Lynn & Tony Know

Fit Flourish: Empowering Lives through Fitness with @courtney_roselle

January 26, 2024 Lynn & Tony
Fit Flourish: Empowering Lives through Fitness with @courtney_roselle
Lynn & Tony Know
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Lynn & Tony Know
Fit Flourish: Empowering Lives through Fitness with @courtney_roselle
Jan 26, 2024
Lynn & Tony

Have you ever watched someone turn rejection into their own personal runway to success? That's exactly what @courtney_roselle did as she conquered the fitness world and the Titan Games, proving that strength comes in more than just physical form. Our latest episode sits down with this powerhouse to discuss her journey from the ashes of modeling setbacks to her Vogue breakthrough, thanks to a little nudge from her mom. We also peel back the curtain on how she balances a chiseled physique with the demands of being a role model to countless fitness enthusiasts.

Imagine starting every day charged with energy and clarity – sounds dreamy, right? Courtney and I chat about the game-changing benefits of sleep and morning rituals that prime you for success. From hydrating right off the bat to the strategic use of protein and supplements, we share pointers that could revolutionize your daily routine. And if you think hitting the gym for hours on end is doing you favors, prepare to rethink your workout strategy, as we emphasize efficiency over duration and the importance of post-exercise nutrition for that optimal life balance.

Now let's get real about strength training – it's not just for the guys. We dispel those pesky myths that lifting weights is counter-feminine and shine a light on its vital role in women's health. Courtney gives us the lowdown on her approach to nutrition, why she's not shy about the occasional treat, and the key supplements she can't do without. Plus, we're giving you the inside scoop on how to keep your health and wellness journey on track with Courtney's coaching services, ensuring you have the toolbox you need to embrace your inner titan.

Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknow

follow us on social @ltkpod!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever watched someone turn rejection into their own personal runway to success? That's exactly what @courtney_roselle did as she conquered the fitness world and the Titan Games, proving that strength comes in more than just physical form. Our latest episode sits down with this powerhouse to discuss her journey from the ashes of modeling setbacks to her Vogue breakthrough, thanks to a little nudge from her mom. We also peel back the curtain on how she balances a chiseled physique with the demands of being a role model to countless fitness enthusiasts.

Imagine starting every day charged with energy and clarity – sounds dreamy, right? Courtney and I chat about the game-changing benefits of sleep and morning rituals that prime you for success. From hydrating right off the bat to the strategic use of protein and supplements, we share pointers that could revolutionize your daily routine. And if you think hitting the gym for hours on end is doing you favors, prepare to rethink your workout strategy, as we emphasize efficiency over duration and the importance of post-exercise nutrition for that optimal life balance.

Now let's get real about strength training – it's not just for the guys. We dispel those pesky myths that lifting weights is counter-feminine and shine a light on its vital role in women's health. Courtney gives us the lowdown on her approach to nutrition, why she's not shy about the occasional treat, and the key supplements she can't do without. Plus, we're giving you the inside scoop on how to keep your health and wellness journey on track with Courtney's coaching services, ensuring you have the toolbox you need to embrace your inner titan.

Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknow

follow us on social @ltkpod!

Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome to the Lynn and Tony Know podcast. I'm your host, lynn.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Tony. We are both wellness coaches and married with kids.

Speaker 1:

Join us as we talk about all things health, wellness, relationships, life hacks, parenting and everything in between unfiltered. Thanks for listening and let's get into it. Welcome to the show. Welcome back. We're on a roll today Lately. I mean Just rolling around. Wait, my brain is not working. Go on. Okay, Can I tell people why we're like? My brain's not working is because we're doing a fasting till dinner juicing, are we?

Speaker 1:

Well we did it yesterday and today. I lifted very heavy and I needed to have lunch, so I had a little bit of chicken. But yes, we are technically juicing till dinner.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and why else are we on a roll?

Speaker 1:

Because we've been, you know, recording and talking to people and it feels good to be back, you know, Okay, yeah, and so today we have a very special guest. I love her. I met her a couple of years ago during the pandemic. Her name is Courtney. She is a personal trainer, just a badass boss bitch. I just love her.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, the type of people that you're around and they have like just this infectious energy and you're, they're just always happy. You know what I mean. Like I want to, I want, I want to know everything, I want to know why she is the way she is, so that I can just like take it out of her and put it in here. Okay, does that make sense? Okay, so Courtney Roselle is the most recent winner of the title Titan of the East from the show the Titan Games on NBC with Dwayne the Rock Johnson.

Speaker 1:

She owns her own company called Iron Grays, which includes fitness training, a clothing line, motivational speaking and fitness modeling. She has been a coach for 10 years and has competed across the country in multiple CrossFit sanctioned events and competitions. In addition, she has been published in multiple media outlets for fitness modeling and has written multiple health articles. Her certifications include CrossFit L2 trainer, certified functional strength coach, usa weightlifting coach and NASM. Courtney trains various clients, from athletes to kids to everyday gym goers trying to find the strongest version of themselves. Welcome to the show, courtney.

Speaker 2:

Welcome, welcome.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

We're so excited to have you. So let's start from the beginning. Like, how did you get to where you are today? Like, what was the? Like what started all this? Oh my Lord.

Speaker 3:

I was going to make a quick note, Lynn, that the last time I saw it was during the pandemic.

Speaker 1:

You and me were on separate boxes, I know I remember interviewing you and you put me through a workout and like, humbled the shit. I'm like I, you know, I thought I was in pretty good shape, you know you definitely are. But then I was like oh my God, this bitch is serious. She does not fuck around.

