there is freedom waiting for you. So if you are ready to build a 2. 0 version of yourself, then this podcast is for you. So grab your water, or whatever you like to drink, throw on your walking shoes, and let's get going because it's always 4. 13. Hello and welcome to the restored mind podcast. Hello, my friend. How are you doing today? I cannot believe that when this episode airs there are going to be 12 days left. Until Christmas, but who's counting. I am so excited that you're here today. If you are a returning listener, thank you so much for making the time and choosing to be with me every week. When a new episode launches. You guys have no idea how thankful I am that you take time out of your precious day. To spend some time with me. So thank you. I'm saying that a lot, because I truly do mean it from the bottom of my heart. If you are a new listener. Welcome aboard the restored mind family. I am super excited that you are here and I don't know how you got here. Maybe someone shared the podcast with you, or maybe you clicked on a link and somehow ended up where you're at today. But regardless, I'm just thankful that you're here. My hope is that today's episode inspires you. It encourages you to continue to seek God's light into your life. Today, we're going to be talking about family and Christmas, which is the perfect timing because usually around this time of year, We are traveling to spend time with family. We're making new memories with them. So it kind of fits the topic for today, but I also understand. That family dynamics look different for everyone. Maybe you come from a blended family or you have friends that feel more like family than your own family. Maybe you're reconnecting with siblings or parents, grandparents, or even your own kids or spouse. Family looks different for everyone because every situation is different and life takes us on a rollercoaster ride but can I ask you a question? If you could dream up of the perfect family, what would come to mind? Would you say that the family you have now is perfect and you wouldn't change anything? What would you doctor up your version of what a perfect family would look like? Because see for me, I used to think the hallmark families were the epitome of the perfect family and yes, there were struggles. But in those struggles, in the timespan any way of an hour in 30 minutes or so these problems were resolved and then there is an overwhelming amount of love and forgiveness that washes over the family. And it seems like almost immediately. There's reconciliation. There are happy endings and the holiday cheer that gives a warm, fuzzy feeling. And it's all done with ease. At least it looks like it does. But the truth is. Are we Allie, isn't always like the hallmark movies. In fact, most of the time, it's not like that. Family's argue, we hurt one another through our words and actions and sometimes families can break up. And there are a lot of damages done and a lot of people that are hurt within this season. But sometimes we might think that. It's impossible for us to repair the brokenness that's been created within our own family dynamics. But what if we could. Where were the hope be in that? Seeing our flesh, we can try our hardest. And feel like we come up short every time we get hope in our mind and in our hearts that things will always work out or that healing would eventually come, but we feel like we're waiting on absolutely nothing. Because nothing has happened. So what do we do? Well, my friend, I am a firm believer that we fight these battles in prayer. I know you might be thinking, what is prayer going to do? My friend prayer does a lot. Now we may not be able to physically help, but we can pray and let God work in us and through us or the brokenness within our family. Jesus tells us that all things are possible for the one who believes. So my friend. Believe in the Lord. to bring healing. And restoration now notice, I didn't say believe in yourself or the one who's told you that they're going to try and help you put your family back together. But believe in the Lord. Here at the restorative mind, we recognize that acknowledge that we live in the world. We're going to experience heartbreaks and anguish and all the, not so good feelings, but we're also going to experience all the wonderful feelings of life. Regardless though, our perspectives, our faith driven. We are looking at things from a faith lens. So our hope is in Jesus. The world might tell you. And when I say the world, I really mean the lies that are being spoken and whispered in your ear, maybe through your sphere of influence or. Your thoughts that you're having, that could be intrusive. I believe these are lies that Satan tells us, but you might go something like this. Forget about them. They don't understand you. This is their fault, their mess. They can clean it up. Or they don't deserve your love. And forgiveness. And maybe all of this has got you thinking. That you don't need them. That you can do life all by yourself. But again, these are lies being sold to you by Satan, who is trying to divide. What God loves and that's relationships. It's family. It's love. That's been rooted. In his love. Galatians four seven is a beautiful reminder because it says, but when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son. Born of woman born under the law to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts, crying Abba. Father. So you are no longer a slave, but a son. And if I son then an heir through God. By the birth of Jesus and what he carried out on the cross, we have been adopted into God's family where perfect love and forgiveness does exist. We do not have to rely on our flesh to feed us. They kind of perfect love and healing that we need or have been searching for. So your flesh will want to go against what the spirit is willing to do to receive what. Heals your ailment. So while you cannot control what a specific family member has done or will do, you can continue to seek guts face. And all of the circumstances and let him. He'll you through that? Or maybe frankly speaking, you are acknowledging that you were the one who probably calls the dividing, the family. And now you think that you can't fix what's happened or you're feeling guilty and embarrassed. Maybe you're shamed or maybe you think that you can't be forgiven for what you have done? Maybe you're wanting to take. The fault for all of this so that everyone can feel better and things can just go back to the way that they were. But my friend. Even in this kind of situation, whatever it is for you. The Lord has already forgiven you and is working to repair. What has been broken. Now I would encourage you to continue in prayer