Transcendent Minds Podcast - Empowering Your Evolution

Ethereal Encounters: Jenny Lea on Mediumship, Spirit Art, and the Afterlife

May 16, 2024 Peter Michael Dedes Episode 117
Ethereal Encounters: Jenny Lea on Mediumship, Spirit Art, and the Afterlife
Transcendent Minds Podcast - Empowering Your Evolution
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Transcendent Minds Podcast - Empowering Your Evolution
Ethereal Encounters: Jenny Lea on Mediumship, Spirit Art, and the Afterlife
May 16, 2024 Episode 117
Peter Michael Dedes

Explore the profound journey into mediumship, metaphysical realms, and the unseen world with Jenny Lea, a gifted medium, empath, psychic, and channeler, on the Transcendent Minds Podcast. 

Jenny shares her intimate encounters with spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials, and higher dimensional energies, offering a unique perspective on astral travel, past lives, and the power of spirit art. 

Delve into the mysteries of mediumship, learn about the ethical considerations of channeling, and discover the transformative impact of connecting with the unseen. 

This episode is a gateway to understanding the profound strangeness and potential that lies beyond our physical reality, inviting listeners to open their minds to the wonders of the metaphysical and embrace the possibilities of the unseen worlds.

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Show Notes Transcript

Explore the profound journey into mediumship, metaphysical realms, and the unseen world with Jenny Lea, a gifted medium, empath, psychic, and channeler, on the Transcendent Minds Podcast. 

Jenny shares her intimate encounters with spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials, and higher dimensional energies, offering a unique perspective on astral travel, past lives, and the power of spirit art. 

Delve into the mysteries of mediumship, learn about the ethical considerations of channeling, and discover the transformative impact of connecting with the unseen. 

This episode is a gateway to understanding the profound strangeness and potential that lies beyond our physical reality, inviting listeners to open their minds to the wonders of the metaphysical and embrace the possibilities of the unseen worlds.

You can connect with Jenny Lea here:

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Peter Michael Dedes:
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Joining us today is medium Jenny Lee, an empath, psychic, and channeler who's experienced the paranormal and metaphysical her entire life. Jenny has dedicated herself to honing her extraordinary abilities to connect with spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials, and higher dimensional energies through mediumship and trance channeling. She's the co host of the Witching Hours podcast and an accomplished artist whose spirit art provides another conduit for otherworldly expression. Jenny's path has been one of opening her mind and spirit to the profound strangeness that lurks beyond the thin veil of our physical reality. So let's fasten our spiritual seatbelts as we dive deep into this modern mystics most intimate encounters with the great beyond. Jenny Lea welcome to the transcendent minds podcast. What a fantastic introduction. Thanks.


Yes, welcome. Your journey in the world of the unseen and unexplained, and that's something That has long captured the human imagination. Yes. There are many gifted individuals who I've encountered who can peer beyond the veil and connect with realms beyond our physical reality and we can see that's both being revered and feared throughout history and you seem to have walked this rarified path as a medium and channeler and purveyor of the paranormal. To me your journey into these mystical arts really begs a much deeper exploration Can you recount any pivotal moments or rising realizations or experiences in your life that first unlocked your sensitivity to the metaphysical world and what drove you to not just acknowledge it, but to purposefully develop these extraordinary abilities.