Speaker 3:

I remember that. I appreciate that. Thank you so, so much. But basically I would started was I was an athlete all my life, growing up Like. I am the youngest of four brothers and a sister, so I feel like one where the youngest were the fighters, were the survivors.

Speaker 3:

You know, you got to speak up because you won't be heard when you're the youngest of six, but, truthfully, I went into sports because my dad was a huge athlete and my parents were separated at the time and I was, you know, wanting my dad to come see me at games and, you know, come be around, and he was around my brothers all the time for all their sports. I ended up, you know, actually excelling at it because I was probably five, 10 by the age of 10. So can't teach height in sports? No, you can't do it. Yeah. So then, you know, lifting came with sports and I tried to go into the fitness modeling arena when I was younger, around the age of 12, and the fitness modeling agencies wanted zero to do with me, zero. They told me I was actually too tall to be a fitness model. I had too much muscle to be a fitness model. Mind you, I was only 12 years old and I probably weighed like a hundred pounds soaking wet.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy, so yeah, so I gave that up. You know, played college sports. So I went into university grade and played college basketball, came out, discovered the CrossFit arena, realized how strong I really was as an athlete like truly, started lifting weights and wanted to just give back to other human beings females or males, it doesn't matter what age and how strong they really truly can be. More than anything, and I think strength comes from the outside and when you feel strong, you are mentally strong Like you're, like. No one can fuck with me. I just lifted all this weight today. I don't care who it is, you're not going to tell me what to do.

Speaker 3:

So, after being in the CrossFit arena and competing all over the world, I tried to go in fitness modeling again and one editor and one agency editor told me that no little girl wants to look like me because I'm too big, too muscular, can't do it. So then, two weeks later, my mom went to the US Open, sat next to the assistant editor of Vogue magazine. She had a couple of cocktails in her system, not going to lie and she was, like my daughter's, a fitness model. You should look into her. Three weeks later, she booked me for my first shoot. Vogue magazine was my first shoot I ever did and then it kind of just like roller coaster event. Now all these magazines that wanted nothing to do with me. Nobody wants to be that muscular, no one wants to look like you was like calling me up, Wait, I want to do a spread. I want to do something on muscular women.

Speaker 3:

Wwe heard about my story. They had me go and then training camp and then Titan Games was there and it kind of like Domino effect from there. The rock heard about my story. He's a huge, huge, huge woman empowerment type of human being. He has only daughters. He's like I need the world to hear her story. And then I was on the Titan Games and again it's like a whole domino.

Speaker 2:

How was that, yeah, go ahead. What was the timeline from Vogue to Titan Games?

Speaker 3:

So a year later, after Vogue and 2020, I was on Titan Games. So now it's 2024. So I was on Vogue in like 2018. Wwe was 2019. And then 2020 was Titan Games.

Speaker 2:

So that, yeah, that is quick, it was quick, it was like boom, boom, boom, boom.

Speaker 3:

And again it all just became like I just kept on telling my story and everybody was like wait, that really happens to you. Wait, that's really happening in the modeling industry still. And I was like, yes, it is Like we're accepting of curvy or woman to a point, or we're accepting of muscular women, but you can't be too fit, can't do it. And it was really weird that I was actually too tall to be a fitness model, which was also very interesting.

Speaker 2:

What's the ideal height for a fitness model?

Speaker 3:

5, 7, 5, 8.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And I'm like 5'10. And I don't know, that was like a weird critique, that I had Very weird critique. I was like, oh, my legs are like the size of my body. I'm 5'10. Nah, too much.

Speaker 2:

That's actually why I'm not a fitness model also, I'm too tall, tell everyone.

Speaker 3:

And I'm too short apparently.

Speaker 1:

So how was your experience on the game show? Like with the rock, I mean, he's a legend.

Speaker 3:

He's a legend Number one. He's the most genuine human being you'll ever meet in your entire life. Again, he's all about. He used to bring his daughter to our matches and be like sit here, I need you to watch these women Sit here, I need you to hear their stories. He brought all his girls always to our matches. I mean it was a life-changing moment because after that it blew up, but it was also just very humbling and empowering, because there's just how can I say, normal human beings that are conquering the world and doing so much shit, and I always have a fear of doing a little bit too much. A lot of people tell me sometimes I'm too much, your voice is too loud, you're too big, you wear six and chills when you're already six feet tall. So knowing that there's other women out there or another human beings that came for even a more humble background than me, being like middle fingers up to the world, I'm going to do what I want, it kind of empowered me to just go the way.

Speaker 1:

I love you. I think you're great. I don't think you're too much. I think people who say you're too much are just projecting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it's just insecure.

Speaker 1:

And they're like oh how dare she love herself and be unapologetically? I mean, I get it too. People hate me too. They say I'm too much. I get it, I get that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I think there's a fear inside of them when they think you're too much.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, oh you're nervous to come out. So I'm really curious. I want to get into the detailed nitty gritty of your routines, your health and wellness routines. I'm always very curious when I see people who are really into health and fitness. What are their routines that they swear by? So walk me through your morning and your day and your night routines.

Speaker 3:

OK, so I'm a workaholic too, so I just want to be specified out there that I do a little bit too much sometimes, but so every day when I wake up. Number one I can't stress this enough to everybody it doesn't matter how hard you work out, if you don't get enough sleep, you're to shit.

Speaker 1:

Cry's in one-year-old not sleeping.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I feel bad for the mommies and the newborns. I do, I really do. But sleep is like queen of everything, it's your recovery. Like your body can't come down from inflammation without sleep, it can't recover your muscles without sleep, your brain does not develop without sleep. Like sleep is king queen on top 100%.

Speaker 1:

How many hours do you try to get?

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, I, oh I try to get eight my body. So I'm gonna be in a body building competition, probably this year in the figure division. So they really want you averaging between eight to 10, which is borderline impossible for me, but I really really try. So eight is the minimum, 10 is the most.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that sounds amazing.

Speaker 3:

I know. And to sleep straight throughout. I'm like, oh my God, that's probably been the hardest thing for me is sleep, just working on sleeping. They really want you to go to bed around the same time and wake up around the same time, so your body knows its rhythm. But again, hard for newborns, hard for mommies, hard for dads, everybody. But that's what really would be like. The ideal is around the same time and wake up around the same time. But besides that, so besides eight hours of sleep, every morning, when I wake up, I actually drink a huge glass of water with glutamine in it. So glutamine.

Speaker 1:

Why glutamine, glutamine?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it tracks your digestive system. Coat it, I'm sorry not tracks Coat your digestive system to start the day, so I can start. How can I say moving my bowels very early?

Speaker 1:

We're stealing that. We do the water and lemon in the morning. That also is pretty effective.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it starts your digestive every single morning and then right after that I usually I wait about 20 minutes I have to take my blood glucose for my coach Every single morning. I take, so I prick my finger every morning and take my blood glucose so I can know of my blood glucose if I got deep REM sleep or not. I know this is like a little bit above. No, we love that.

Speaker 1:

This is great, this is amazing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so if I'm in the okay. So the blood glucose is not as trackable as if somebody had diabetes. I'm not gonna lie. Theirs is more precise. You know how they test. Mine is just an Amazon kit really quickly. But if I average between 90 to like 95, I actually got shitty sleep. But if I am under 90, let's say to like 80 to 90, I got really good sleep and I hydrated the day before Cause my levels my cortisol levels did not spike during the middle of the night.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So why do you?

Speaker 1:

take your glucose Like what is that for?

Speaker 3:

Oh for hydration, and again to see if I hydrated enough and to see if I slept in deep sleep enough and to see my cortisol levels. So those are the top three Of why I take my blood glucose, for my coach she can tell if I have cortisol spikes, which means, again, I'm not hydrating enough, I'm not eating enough protein and I'm not sleeping enough. She'd be like yo, your cortisol, I mean your blood glucose, was like 96, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Speaker 1:

So Okay, so you take your blood glucose and then what's next in your morning?

Speaker 3:

So then drink my coffee with my protein in it, because everybody, in order to get your metabolism up and going, you have to start your day with protein, have to have, to, have to have to Like, I can't stress it enough. So that's a hard boiled egg. I put it in my coffee first thing because that is my liquid gold of life. It's like my drugs, it's my coffee.

Speaker 1:

I never thought of doing coffee and protein. We have, yeah, so I actually do.

Speaker 3:

Well, we do collagen in the morning yeah. Well, that's so. My protein is a BCAA collagen protein that I put. So same thing. You know, collagen has a base of a protein in it. Yeah, high five, I was like you're doing it, you're doing it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that usually happens. Like collagen has protein in it, so after I do that, then I'm on the go. Usually I take my breakfast to work, and that usually includes I'm a gluten-free and dairy-free person right now. So gluten-free, actually a bagel with an avocado spread on it with a hard boiled egg. So I hit a fat, a carb and a protein.

Speaker 2:

What's your gluten-free bagel?

Speaker 3:

And everything. Bagel from Trader Joe's yeah, everything. Trader Joe's actually has some gluten-free bread stuff.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Not gonna lie.

Speaker 2:

Does that? Have some gluten-free bagels at home that are not great right now.

Speaker 1:

They're like high protein bagels. Yeah, they're like high protein bagels. I mean I don't know what you mean.

Speaker 3:

like they're not good, like the nutrition-wise, or they taste like shit.

Speaker 2:

They taste like shit, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they just aren't good, so it's fine Listen.

Speaker 1:

I need a real bagel. Like fuck that, I'm a Jew, I like my real bagel. I'm not gonna do this fake shit Like it's either. If I'm not gonna, you know, if I'm not getting a real bagel, I'm just not gonna eat the bagel. I'm just gonna eat like the eggs and the avocado and the little sausage vibes and that's it. If I'm going for the bagel, I want this real thing. What?

Speaker 3:

is this.

Speaker 1:

Yes, seriously, I get it, I totally get it.

Speaker 3:

It's like $20.

Speaker 1:

It's like absurdly expensive. I don't like. I was on board like cause we got a. It's what is it called? Eat better or something. Eat better bagel.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to shit on them, yeah, yeah we don't that's true, Then all the-.

Speaker 3:

You gotta bagel? No, no bread.

Speaker 1:

The one with the, with the everything like spice. That wasn't bad, cause it like the spices, like mask the terribleness of everything else. But yeah, anyway, I went off the conversation.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I did not mean to trick you.

Speaker 1:

I like going off the engine. Yeah, so okay so you have your breakfast, and then what?

Speaker 3:

I have my breakfast. What time do you wake up?

Speaker 1:

in the morning.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, so today was 4.50.

