Delighted Motherhood

October gave a party - 7 ideas for making every day meals meaningful

October 02, 2023 Kira Nelson
October gave a party - 7 ideas for making every day meals meaningful
Delighted Motherhood
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Delighted Motherhood
October gave a party - 7 ideas for making every day meals meaningful
Oct 02, 2023
Kira Nelson

October's Party by George Cooper describes a party, thrown by October herself, that everybody comes to and stays long after the party has officially ended.

October is a time for parties --but the very best kind of parties are those that focus specifically on the people we love most, our own dear families. As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, many of us will start to gravitate inside. 

And as we do, what are strategies for making our dinnertimes magical? How can we make our tables warm, inviting and a place no one wants to leave? 

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October's Party by George Cooper describes a party, thrown by October herself, that everybody comes to and stays long after the party has officially ended.

October is a time for parties --but the very best kind of parties are those that focus specifically on the people we love most, our own dear families. As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, many of us will start to gravitate inside. 

And as we do, what are strategies for making our dinnertimes magical? How can we make our tables warm, inviting and a place no one wants to leave?