My dad would talk about astral travel and past lives and we'd talk about ghosts and ETs and UFOs. Was just, normal for me. So my dad had a lot of experiences over the course of his life and he's a storyteller. So he's always telling the stories, even if you've heard it 50 times before. One of his stories that he always used to share, which he actually had evidence to back up was that he would astral travel when he was a child. One of the places that he traveled to was and I don't know the exact location. I should have looked it up, but I didn't even think I was going to talk about this. It's one of the Shinto shrines in Japan and when he was four years old, he painted a picture of it and I have it framed and hanging up. First of all, the fact that a four year old painted this, it has the date written on the back. My grandma wrote the date on the back of it. So it's dated. It, the perspective of it as an artist, I look at it and I'm like, oh, the perspective of this I think I would have a problem as an adult painting the perspective of the way he painted the shrine. But then the fact that he hadn't seen any images of this at the time, It's just amazing. I have all of that in my mind already as a young child, because he's sharing these stories and when I was about seven years old, we took a field trip to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, which is a fabulous art museum. I'm so lucky to live in a state that has such a wonderful art museum, especially as an artist. We go into the Egyptian section. This is the 80s. Keep people away from touching stuff and I'm seven. I reach out and I put my finger on this particular sculpture, which I don't remember which one it is now. And every time I go back, I'm looking like, which one was it that I touched that day, but I don't remember. But when I touched the sculpture, my finger touched it, I instantly felt like I was being pulled away like, my conscious mind was going somewhere. My vision turned black and it scared me so badly because I didn't know it was happening. Looking back on it, I know now that something about that sculpture, that energy within that stone was having some kind of interaction with my energy and whether I was going to see a vision or leave my body or I don't even know, but that's definitely a moment in my childhood that was very important.


Very challenging to interpret what is going on at that time because your prefrontal cortex is not fully formed. So to make sense of what is going on.


And even now I can't make sense of it really.


That's the mystery. Yes. You've got to be in service to the mystery, right?


Absolutely. That's the only reason why we keep searching.


When I was at school, I asked a lot of questions and it wasn't exactly encouraged because I was there to follow a curriculum, not really get an education. But when you look at the symbology of a question, it's actually a hook to get the next question. If you have a a literacy in symbology, you are symbolically literate and you look at these visual displays in our language, they are micro coded. Yeah. I never thought about the question mark being a hook before. Yeah. Yeah. So that gets you to the next question because our answers only inform us of where we've been. Yeah, but our questions will tell us the direction we need to go.


Hence why you're a podcast host.




Got a lot of questions.


I always have a lot of questions.


I love it.


If you said to me five years ago, Hey, you're going to be podcasting I'd be like,


Yeah, I was the same way. Yeah. Yeah.


But because of the NDE experience, I couldn't make any sense out of it in terms of the rational way of looking at it, but I can look at it from a trans rational way. In other words, by the confluence of my intuition and my sensations and something was organizing and propelling me to say, this is the direction you need to move into that's why this podcast was born and and it's like a hand in the glove. This fits really well. I love doing this. And I think it's always timings, isn't it? With anything, it's like you have that experience and the timing of that experience may not have enabled you to make sense of it, but that was right for you not to make sense of it.


Oh, yeah.


Because that's the seed that was planted. Much of the time, we're not in fear of the situations that we encounter, but the sensations that we might feel about the situation. When we embrace it fully and embody it, so our cognition processes what we're experiencing and we embody it, then we can enact and extend it to others. That's the ripple effect where it's not just going to go in one direction, it can go in many directions for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to discern.




In terms of embracing roles as a medium and a channeler requires an unflinching courage to confront the unknown. Because the visions, the voices, the presences, the essences that you encounter could just as easily enthrall as terrify the uninitiated.




But you've forged ahead, you've dedicated to refining your craft through study under esteemed teachers as well. Can you illustrate the process that you go through when connecting with a spirit or entity or higher dimensional energy, and how do you discern the authenticity of these encounters and overcome the skepticism that many have about their veracity? So it was a bit of a mouthful there.


That was a lot of questions and a question. Yeah. There was a lot of hooks in that question. Like how do I go about connecting the spirit? like every person that does, any kind of spiritual work, everybody has their like their rituals that they do. For me, mine is like setting up my space. I usually light a candle, I light an incense, I burn some sage and some palo santo. Then I do a meditative, what I call like a grounding exercise, where I connect myself to the earth. Then I go through all my chakras. When I get to my crown chakra I envision it opening up like doors, and that's like me turning the open sign on for spirit. Hey, I'm open for business now, whatever we need to talk about today, let's do this. Once I do that, I'm just open and I'm ready to speak to whoever whatever comes through.


What's Polly Santo?