Speaker 1:

Cause you have. You have clients in the morning, Clients, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But again it could be four. It usually averages from like 4.50 ish till 7am ish, like the late, the latest, so around that.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know if you know this about me, but I was a personal trainer for a few years when I lived in Canada. I was like in my 20s and I worked for a bodybuilding gym and it was so hardcore and I had to be at work at 4.30 in the morning and my boss was like really hardcore and we trained like people bodybuilders like and like I was like his, his, like assistant kind of like in a way. He'd give me the programs and then I trained people or whatever, and he used to weigh me every Monday what I swear to God and he used to yell at me if I wasn't under like a certain body fat. And then meanwhile all my friends are like out drinking, eating, you know, and we're in Canada, we like to eat, you know, put in and all this stuff. And like I was on like the strict diet.

Speaker 3:

Wait to be employed there. You got weighed every day, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Every week, every Monday.

Speaker 3:

Every week, like every Monday.

Speaker 1:

I had to be under like a certain amount of body fat, but like the schedule always messed me up, because it's like really early in the morning and then you have you're done at like 10 am and then you're just like hanging out all day and then you have your evening clients.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we. They say that trainers have actually harder hours than nurses. Quote, unquote. The only reason why is because every day we're split so like we work really, really early, really really early, then we break in the afternoon and like you, hardly get a nap in quote unquote. You don't really, I don't really nap. I'm not a nap person, but some people do, and then you work all late at night and then you do it all over again. So at least like nurses know their days and then they get a couple days.

Speaker 1:

So how do you manage that?

Speaker 3:

But oh so still working on it. But truthfully, I just try to get as much good sleep as possible and then when I am not at work or not in my work mode, I really try to like separate myself as much as possible. So I spend time with people I love, I journal and I cut my work off Like I tell my clients like you're not allowed to contact me today, I'll contact you. Don't talk to me.

Speaker 1:

I love that.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, I try to have days like I am completely 1000% away from work. That's good, that's a good tip.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we had the breakfast and then you go into work.

Speaker 3:

We had the breakfast. We're training clients. Now You're training clients all day. And then like what's next.

Speaker 1:

Like when do you do your workout? And like how do you like all while?

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm a morning person, so on working out like 1000%. So I would say I like to train, because I usually have 5, 36, 37, 38, like around 10, 11-ish If I had like. Let's just say it's a normal day. So like 10, 11-ish, I work out for, usually hour to an hour and a half. I don't know why people spend two to three hours in the gym. I don't know what the fuck you're doing in there, but there's not, it's not necessary, unless you're in a competition mode. I guess, like at some point I'm gonna need to train for two hours, but everybody that's doing daily shit. If you're training for two hours, I don't know what the fuck you're doing.

Speaker 1:

It's counterproductive at that point and I think we did talk about this. Like you don't need to be at the gym for hours, like even 30 minutes, 45 minutes.

Speaker 3:

No, it's wild. Like I see some people in here, I'm like they're here. I went through a client's worked out and then took more clients and they're still here working out. I'm like what the fuck are they doing? There's a point that at a workout, your central nervous system is actually just shot and doesn't know how to adapt or grow. It's now just moving on autopilot and that's when your body like does not adapt or grow from shit. It's just like okay, we're just gonna cruise here. We're actually just gonna fuck up your central nervous system. There you go.

Speaker 1:

So that's tip number one. You don't need to be at the gym for hours.

Speaker 3:

No waste of time, waste of your own energy. I don't know what you're doing, so, but besides that, then after I work out, I always have something right after, usually like I wait about like 20 minutes, I calm down, I cool down and I usually have a shake of some sort, and I usually have a banana in it, protein and peanut butter, usually almond butter, to be exact. So I have a little bit of fat, a little bit of carb again and some protein, just something quick that you just get in your nervous system, I mean get into your body, so your body starts to recover and your muscles start to recover.

Speaker 1:

Are you ever like? Are you ever like? I don't wanna work out. Oh my God, what.

Speaker 3:

Yes, am I talking human being? Yeah, I am.

Speaker 1:

So how do you push through those thoughts?

Speaker 3:

Truthfully, how I push through those thoughts is like this is for my own well-being and for my own health, trust me. There are some days I'm like I am not fucking working out today. You can't tell me what to do, I'm not doing it, I refuse. And that's truthfully like my central nervous system being shot because your body let me just get this clear for everybody out there your body does not know the difference between working out, stress and stress, right? So working out is a stress. Your body has to stress in order to, like, adapt and grow, right? So we have to break certain things. So when you're stressed out at work and you're stressed and then you go to work out, you basically just raised your cortisol levels through the roof. It doesn't know the difference, not like oh my God, you're just stressed from working out and you're gonna feel so much better after. Nah, you're gonna be shot as fuck, okay.

Speaker 3:

So, like people, sometimes you have to know the difference with your body of overworking. I always tell people there's no such thing as overworking, but there is such thing as under resting Happens all the time. Happens all the time. So, just being years and years into it, I know when my central nervous system is just shot and I'm like this is not happening today. And then I know sometimes that I'm just like God, I've such a long day today. But like bitch, get through this because this is for your own well-being. And like I wanna be the cool ass 70 year old bitch that's like lifting 200 to 300 pounds. As like a badass bitch on Instagram. Like I wanna be trained like Joan.

Speaker 1:

And she's like oh, I love her, she's awesome.

Speaker 3:

Ah, and like, that's my motivation is like I just wanna be able to be living my years like being able to pick up my nieces and nephews and all my God children and my 16 baby cousins I have Like I wanna be. I'm independent, I live on my own, so fitness is the only way I'm gonna keep on being independent on my own.

Speaker 1:

I love that.

