The Golden Hour by Beka Gaskin  Podcast Artwork Image

The Golden Hour by Beka Gaskin

Beka Gaskin

Hey Y'all! My name is Beka Gaskin and I am a Trauma Informed, Soul Lead, Healing Coach, located in my dream city, Nashville, Tennessee. I am on a mission to make healing famous, teaching and guiding women back into remembering who they are. Women showing up as themselves, for themselves is what lights my soul on fire. Every day, I am blown away by the women I get to work with who are raising their hands to change THEIR story, lineage, relationships and lives. SPOILER: Good things are still for you, too. Trust the process. The mess is the masterpiece. The right support can make even the most devastating circumstances feel like delight because it feels like love to be held when you aren't in charge of holding it all up. This is what my intention is for you with this podcast; to be a cheerleader, a support, a voice of truth to help you realize you truly do get live a beautiful life, no matter what has happened, what someone (or many) have told you or what you believe about yourself.

Let's stay connected:
