Delighted Motherhood

Leadership in Motherhood --Submission, Dependence, and Service

September 26, 2023
Leadership in Motherhood --Submission, Dependence, and Service
Delighted Motherhood
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Delighted Motherhood
Leadership in Motherhood --Submission, Dependence, and Service
Sep 26, 2023

If you are like me, you grew during the Leadership Craze. I went to half a dozen “leadership” camps during high school and when I was applying to college it seemed that every university  was “training tomorrow's leaders.”  Even at the time, this seemed like a bit much. I mean, we can't all be president. 

Plus, this self-absorbed leadership didn't seem all that biblical (not that the training was self-absorbed, but simply how I perceived it).

The Bible seems to suggest that Christians ought to consider the interests of others before themselves and should humble themselves before the mighty hand of God. I should be caring for the least of these and seeking to live a peaceful and quiet life.

My life today is delightfully simple in many ways. I’m a stay-at-home mom, a member of my church, and a happy neighbor. My days consist of phonics lessons, reading stories about raccoons, and trying to fix our broken drain with my amazing lawyer husband who it turns out is also handy with a plumers snake. 

So leadership really doesn’t apply to me, does it?

Or actually, maybe it still does. Because in my ordinary everyday life with little kids, I actually do a lot of leading.

And in your life, whether you are a mother or not a mother, I think you probably have a lot of leading to do as well. 

How do we think about leadership from a biblical perspective?  What is Leadership Emergence Theory? And how can leading with conviction, vision casting, honest self-reflection, communicating with clarity, and resourcing from the Holy Spirit benefit our little families? 

Show Notes

If you are like me, you grew during the Leadership Craze. I went to half a dozen “leadership” camps during high school and when I was applying to college it seemed that every university  was “training tomorrow's leaders.”  Even at the time, this seemed like a bit much. I mean, we can't all be president. 

Plus, this self-absorbed leadership didn't seem all that biblical (not that the training was self-absorbed, but simply how I perceived it).

The Bible seems to suggest that Christians ought to consider the interests of others before themselves and should humble themselves before the mighty hand of God. I should be caring for the least of these and seeking to live a peaceful and quiet life.

My life today is delightfully simple in many ways. I’m a stay-at-home mom, a member of my church, and a happy neighbor. My days consist of phonics lessons, reading stories about raccoons, and trying to fix our broken drain with my amazing lawyer husband who it turns out is also handy with a plumers snake. 

So leadership really doesn’t apply to me, does it?

Or actually, maybe it still does. Because in my ordinary everyday life with little kids, I actually do a lot of leading.

And in your life, whether you are a mother or not a mother, I think you probably have a lot of leading to do as well. 

How do we think about leadership from a biblical perspective?  What is Leadership Emergence Theory? And how can leading with conviction, vision casting, honest self-reflection, communicating with clarity, and resourcing from the Holy Spirit benefit our little families?