Speaker 3:

Being healthy. Yeah, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's kind of. I think that's the piece that really needs extracted, for how do you get things done for a lot of people? For you, your leverage point is your vitality and being able to interact with your cousins and nieces, and you wanna be able to do that for the longest time, and that is the part that I feel that most people gloss over when it comes to picking up a new habit, whether it's eating right or working out or making something about their day sacred. Is that their why is just, quite frankly not good enough To look good in a bikini.

Speaker 2:

It's just not good enough. It's not big enough. It doesn't create any leverage for the action. So that's really cool to hear yours. I was gonna ask you anyway, but we got to it, which is yeah, that's a beautiful reason to want to keep going, and everybody has to have one.

Speaker 1:

And I think and you're very right that people don't really think about the long-term effects of eating right and exercising. We think about like, oh, I'm gonna fit in like tighter jeans or I'm gonna look good or whatever, but they don't think about like in 20 years, will I be able to run after my kids, will I be, or my grandkids will I be able to? Like travel, will I be able to do like the drop it, like it's hot at the club? I don't know, at the seniors club. You know what I'm saying Like definitely on board.

Speaker 3:

I wanna be able to do things long-term. And it's also very funny too in my family because I'm known for my strength for anything, for definitely female and definitely as a human being. So when anything needs something moved in my family, they call all the guys and they call me Like a jacuzzi had to be moved, and they're like all right, so we're gonna call Matt, nikki, vinny and we're gonna call Courtney to move the jacuzzi.

Speaker 3:

And I think like I take pride in that I'm like, yeah, you know, like I take pride in being able to pick up really heavy shit and pick up all the kids and they're like we need to move something.

Speaker 1:

Call Courtney, you know, I love that Now for people who right now it's like mid-January, so people are still on the like new year, new me, you know a new year's resolution. I'm sure you're like really busy. People wanna get into shape. They've done their damage during the holidays. What are like if somebody's never worked out in their life. Right, how do they? What do you recommend they start doing? Like well, how do they start? Cause it gets oh, it could be overwhelming, cause there's like so many options and so many different you know diets and workouts and ways of training and things like that. Like, how do you simplify it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm gonna say, if you've never worked out and you're like where the hell do I start my journey? How you're a trainer there. To me there's no other way. I'm not gonna. I'm talking like very novice people on movement. I just think sometimes, like the fitness challenges and the apps are full of shit and they're not watching your movement pattern, and then you're after six weeks, you're done with this fitness challenge and you're like now what? And the people just look at each other like now what? And I'm like all right, cool, how are you gonna maintain this?

Speaker 3:

So to me, my number one is hire somebody, even if it's virtual, in-person, you know, whatever it is. Have a plan to maintain your goals, and a trainer is the best option. There's no other. And I know, and I know I'm a trainer myself and I'm a coach myself. So people are like you're probably promoting yourself, but we keep you accountable all the damn time and we're watching your movement pattern, especially if you don't know how to move. I hate when they're like just sign up for the apps and I'm like but they're not watching you how you move, you don't know over time.

Speaker 1:

The proper technique? Yeah, and you can get injured too.

Speaker 3:

You can get injured and you're like I've been squatting like this for two years. Some people come to me and they're like I've been squatting like this for two years and I just look at them like, oh shit, because you just don't know how much your body's wearing on your knees or your back if you're not doing it properly.

Speaker 1:

So hire a coach hire somebody, hire a trainer.

Speaker 3:

Hire a trainer to watch you or do something. And then my second one. Let's say we know movement pattern, so we're, you know, a little bit more veteran to this. Grab a buddy to hold you accountable. Have a workout partner, please. I'm begging you. There's like so my I mean my motivation. I'm very independent. That's fine, but somebody just needs someone to call him out being like bitch, get to the gym. I did it, you did it, you're on my watch, I'm on your watch. Whatever works, hold somebody accountable. I just feel like that's the biggest technique in my head.

Speaker 2:

No it is People. Yeah, the starting something new requires accountability. Like we, as humans, are tribal by nature, we need the community, we need other people to be there to pick us up when we're not, we're not able to. I mean, just this morning we were, you know, we checked the temperature. We were cold plunging. We've been doing it for like five months.

Speaker 1:

And today was like she was in a zone of like you know, the baby woke up at like three in the morning and then I couldn't fall back asleep. So I've been up since three in the morning and just not feeling great and he's like we're going to cold plunge today and I was like I don't know, it's like it's snow outside and it's like the coldest plunge. And we did it Like I did it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at first I was like I'm only going to do it for a minute, and then I just ended up staying for the whole three minutes.

Speaker 2:

Right, and it wasn't like. I'm not going to pressure her into doing it. She's very intuitive and if she tells me like, from a place of like, knowing that it's not a good idea for her, then it's like cool, but I'm like, I'm going to do it if you want to join me. And if you really don't, if you're not feeling it, then don't do it. And of course you know she's when it's down to like, whether she just doesn't want to or she thinks it's a bad idea, she's going to, the switch is going to flip. She's not going to let me do it and then be like oh man, like that, I should have done it. I should have done it.

Speaker 1:

Especially in the snow. It was cool, it was, it was a cool and we, yeah, we and the point is is we keep each other accountable and this like thing. That's really hard to do. You know, I don't know if I would be successful on my own cold plunging a few times a week if I was doing it alone. Like we, we keep each other motivated 100%.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I even do. I even do online training and I only do online training for veteran athletes. Like, I don't like online training for beginners because, again, I'm not watching your form Right, and that's a personal preference. Some people like it, that's just my personal preference. But the first thing I ask them on every consultation is what's your support system like at home? Like, is anybody else on a health and wellness journey? Is anybody else on a fitness journey? Because that's a huge part too. Like you know, if you're trying to make Lynn, if you're trying to do all these things and Tony's like chilling there, you know, eating all the fast food.