Polly Santo. What is that? It's just a piece of wood, some kind of wood. I was always burning sage, but then I learned that the sage gets rid of the negative, but then it leaves a void. So you have to refill it with something positive and the Palo Santo is something that's puts the positive back in the space. So I do them together.


So it has certain properties in it. Oh, beautiful. Yeah. Okay. The second part is how do you discern the authenticity of these encounters and overcome the skepticism that some have about, yeah, about, because I think that's changing now about their veracity.


Discerning the different types of things that come through has been a very unusual experience because really when I started learning mediumship, I just wanted to be an evidential medium. I just wanted to read people, talk to people's grandmas and give them messages and that was all that I thought I was doing. But Spirit had a whole nother journey for me, because it didn't take long from when I started doing this work, that there started to be things that came through that weren't people's loved ones and I had to figure out every time something new came through, what is this? What am I seeing? What am I experiencing? I think that every person and every medium and anybody that's explores this world. will go about that journey in a totally different way. But for me, it was seeing things in like this layered way. Like I saw everything in like the layers of an onion and the first layer was the place where our loved ones are. And then the next layer was the angelic realm. And then the next layer, I don't know what's there. Cause they never showed it to me. There's a few more layers and then. It was like people's higher selves. And then it goes up and until you get to source. It's been a huge process over the course of the last three plus years of figuring out all the different types of things. But your question really was how do you know what you're getting? There have been times when there was deceptive things. For example, there was a reading one time where what seemed like a person showed up and they were trying to say that they were connected to the person I was reading for, but I can only assume that it was my higher self was like, the alert went off. No, this is not right they're not who they say they are. So I always get an alert from someone or my higher self that lets me know that something's amiss. Then I can see what it really is.


In today's rapidly advancing technology and materialism and consumerism. It lives in some of the populace that the mystic arts are practice that could easily be dismissed as some archaic holdover, I see that you stand firm in their relevance and offering services to help others to attune to the unseen forces and past lives. It's not some mere parlor trick or performance, but it's something you approach as a true calling. What is the ethical obligation you feel as a medium and a channeler?


You have to go about your readings in a compassionate way. So no matter what or who comes through, you have to think about who the person is, what the message is, how that's going to affect the person you're reading for. Like for example, there's lots of times where when I'm doing an evidential reading, a person comes through who was an abuser or someone who was not pleasant to the person I was reading for that I'm reading for and when I see that and I sense it, I have to ask them if they even want to hear from that person. And sometimes they say no. And sometimes they're like, no, I need to hear that. That's what they're going for. I need to heal this. Other ethical things about mediumship is that you can't necessarily go seeking for the people to read for you can't go out on the street and be like, Oh, hey, you, your grandma says, whatever that's not acceptable, because you don't know what that person's beliefs are. They might think that I'm talking to demons or something, I'm going to scare them. It's not acceptable. So you have to let the people that want the services come to you. So those are a couple of ethical things.


Are there any lines that you will not cross or entities that you refuse to engage with?


Yeah, I won't let cause we have had some kind of negative, nasty people spirits come through before that want to like start argument or they want to say something mean and, I'm not going to say that to them. That's no, like you're going to have to rephrase what you're saying or you're going to have to leave. Cause that's we're not doing that. But anything that's like the darker side of things I will engage because I feel like that's necessary and that I'm capable of doing that. But nasty people is another thing. Yeah. Oh yeah. Some of that is around. Yeah there's some of them are still like that when they're dead too, unfortunately. Yeah, gosh. You did ask me a question earlier too that I did not answer. It was about skeptics. I like to go about skeptics like this, because there's plenty of things that I have, I've experienced that I don't believe in and my number one example of that is that I didn't used to believe in angels. I didn't until I saw one. And then I had to open myself up to it. So when someone says, I don't believe this or I'm questioning this, I really just have to tell them if that's okay, because even for me, I don't believe something until I experienced it for myself. I think that's really important. I don't think anybody necessarily has to believe in something if it's not something they've experienced.


