Is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Right for You? with Tess Conrad
The Small Nonprofit
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The Small Nonprofit
Is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Right for You? with Tess Conrad
Mar 12, 2024 Episode 17
Further Together

What if you could tap into the enthusiasm of your biggest supporters and turn them into fundraising rockstars? That's where peer-to-peer fundraising comes in!

I had a blast chatting with Tess Conrad of Full Potential Fundraising, a fundraising pro who's passionate about helping small nonprofits do big things. Tess shared her wealth of experience on all things peer-to-peer – setting realistic goals, finding the perfect fundraisers, creative campaign ideas, and the importance of treating those new donors like the gems they are.

Key Episode Highlights: 

  • P2P is about relationships, not transactions. Focus on those long-term donors, volunteers, and supporters who already love what you do. Their personal stories are your most powerful fundraising tools.
  • Make it easy (and fun!) for fundraisers. Provide templates, social media ideas, and a simple guide.  The less they have to think about the logistics, the more they can focus on spreading the word about your amazing cause.
  • Stewardship is EVERYTHING.  P2P donors aren't a one-and-done deal. Treat them like the new donors they are: welcome them, thank them, show them their impact, and keep them engaged with your mission.
  • Your board members can be fundraising powerhouses.  With a clear ask and the right support, they can easily tap into their networks. Plus, P2P gives them an action-oriented way to truly make a difference.
  • Start small and celebrate wins!  Don't be overwhelmed by the big P2P campaigns you see.  Even a modest goal with a handful of fundraisers can be a huge success for a small nonprofit, building momentum for future growth.

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