Speaker 1:

I mean I wouldn't have married him. You know, and I'm sorry, like this is something important. When you're just searching for a partner, like if you're into, if you want to be with somebody, that like is gonna be a motivator and not gonna bring you down. Like they need to have the interest, at least the interest in the want of having that healthy lifestyle. Or else, like it's really hard because people are eating junk food around you or not working out or drinking, or you know.

Speaker 2:

And that extends beyond, like the partner you choose right.

Speaker 1:

It's also your friendships.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your circle that you surround yourself with needs to kind of match what, or at least start to match or have the intention of getting there of what you're wanting to call into your life. Like you, people are so afraid to make changes in who they're around because they don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings. But when you truly know that like something's off or that there's not any support with where you wanna go, then you start to make changes and create a different circle, like that matters 100% yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you need to have points of your circle being able to be like I'm at a weak point right now. Like I am at a weak point, I'm about to break down and they pick you up and you're like nah, you badass bitch, you're gonna fucking do what you gotta do. But like that's, people always ask me like you know, how do we always stay so positive? I'm like cause my circle is like mad tight, mad tight. I don't like fuck what people in my circle and they pick me up when I'm weak. All the time I'll be like yo, I don't have it in my head today. And they're like get it together already. Like you've done this, this, this, this, this. You're fine. Like, get it together, but you need people like that.

Speaker 2:

You need an answering service that literally just cycles through like five to 10 different messages motivational messages, where if somebody's feeling like shit or they don't, wanna do it?

Speaker 1:

they just call it. They just call it, and it's like you got this.

Speaker 2:

It's you just going. You got this. Do not give up today. You're a badass bitch. You will get through this Like I would. Just 50 cents a call.

Speaker 3:

I would 50 cents a call Something like that Get Romeo for it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, oh, my God, the Murphy Brown.

Speaker 3:

I also say too, like, because a lot of people like I live on my own right, so I even tell people, dude, like I have a background on my phone at all times. It has like a quote and it says to attract better, you have to become better. So you can't do the same shit and expect change. I put the same post it on my mirror. I put the same post it on my fridge, so I literally have to stare at it and be like all right, like you have to constantly see all the time like, get your shit together. You're not gonna do the, you're not an average person, so get your shit together.

Speaker 1:

So Love it.

Speaker 2:

Love that.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I know a lot, I know you train a lot of women, right, and I feel like there's this misconception with women who, with weight training, that it makes you like bulky, a lot of people just want to like stick to. You know, pilati, which is all great, those are all wonder. As long as you're moving, that's all wonderful. But can you help us like convince women to lift heavy shit, please?

Speaker 3:

Yes, oh my God, I can't convince it enough. Number one for anybody who's in the pre-menopausal stage women that are getting older. It is like not me, so not you babe.

Speaker 3:

So apparent Cause pre-menopausal comes with loss of muscle growth and loss of bone density. So osteopenia, osteoporosis, guess what's the only thing that could counter, counteract it, right. So counteract it that's what I'm trying to say is strength training. I can't stress it enough. That's the only thing that every doctor now is kind of hopping on board too. So some women that are pre-menopausal right now that are coming to me, they're like my doctor told me I need to strength train. I was like who is your doctor? I need to give them. Babe, grab me a weight.

Speaker 1:

Grab me a weight Grab me a weight we're literally in the gym. What is our doing?

Speaker 3:

That's the only thing that counteracts it is strength training. I can't stress it enough, and you know. The good thing is, though, let me tell you like, at least in my gym in Hoboken, there is women here that are like just badass, bitching it, putting all the weights on the bar. So strength training is becoming more of a woman thing, I will say that. But still a stressor the bulk is the main stressor, like the look of it. They're like oh my God, I'm just gonna get so bulky. I'm like do you know much you have to eat or put supplements in your system in order to become quote unquote bulky, like it's really hard to get bulky.

Speaker 2:

It would be so like I'm strength, trained like a lot over the course of Tony lifts one weight and he has an abs the next day.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't make sense. It's not fair. What?

Speaker 2:

I'm going-. I'm getting to, was that I? I don't know how much it would take for me, but I've never bulked up Like I have, literally-.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're just like tall and lean and athletic.

Speaker 2:

That's just your but what I'm saying is like you know, I'm probably more genetically predisposed to bulking up, and I-. Yeah, it's gonna be hard, for me too, it would have to be so intentional for me to really focus on doing it. It's not like I, you just start lifting weights.

Speaker 1:

You see, tony, like chugging, like a thing full of like egg. You know raw eggs in the morning.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it takes so much supplementation. It takes so much protein Like I'm talking so much protein, at least your body weight and grams At least. Wow, I like I can't even trust it enough. I've been on a growth phase for bodybuilding for two years and I'm like, okay, we see results now, like I'm talking actual growth phase.

Speaker 3:

It takes time it takes time, like it's not as easy as they think. And I will be completely honest, though some people do get bigger. I'm not saying you don't, but also too, are you watching your nutrition? Or you just strength, like you can't just strength train and think you're gonna go eat cupcakes and think you're not gonna get bigger? I'm gonna be like-.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that makes sense.