I totally agree with you. I think having the visceral experience of something as distinct from an academic perusal about it or an academic pursuit. With the nde I had i'm not there to convince anybody about it frankly, I don't care if they believe in it or not. Because i'm not there to prove that it's real or not, but it was very real for me and the way that's outplayed in my life now, I don't think i'd be here speaking to you about mediumship and about channeling and about all these different things. I've always had an interest in But never quite punctured the plasma of the essence of it to be able for it to rain upon me and now that's coming to fruition. Where do you see these experiences or these practices fitting into our modern world and the future of humanity's spiritual evolution.


I would like to think that it would become, in my ideal world, this would be something that was open and accepted and people would realize the value of all the different types of spiritual practices and healing modalities that it's all something that is very much a benefit to everyone. Do I think that is going to happen anytime soon? We're working on it, but I think that pendulum could very easily swing back the other way. I feel like we've made some momentum, but I, at any time it could very well just go back to the way it was. I hope that it doesn't though.


I think it takes at least two generations to change anything. In terms of politics and education and communication and collaboration, I think all these things are going to change. As an example, we have more say in our communities. I think in Oregon, they have a sign when you drive in and say, welcome to the free state of Jefferson, more and more people are now wanting more say and more autonomy in their communities and a closer affiliation to the earth and to the soil and more natural ways of being and more natural ways of what it means to be human. If some of these natural things were to manifest themselves as a permanent fixture in our society. Are we coming into a new time where there's going to be a plasma of change and transcendence?


Think it very well could be. Yes. A lot of the different type readings that I've done over the past few years that aren't evidential, the messages that come through often are that we're in a shift. They use that word a lot. This is where this earth is shifting. You're in a shift. Things are changing. And there's been a lot of messages about structures needing to be rebuilt. I believe they're talking about our societal structures, which is pretty much what you were talking about. And then you had said earlier when you were talking about like people thinking that this type of work is archaic. I think that's exactly what we're doing is that we're taking everything back to a time when we were like this and we had small communities that used nature that didn't have all this extra stuff that we didn't need that used the earth for medicine and that new energy and that knew that spirits were there. And it just feels like we're going back to that time. But of course, it'll be different because our world is totally different. We have all these technologies and things. We'll get to see it.


A project that I'm working on which is to do with a true education, and it's not about going to school and being able to have good data storage and vomiting out the answers on a piece of paper, but a true education. I was wondering about the indigenous practices of being close to our mother the earth being part of her inner arrangement and I was thinking what are the rhythms and the sounds and the impressions that a child can have when you put them close to the earth and how that permeates their being. What does that do to the integrity and structure of their DNA? How does it manifest itself? These curios that I'm having at the moment about different aspects of nature. Because I see in nature's patterns as an example, trees have a frequency to them. Everything has a frequency. Fear is a frequency. And you can see with trees that when they're prone to dryness, the frequency they want to attract is wetness. That has an impact on our weather patterns. When you start really looking at what nature has to teach us, it's huge. Oh yeah. It's absolutely huge. But it's something that's been stripped out of our education. Yes. In terms of these practices that we can use to heal ourselves. And I do believe that the other side, or across the veil, however people term it, is there is an intelligence there in the unseen worlds. Sometimes I hear myself and I get a bit sick of myself, resurrecting dead men's works. Don't get me wrong, it has its merits. But what is our rendezvous with the future, what is the future intelligence that needs to come through? How can we be agencies of amplification for new think new possibilities, an active genesis of transformation where we can look at what the past because yes, the answers tell us where we've been, but the questions are telling us what is the direction not demand, but it's a direction that we may need to go in and it's unknown. And people don't like uncertainty.




I'm fascinated by your work and one of the most fascinating and other worldly aspects of your work is the ability to channel nonphysical entities sources of knowledge, I would say, rather than just information although there is information contained within that, from extraterrestrials to ancient figures, divine energies, you've opened yourself up as a conduit for these forces to communicate through you in an unfiltered way. Can you give descriptive value to the different sensations, visual cues, or signs that occur when you're about to channel a particular entity or source.


