Siegfried, deploy!

Local, Remote, Dev, Staging, Live: Our WordPress environments


How do you make sure every developer on a website project sees the same content across environments? How do we maintain stable development environments for very old websites? And on which environments do we present code changes to our clients? In this episode Dominik and Steffen give insights how they set up the deployment and cloning process and architecture at Bleech.

00:00 Intro
00:31 Why care about the development server setup?
01:44 How we deployed back in the days
05:24 How we synch database and assets across development environments
07:05 Local environments on a remote server
10:33 The challenge with maintaining build processes
15:07 How we set up environments, cloning and deployments
21:21 When we split development and staging
22:41 More environments increase complexity
24:34 Dominik's favourite stack and process
31:10 Beware of data privacy!
32:47 A typical workflow for new projects
37:26 The future of dev environments


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