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Join Adam Gillard and Dick Wilkinson while they talk politics and community engagement in Pikes Peak region.
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VA Disability: how do you apply, what does the VA accept and what are the benefits?
VA Disability: how do you apply, what does the VA accept and what are the benefits? What counts and what doesn't? VA math - who made this up anyway? This podcast goes into detail and answers these questions (well, I have no idea who or why VA math was created, but I do discuss how it works). Can you collect VA Disability if you are retired military? If you have something wrong now, years after discharge, can you still apply? If what you want to apply for isn't in your active duty medical records, can you still apply and win an award? Is it better to apply for just 1 or 2 things or 15 or 20? What does secondary mean? Is your chance of winning better if you get an attorney? Why do you want to visit our website and view the list of 163 presumptives? What is VA Speak? Will your Primary at the VA tell you if you should apply for a disability award? Is there any compensation above 100% disabled? Can your spouse or parents be compensated if they care for you? Can an award be taken away? Does the VA treat PTSD, depression, and anxiety separately or together for an award? Do you have any chance of winning a sexual harassment or rape award if there is no record of it? How does VA Math work? All of this is explained in this podcast.
www.EPCCPV.org or info@epccpv.org