When I am going to channel I know immediately because I feel a pressure being pushed onto my physical body. It usually comes from above and it's like this constant pressure onto myself. My head usually like starts falling backwards and I don't know what that is. Sometimes I've almost felt like my head is like a satellite dish and they have to put it in the right place, let's put it in their right place so we can send this radio broadcast into her head. That's what it feels like sometimes. But to me it seems like there's been two different types of channeling. One is where the energy or the consciousness comes really like close into my physical body so that my energy and their energy are blending together, but when that happens, my consciousness starts to drift away and it feels like the best way I can explain it is that my consciousness. Is a balloon tied to a pole and the pole being my physical self and the balloon just starts shifting away, floating away, but it's always connected. Then there's another type of channeling that has happened where it is more like that satellite dish, like I'm just getting like this, a lot of people refer to it as like a download, but there's like a frequency being broadcast and it's just like I'm relaying it as it comes through. Yeah.


Is there a personal preparation that you go through and secondly, your question that comes to mind is, do you need to safeguard yourself in any way for these channeling experiences?


Yes when I took this very basic trance class a few years ago, and the person who was teaching it said that most channelers have a spirit guide or a spirit team that's like their group that they work with. And one of those is usually, they call it like a gatekeeper. So there's a spirit guide who's in charge of what comes through and what can't come through. When I started doing this work and I could tell that it was going to be something that I was really going to do. I was doing a sitting in the power exercise, which is just like a really deep meditation where you're trying to connect to your own power, but also the power of source. And a person showed up, a spirit guide showed up and showed himself to me over the course of about three or four of these sessions. He's a Maya priest, and he has the face paint and the headdress and he's got this staff thing that has got like these branches that come up and it has all these different things on it like shells and beads and things that make noise, so like he shakes it, and it makes noise, which we could go into a huge rabbit hole about sound and frequency and music but when he uses that sound to ward off the things that shouldn't be there, like that's his way of protecting. So I knew immediately that he was my gatekeeper. He had come to be the person to allow things to come through, or to not allow things to come through. So I trust him to know what's right for me and what isn't.


And again, you look at ancient practices, especially the ancient egyptians they use sound for healing Yep and you can see it in terms of the aborigines using sound and as you say music, sound, frequencies, vibrations it all has healing quotient to it. As you were speaking that came up for me was there's an element of and correct me if i'm wrong here But it seems to me there's an element of surrender there's an involvement of surrendering one's consciousness to a certain degree to allow this energy and voice to take hold. That raises the questions about, I don't know if the word is risks, but I'm going to use it of such an intimate blending and how much of your own identity or personality may be suppressed. So in your channeling work, how much control or autonomy do you retain as distinct from giving yourself over completely to the source that you're channeling?


I'm actually in the process of taking a six week course with Karen Francis McCarthy, who's teaching her trance class and she explained it in a very wonderful way. She said that trance work when you're starting out is 95 percent you and 5 percent spirit. And the more that you do it, and the better you get at it, and the more you can connect, you can get to the point where it's 100 percent spirit, because your consciousness goes into a state of what she calls oblivion. You are not aware at all of what is happening, or what is being said, I have never gone into oblivion. Perhaps that'll be something I do at some point. But one of the reasons why I don't is because what I usually am doing when I'm doing meeting readings is I stream live on Twitch. If you don't know what Twitch is, it's a streaming platform that started out just for gamers to stream video games. Since then, now there's like cooking and podcasts and talk shows and tarot channel and that's where I usually stream is on a tarot channel. And I do meeting readings on there. So I'm by myself in this exact same space, talking to people online through chat, they're chatting, I'm talking, and when I do a channel reading for someone, I have to be able to bring myself back. I'm not with anybody else. I can't go into that space of oblivion because I really feel like you need to have at least someone else in the room with you to help you come out of it. So I haven't ever tried to do that. Like I've consciously made a decision that I didn't want to ever go 100 percent out. But now that I'm taking this class, I think that would be something I would work towards, but I'd have to do it in a different setting. For me it really depends on the connection of who is coming through. It also depends on my own energy that day, whether I feel tired or I'm distracted or whatever. Whether the things that are coming through are a greater percentage of the spirit or lesser. And sometimes even in the channeling, it can fluctuate. Like I can feel my consciousness coming back through and then sliding back out. It's very interesting.


