ASCII Anything
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ASCII Anything
S6E4: Special Needs Living Magazine with Jamie McCabe
Our guest this week is Jamie McCabe, founder of Special Needs Living Magazine, the first Special Needs magazine in Indiana.
Jamie grew up in Waterford, Michigan, and graduated from Waterford Mott High School. She moved to Indianapolis in 2007 to work with Cutco Cutlery where she ran a district office in Kalamazoo Michigan as a District Manager. She has 3 kids - Jordan 11, Jaylin 6, and Jade 4. Her son started having seizures at 18 months old and was diagnosed with Autism at almost 5. He has always been nonverbal but over the last year he has made some incredible progress.
Jamie started working as a franchise owner with the N2 Company in 2013. She has run multiple community magazines over the last decade. From her pain to purpose she started the first Special Needs Living Magazine in Indiana in 2020. They expanded to Ohio in 2022 and she is proud to bring one to her home state of Michigan to celebrate, support, connect, and impact the special needs community.