as the Lord works in this situation and trust that he will restore according to his will. The hope is in Jesus, because he has already carried out in perfect obedience to God on the cross. What we could never do because of our own selfishness and rebellious tendencies. So let us hope and believe in what God can do to restore our family. Now, this is going to take patients, continue with prayer. And even work on your part. It's going to look different for many of us, because God speaks to us very uniquely because he knows who we are individually. He knows how he can speak to us so that we can receive what he's trying to show us. Maybe God is telling you in this moment to sit this one out by saying, Hey, Look at me and be still. You don't need to jump into the situation right now. Just be still. Maybe he's gently reminding you to forgive just as he did. When it could have been so easy to walk away. Now, last week's episode, we talked on forgiveness. For giving us not an easy thing to do, whether you're struggling to forgive yourself or someone else, it's something that we've all struggled with at some point in our life. And I know sometimes we think that our situation is just so disheartening that forgiveness doesn't seem like it's within reach. I promise you, my friend. It is, and you can do it. It doesn't matter how long it takes the other person to come around, because believe it or not, I believe God is working in them too. And we don't get to put a time limit on that because if we did, are we really trusting God through this? So you have the restorative on, we are looking at and growing through life from a faith led perspective that is going to strengthen our minds. We want our mind renewed so that we can be transformed. My friend, I'm not claiming to know what is going on within your family dynamics. I know that there's a lot of strong emotions and maybe herbal frustration and anger that has happened through the years or the broken as of whatever has happened within your family. I'm not claiming to know. Any of that. But I do know. And I am simply here to encourage you to invite God into your space of where there is healing and restoration that needs to happen. We can't control what our families are doing, but we can definitely control. Our outlook and our mind, we can definitely seek things that are above and set our minds on things that are above. And we can trust. That God is going to restore according to his will. It is nearing Christmas and our families are not perfect and it looks different for everyone. But if you really think about it, we can have a hallmark family. When we look to God for forgiveness. For restoration for peace, for love and warmth. And the best part is that it's not made up. It's not fake it's 100% real, absolutely real. According to Galatians. Right. We spoke on that earlier. And just as a reminder, it reads, but when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son, born of woman, born under the law to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts, crying Abba father. So you are no longer a slave, but a son. And if a son then an heir. Through God. It's not fake. It is a hundred percent real. He gives us these things. As a matter of fact, it overflows from him. Now don't hear what I'm not saying. I'm not saying that you should isolate yourself and live in a lie. That you don't need anyone. My friend, that's the enemy distracting you from the overall message of today's episode, Which is highlighting the importance of Jesus's birth, being our assurance to be adopted into sonship and an heir through God, there is a difference and withdrawing to be near to the Lord and excluding yourself from what he has to offer. And that is to include your physical earthly family. And I personally believe that no matter what the level of chaos is within your family. They are there to teach you something and reflect God's love over you. So if you're experiencing heartbreak, for example, within your family dynamics. Scripture reminds us that the Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Meaning that he is with you. So rest in him and allow him to heal you. If you're experiencing anger within your family dynamics, scripture reminds us that. Yes. We can be angry, but in our anger, Do not send, do not let the sun go down on your anger, meaning we can work through it before it festers into something more like resentment or bitterness. Or vengeance. There is a difference in outcome. When you allow your emotions to control you. Versus when you control your emotions. When you have uncontrolled anger, it will most likely lead you into doing something you might not be so proud of later. Controlling your emotions does not mean that you need to go and bury it and act like it doesn't exist. That's nearly impossible. Controlling your anger or controlling your emotions in my opinion would mean that. It isn't how you react to the situation. Do you run wild with anger and frustration with anxiety? With worry. Or do you bring it to God and reflect his words into your life? Do you bind his words to your heart? This Christmas season, think of family as a unit, one body in Christ, which has many members or parts. We may not always move fluidly. I know I trip going upstairs sometimes. But we know that according to one Corinthians chapter 12, there's a first in there that says for one spirit, we were all baptized into one body. So let us be patient with one another. Let us let the spirit move within us so that we may have. That piece we are looking for. For that perfect family. We've been logging for. I I know that he can be hard, especially in the season of. Frustration and anger, whatever is happening within our family during the seasons. Not always happy. It's not always jolly. Again, I don't know what it is you're going through, but I would encourage you to take a moment to invite God into the space here and now. And just allow him to restore the way that he does and not so much what we think restoration is so that we may have peace in knowing that. The blood of Jesus covers us because we've been redeemed. We have salvation through the blood of Jesus. His birth is a miracle. It's a promise that God's kept for us. And to, because of this promise. We've been adopted into his family. An air through God. Now I know that it can be hard. But my friend. You can do hard things. Hey, thank you for listening. If this episode has spoken life into you or your mindset transformation journey, please share it with a friend. The growth of this podcast is possible through you. So thank you for your support and for being a part of the family. I look forward to talking to you again next week here on the Restored Mind Podcast.