Have you ever had an experience where the influences that were coming through you were hard to disengage from?


When that balloon starts floating really far away. It can be hard for me to come back. The regulars in my chat know that if they see me having a hard time that they're using their energy, like calling me back through. Or if I'm doing it in a setting where we're actually able to talk to each other then somebody will be like, Oh, Jenny, it's time to come back, but I would say that happens maybe about 25 percent of the time and the rest of the time I can come back pretty easily.


After coming back how do you reestablish your mind and persona after these trance like states?


I usually make a lot of noises and then I have to drink water and I usually have to do something like if I'm on Twitch, I'll start reading the chat or if it's something else, like maybe I'll start writing down some of the things that came through. I just have to do something physical, I have to speak, I have to read, I have to drink, I have to do things that like get me back into my physical self.


So you move from radiational to gravitational.




When you are channeling you're essentially serving or in service to something higher than you. You're serving as a vessel to receive these messages from these unseen realms, That could open up to profound insights or new perspectives that challenge what we quote unquote is our understood reality in fundamental ways. What have been some of the most impactful or reality shifting truths, ideas or revelations that you've encountered through your channeling work?


The one that is the most bizarre and also the most eye opening was we did a night where my husband helped me with this one. We did a channeling session where we purposefully had the intention of trying to talk to ETS. And we just open it up to whoever, whoever wants to come through. I'll bring the spirit. You bring the questions, you bring those hooks, and then, people in the chat can asked the questions of who, whatever was coming through. We had the most bizarre thing come through and I could see it in my mind, what they looked like. They were not humanoid. They looked like a slime mold, which is a little mold that grows on dying trees that looks like a little pile of jelly. That's what it looks like. But they were having this really in depth conversation and answering these questions and the thing that stuck out the most to me, and I don't know if I could ever forget this because it was so important. Basically what they were saying, you can't judge something to its intelligence or consciousness based on how it looks, because all life is sentient. That's what they said. All life is sentient. I think that a lot of people, especially in the spiritual community have realized that plants are sentient. We already knew animals are sentient, but you got to go even deeper. You got to go further than that. You got to look at the things that we're not even used to looking at and realize that they also have this conscious energy that's from source because that's where it all comes from.


That would force me to reevaluate, which I do anyway, consistently is my own beliefs about the nature of consciousness and existence or our universe and that surprises and delights me in so many different ways because of it saying no, not that way. Look at it this way. So it's not saying you're right or you're wrong. It's saying, no, not that way, this way. So I look that way and then, it's kaleidoscopic, it has all these different colors and different frequencies and different energies and different vibrations to it. I want to touch on your artistic talents.




After looking through your website, I sensed an inextricable link to your metaphysical abilities, because it seemed to me that the spirit art helps create energies and inspiration from unseen realms and that blending of creativity and channeling. I think that's quite unique in many ways. Can you describe the process of how you produce these can I call them spirit art pieces?