Speaker 3:

Right. So if you're eating correctly and being nutrition and like, you're really gonna lean out, you really are. But if you're eating whatever the fuck you want on junk food and you're only strength training, yeah shit, you're gonna get bigger. I'm sorry to tell you, like you're not taking your diet into account, what's so fucking ever? And I really do say the 80, and, lynn, you know this from being a trainer the 80-20 rule is not in my favor, meaning 80% of it is really nutrition, like I wish it was. Like. Oh my God, if you work out with me five times a week, every single, it's not like I would be a millionaire.

Speaker 1:

I really would be-. Apps are made in the kitchen, unfortunately.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and like growth of muscle is made. Everything is by what you eat. And I won't even say 80-20, I would swear it's like 85, 90%. So what's your?

Speaker 1:

approach. You know, all that being said, what is your approach to food. And like you know when a client comes to you and is like, okay, I wanna get in shape, like I don't know what to eat.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh God, it just starts out with so simple. I just my main focus is focusing on protein. First, protein and water. Those are my two. Like I don't try to over complicate it. And also, too, I hate when certain nutritionists right, and this is dietitians, this is God forbid, you don't have like a health concern, so diabetes are on a crazy scale. I'm talking a normal human being. So when they're like, okay, you are, you're only drinking two cups of water a day, now you need to drink a gallon a day, I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not gonna happen to the normal human being. It's not. Everything needs to develop by habit. So if someone's like I only drink a two cups of water a day, I'm like let's try three to four for the next week. Okay, now you're up to three to four. Like people need to gradually make it a habit, because if you go from zero to a fucking hundred with nutrition, I'm telling you the chances is borderline, like 10%. It's actually gonna catch on 100%.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's not gonna happen and the first thing I focus on is protein. I don't even carbs, fat, don't even worry about that. Like, I'm like guys, let's just focus on like are you eating three meals of protein? Let's just start off super simple. Oh, you're not doing that. Let's try to like. I don't even try to go in grams, I don't try to go into measurement. Let's start really simple. Are you eating three meals a day of protein? Cool, like, and when you say protein.

Speaker 1:

Let's kind of get more specific, like fish meat.

Speaker 3:

Not like a burger right like not.

Speaker 1:

You're not like slamming burgers.

Speaker 3:

Steak. I mean you can eat a burger, but what are you eating ground beef? Why is are you eating? I? I'm like 90 10, so 90% Lean meat and then 10% fat, so you get a little bit of fat and everything. So that's like the ground beef I buy. If I'm buying ground beef, so technically can be a burger, it's just Not a burger at McDonald's, though.

Speaker 3:

Exactly like at home. I'm definitely eating steak. I'm definitely I'm not a huge fish person, I'm gonna be completely honest, but I'm not against it. Obviously salmon, sam is a little bit of a fatty fish, but it's actually high protein fish, so Sam is like up there. Um and again, I mean eggs are number one. Chicken is like the cleanest Meat of leanest meat that you can eat when it comes to protein, but it's sickens me out after.

Speaker 1:

When I was, when I was working at the bodybuilding thing, I was literally eating chicken and broccoli every three hours. I couldn't look at chicken for years after. Only in like the last couple years, I started eating chicken again like it's insane Ground turkey and chicken not gonna lie is the leanest least fatty yeah.

Speaker 3:

So. But man, it's sickens me out. After a while I'm like oh no, Please. But then like, try to do some hot sauce on it. Hot sauce is always my but you, but you also indulge too.

Speaker 1:

Like you, you eat others that you don't always eat. You're not eating clean all the time. Like you got to enjoy life too right.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I tell people can you please just be happy and healthy, so like if it's your birthday, can you just please eat the birthday cake Please? I'm begging you actually to eat the birthday cake. Like, can we all just fucking be happy and healthy? Because that's when all the Cravings come in. Like people food binge all the fucking time. I'm like, oh, and I definitely want to say this, if you're craving like sugar at night, number one, you're probably not drinking enough water and number two, you probably don't have enough magnesium in your body. So those are two.

Speaker 2:

I love my god. Now we're, now we're.

Speaker 3:

I love it.

Speaker 1:

Love magnesium. I have a collection of different kinds. Whatever you're feeling, I know which To give you. I have it every single night. I don't travel without it. It comes with me everywhere. I don't sleep without it. I don't poo without it. I'm an anxious mess without it, like a day does not go by without my magnesium.

Speaker 2:

Ask Tony, it's an obsession if I cut this in a reel right now, it would be the second reel about magnesium. We have another reel.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I didn't bring it up. It's true, I didn't bring it up. So are there other supplements that you think are like must haves for any normal person.

Speaker 3:

Yes, any time, a multi, I think, a multi vitamin. I mean, I'm gonna say this yes, your food should be giving you as much Supplementation as possible, but I'm not gonna lie, we make our foods that process the best in the US. We're not, we're not the cleanest, so, um. So, food, yes, it's supposed to be your number one, but what I? Magnesium, vitamin D with K 1000%, especially because we live in New Jersey. Vitamin D huge, huge, huge because we don't get all the sun that we should a multi. And for women, omega-3s because of muscle growth and you know Everything of that in between. So I take not even, I think, omega 3 with a krill oil, so not a fish oil. I'm gonna build krill oil person because fish oil kind of freaks me out, like I still get the aftertaste.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no honey, Just booked it the other day. The fish oil man.

Speaker 3:

Krill oil person.

Speaker 2:

Okay, maybe we'll switch.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but it's in like a pill form.

