Secret Son

Send Me An Angel

Mike Trupiano Season 1 Episode 2

Who better to launch with than the woman who helped me track down my father? 

Adoptee rights advocate and search angel extraordinaire Annette O' Connell and I talk family searches, secondary rejection and the ecstasy of experiencing genetic mirroring. 

Somehow I called her by her maiden name of Daly. Apologies!

Music by the inimitable Cassis Birgit Staudt. 


Annette Daly-O’Connell (she/her) is a domestic adopted person born in NYC during the Baby Scoop Era. 

Having been born Pre-Roe; she feels it is vital that the US not go back to a forced birth society. 

She has been active in adoptee rights since 2014. 

Annette is the spokesperson for the New York Adoptee Rights Coalition and is on the boards of Adoptees United, Inc. and Bastard Nation. 

She works part-time for The Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York on the Communications Team and volunteers as a search angel

This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing stated on it, either by its hosts or any guests, is to be construed as psychological, medical or legal advice.


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Produced by: Trout Sound GbR Trupiano & Staudt copyright 2024

All rights reserved