Yeah. Yeah. That's exactly what they are. Yeah. So after I took that trance workshop one of the, I don't really even know how it came about, but I think it was a combination of the trance class that I took and I took another workshop where it was about automatic writing. I was terrible at automatic writing. Couldn't get a word to show up for nothing. But then I was thinking about it and I was like I'm an artist. So like, why don't I just try this with imagery instead of words, so I put those two things together. We like to call it the trance prance circle, this trans circle that we practice in. I just tried it one day to see if it would even work and it was working. So I just went for it and I did it live on my Twitch stream. And the very first one that we did, there was two different entities that came through and in the image that came through was two different pictures and one, and the first entity that came through was really trying I don't know what's going on with that guy, but he was really trying to get us to have almost a fearful reverence for a source that we needed to still be feeling that we need to have this fear of it. I'm like, where is this even coming from? But then he left and this other energy came in and he was very upset and he made like this really harsh, jagged markings on the paper and he was just having a fit about how we couldn't get it together on earth. And what are you guys doing? Shouldn't be like this and all this stuff and that is the person that ends up being my spirit art person, which we've gotten to the point where he's not so grouchy anymore. But yeah, it's just using that channeling and mixing it with art making. And I'm going to be totally honest this trance class that I'm taking is helping me understand how that is even working or what has even been going on with it. Cause I didn't really understand even for myself. I think that really what's happening in the spirit art is that the energy of the spirit is blending with me. But they're giving me the suggestion of what color to pick up, or what kind of marking I should be making. It's a little less than I thought, because I was thinking that they were the ones controlling it, but I don't think that's really what's happening now that I've been taking this class, I think it's more like a psychic suggestion. They're like, Hey, we should use the orange. So then I pick up the orange and then okay, we're going to make this kind of mark. So I think it's more of a collaborative thing than I thought it was previously.


Color is a cloak of force.


Yeah. every color's got its own symbol. You're talking about symbols at the beginning yes.


If you look at the spectrum the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, those are all cloaks of force.


They also have their own frequencies.


And they have their own frequencies, exactly. Something else I wanted to ask you is that in addition to connecting with spirits and entities, part of your esoteric exploration involves tapping into past lives and incarnations. For those skeptical of the concept of reincarnation, such abilities always puts one's materialistic beliefs to the test. How did you become aware that you could access past life memories and what has that experience been like for you?


That's another one of those things where I was just trying to be an evidential medium. And then one day I'm trying to do a reading for somebody and I'm not getting anybody and I just start seeing like I'm watching a movie and I knew that this is a past life. Because it wasn't current, it wasn't in any time that I know of recently and it's escalated since then. It started out just as that cause spirit knows what the person needs to hear, that's really what it comes down to is that spirit knows when a person comes to me for a reading, what that person needs to hear or know at that particular time. So whether it's they needed to hear from a deceased loved one, whether they need to see something from a past life, whether they need to have this crazy channeled message from an alien from who knows where, whatever. Spirit knows. So the past lives reading started out as those kind of seeing a movie things. But then recently over the past maybe six months or so, I started going to the Akashic records first and I get taken through the Akashic records, which if you don't know what the Akashic records is, it's the only way I can explain it is it's a physical place in a different realm that holds all the records of every single person that's ever been alive and like every life I've ever had. It seems to me from my experiences going there that each soul has its own section in the library because I get taken to a place in the library and it's always really cool because I get to see the different places like I'm walking through this building and I get taken to their section and then I asked what am I supposed to see at this time and then a book will come off the shelf and then I go into that movie. It's always fascinating because the whole process is amazing. My husband's a history teacher. In that regards, I also like history so it's I'm getting to see these little windows and glimpses into history, as a side note to this being a reading for someone of something they need to hear.


Was there a particularly vivid or significant past life that you tapped into and how has it informed this current life that you're living?


I've gotten to see maybe not quite a dozen of my own lives at this point. The one that affected me the most, because it was so traumatic and I guess in some ways it was the one that made me realize that these past life visions are what they are. They're not just seeing some kind of memory of history, because it was so physically taxing on me to see it. I knew it had to be something that I experienced. I was a young woman living in some dirt floored shack in probably the Midwest of America and pioneer times, and it showed me like a little bit of the childhood and then a little bit of her young adult years and then I went to the death scene, and that's what where it was like, Oh, because she died in childbirth. She's having a baby. She hemorrhages. All of a sudden I'm floating up in the ceiling and I can see the body that I had just left. The whole time she's like freaking out. She's my baby and in that session of seeing this me now, I'm just in tears. I'm like, my whole body is shaking. I just feel it through my whole physical body that this is something that really happened to me. So once again, it comes back to that. You have to experience it for yourself in order to really believe in this past life stuff because when you have an experience like that, I don't know how you could disclaim it.