Speaker 1:

I don't take the liquid, freaks me now, we don't do the liquid, we take the pill.

Speaker 2:

I used to do the liquid I used to. Yeah, it's gross. They try to flavor it and it just makes it worse. To be honest, yeah, I'm good.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm freaking out, but like women with Omega 3s is huge, because also I also want to specify this gotta love low-altz asian women. Having menstrual cycles is a real fucking thing and our bodies are very, very different. So, like I was talking about craving of sugar like women, yeah, when we have our periods and we're losing like blood from our body, that's a real thing. So like we crave sugar sometimes all the time when we breastfeeding crave fucking sugar.

Speaker 3:

That's a real fucking thing all the goddamn time. Also, you know when we are Right before our cycle, little phase I'm trying to think of all the things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's my, that's my Devil phase where I'm just a nightmare.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, obulation phase. Ladies, try to lift all the weight when you're ovulating, because you are a badass bitch when you're the horniness, horniest. Well, like we are ovulating and our testosterone is like let's fucking go. Like we are, we want to lift, like all the way it's usually during our periods, like it's a real thing, like cycle they called strength cycling. Now, like if we actually lifted around our cycles, we could really really find out how we can make our bodies the most, the highest elevation or the highest of form.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, so during your cycle you're supposed to do like lighter workouts, nothing too intense, right the same thing as the week before, like you're kind of like in a shitty Like the. It's kind of crazy as a woman you only feel good About a week, a week and a half in the month.

Speaker 3:

Literally. Guys, listen up. Having our periods is a real fucking thing and you might die if you actually had it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tony would not be able to handle it. I don't think, I don't think no man would be able to handle it.

Speaker 2:

We're simply not built for it. Yeah, it's rough.

Speaker 3:

No, it's rough like cravings. You're definitely also to like right when you get your period. Like high protein, ladies. Like high, high, high protein.

Speaker 1:

That's why I had to eat lunch today. I'm getting my period in a few days and I had to eat. I couldn't juice all day. I had to eat my chicken.

Speaker 3:

Just saying no you're going through craziest right now, like you have to eat protein because you're about to, like you know, drop egg, lose blood, like everything. Like you need to eat Protein, oh my god, so much when you have your period.

Speaker 1:

So do you run or recommend people like workout based on their cycles?

Speaker 3:

If you could? Yeah, definitely, I understand, like they like right, so I'm come, I'm about to compete in like a year, so, like that's not possible right now, I need to certain strength chain on certain days and it's just gonna fucking happen. But if you have the option to train around your cycle, held to the fucking yeah, it will be optimal, like the most optimal thing for women to be able to do that.

Speaker 2:

Are there people, that People probably likely women that have put out training programs around?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this specific thing, yeah, yeah, there are I personally looked into it, so I so, but yes, because there's so much talk about it.

Speaker 1:

There are online that like just tell you what to do in what week, and there's an app called, I think, 28 that, like you put your date in of like your, your Projected period day and it tells you like what kind of activities you can do. I don't, I think, if you have to pay for it. I already know like I track my, my period. So I already know and I work with my trainer, with Ashley live back. You know her, yeah, she's awesome. I've been working out with her for three years and I just tell her, like you know, I've just got my period, I'm not feeling like the greatest, and she'll just like lower the intensity and then some weeks I'm like, yeah, let's go.

Speaker 3:

You know, and she just like, yeah, yeah yeah, I know, yeah, definitely, like you know, I would never suggest like a heavy ass, leg day, lower body day, when women have their periods, like it just are. Also like our hips are different when we have our periods, like our muscles are different, more, more like Elasticity, it's just different. So I just wouldn't suggest it, if you can. You know so good to know. I'm sure fucking post on Instagram. I wrote a whole thing about it. Let me tell you it was shared over like 500 times.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's important. Because it's important, I feel like people don't talk about it enough. You know, yeah, the woman body is a we wild, is a wonderland. Wait, no, is that the wild?

Speaker 2:

What is that?

Speaker 1:

John Mayer body is a wonderland body is a wonderland, so how can people find you, follow you all that stuff?

Speaker 3:

So irongracefitnesscom I am any day. If you type in Google iron grace, you'll definitely find me, but also Courtney underscore, roselle Courtney, I don't know why. In Facebook I have an alter ego. I say this all the time, but I'm Courtney Lynn, I don't know oh yeah. Yeah, I'm alter ego, um, but any social media with Courtney Roselle I do answer, so I do not have an answering people for me. Even when I was on the Titan games, I got 372 dms.

Speaker 3:

I answered every one of them, yeah so irongrace fitness at Gmail, um, but I directly answer all questions. Anything you guys need, I'm here for the health and wellness journey amazing.

Speaker 2:

Are you taking on new clients?

Speaker 3:

I am taking on. I'm taking on way more online clients. I have like about like one slot for in person left. It's just a busy season, but for online for all my veteran athletes, I'm definitely taking clients.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for your time. It was so great chatting with you and we'd love to have you again, for sure, on the show. Um, and yeah, everybody follow Courtney Roselle, and thank you again for chatting with us and look out for her motivational, motivational hotline.

Speaker 3:

Hey, yep, 50 cents, 50 cents.

Speaker 1:

That's it. Thank you, courtney.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome.

From Athlete to Titan
Importance of Sleep and Morning Routine
Managing Work-Life Balance and Prioritizing Health
Accountability and Support in Fitness
Motivation, Strength Training, and Breaking Misconceptions
Approach to Food and Nutrition
Health and Wellness Journey