Secret Son

Cammie Chameleon

Season 1 Episode 7

Sweet home Chicago! 

The Windy City plays a big part in Cammie Smith’s story. 

Join us for episode 7 as we get into how best to sneak into nursing homes, problematic Radio Shack ad campaigns and walking that fine line of being either too black or not black enough.

And, as always - secrets!
"I'm a 33 years old TRA (transracial adoptee) and I was adopted at the age of five when my birth mother passed away from breast cancer in July of 95, 

I wanted to tell my story and will continue to tell my story for anyone struggling with being a TRA adoptee so they can understand their feelings and experiences are valid and that they are not alone and for anyone thinking to adopt that it takes a lot more than love to raise a child an adoptee."

This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing stated on it, either by its hosts or any guests, is to be construed as psychological, medical or legal advice.


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Produced by: Trout Sound GbR Trupiano & Staudt copyright 2024

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