How do you approach the balance between offering the substantiation of your experiences while still allowing room for mystery and the undefinable and the inexpressible.


For me, I'm just very open that I don't know the answers to everything, like half the time when something comes through, I don't know how this is happening or I don't understand. In a lot of ways, just like you, I have a lot of questions. It's every time you get an answer, you get 20 more questions to go with it As a medium who also is a Twitch streamer, I get to have those conversations with people on a weekly basis. It's really wonderful to be in that kind of community where every week, we're just able to bounce in ideas off of each other and everybody has their own experiences. Everybody is into something different and researching something different. So we can come together to try to help each other figure it out and there's always more to learn always. We're never gonna know it all peter. Sorry. We're never gonna know it all,


No. Not in this one lifetime. No but you have to be a commitment to not only lifelong learning, but to alignment to that learning. Yeah. So it becomes part of your basic constitution. It's not just academic, as you were saying earlier, it's a visceral experience of it.


It's that education you were talking about.


It's the education. Exactly. There's so much more I want to ask you, but time's always a prevailing factor. Do you have any parting words and where can people find you?


Everything you could ever want to find for me is at my website mediumjennylea. com. And that's L E A instead of L E E. I stream on Twitch. Monday mornings is art morning. Tuesday night is a variety night. Wednesday morning is a reading day and Friday nights, my big to do which is a reading night as well. On Thursday nights, we stream live podcasts called the witching hours podcast on Twitch as well. But you can find that on YouTube and anywhere that you listen to podcasts. I got a YouTube channel. I'm on Twitter, Twitch Instagram, like everything everywhere. I even made a tick tock. I don't know if I'm regretting that yet or not. And then I offer personal readings luckily doing all these amazing, wonderful podcasts, I've started to get a lot more personal readings, which are always wonderful experience. So all that stuff's available on my website.


Do you have any passing words at all?


I also teach all this stuff. So I've been teaching class because I was an art educator for eight years. I have a lot, I got a lot of teaching experience. So I teach this stuff too. And. A lot of the questions that people ask about how to do all of this stuff yourself. I guess I could leave some parting words about that and my biggest piece of advice for people that are just trying to tap into their own intuition, or they want to experience mediumship, or They want to be a better tarot reader or whatever, is that you have to trust what you're getting. You can't get in your head and overthink what's coming through. You just have to trust and that's very different as opposed to someone who has a scientific or a logical mind because they want to see the evidence. They gotta have the evidence, but when you're doing this kind of work you got to let all that stuff go and you just have to trust. Especially the channeling stuff, man, if you can't trust and do that surrender, like you were saying. It's just not even going to work.


That's beautiful. Jenny, I want to thank you so much because you provided us with a truly mind expanding look into a lifelong work as a medium and channeler.


Thank you for having me.


You're welcome. You're dedication to refining and ethically protecting your abilities to peer into the unseen realms for me is remarkably inspiring. And, while your experiences may strain the credulity of hardened skeptics they nonetheless forces to reckon with the possibility that there are planes of existence and intelligences that transcend our basic understanding of this material reality.




For listeners, whether you view Jenny's skills through a spiritual, scientific, or simply entertainment lens, There is no denying the powerful implications of what Jenny has shared with us today. And I want to wish you, Jenny, a continued elevation and growth and awe and wonder in your metaphysical journey.


Thank you so much.


You're most welcome. And I want to say rather than dismissing these experiences outright, explore, read, look at the mystics from various traditions, consult with regulated extrasensory abilities, remain open minded, because I do feel that the human experience is full of profound strangeness.


Oh, yeah. That's what makes it fun.


Exactly. that lies beyond the limits of our ordinary perceptions. Yes. But I think when we embrace the possibilities of the unseen worlds we may all become mediums of a sort allowing the wonders of the metaphysical to enrich our physical reality.


Yes. Beautifully said. So I had a question for you. We got our own podcast. Would you be interested in coming on our podcast to talk about your NDE?


Oh, definitely. I would love to. Yeah. Yeah.


Okay. Awesome.