Sips from the Fountain

Foundational Lies with Chloe Pannell

Martha Gano Season 1 Episode 5

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Have you ever felt hindered by invisible chains, bound by lies embedded deep within your foundations? Chloe Pannell joins me, Martha Gano, for an intimate conversation revealing her battle with these falsehoods and the journey towards the light of truth. We strip away the layers of deception that constrict our potential, dissecting the damaging beliefs that lead to self-sabotage. Chloe's transparency about her path to honesty and forgiveness offers listeners an opportunity to connect with their own stories, as we navigate the ways to dismantle these pervasive lies and step into the freedom God offers.

Our dialogue weaves through the rich tapestry of Ezekiel 16, where the story of God's relentless love for Israel mirrors the unconditional love He extends to us. This episode is not just an exploration of scripture; it's an invitation to claim your truest identity in Christ, breaking free from the shackles of shame. I introduce a transformative prayer tool that guides you through releasing the grip of deceit, encouraging you to grasp the peace that comes from understanding your divine purpose. Embark on this liberating quest with us, replacing the frailties of falsehood with the robust truth of God's promises, and lay claim to a life of abundance that's been waiting for you.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever feel like life can get too complicated and maybe even overwhelming? Yeah, me too, and it's okay. My name's Martha Gano, and in this podcast we're going to talk about life, love, faith, family relationships, all kinds of things, and we're going to drink from what God wants to pour into us, one small sip at a time, because when it's the fountain of living water, small sips make all the difference. Sometimes it'll be just you and me, sometimes we'll have a friend join us. If we could have lunch together today, this is what I'd want to talk about. Hey, you guys, I'm so excited to have you back on the podcast, and I have a special guest today, super excited about what she has to share with us. We finished our last episode with a few little bit of heavy things about looking back into what happened foundationally with us when we were young that shaped and formed the filters through which we look at life, and today we're going to talk about what that looks like in a practical sense and then how to change incorrect filters in your life. And I have here with me in the upper room studio I just named it Chloe. I just now named it the upper room studio.

Speaker 1:

This is Chloe Penel, and I am so excited for her to share her story. I'm so grateful, chloe. You're so young and you're seeing things I didn't see until I was much older, and it's turned you into a very powerful person in yourself. I've watched you transform and change, but also now you're leading other people into freedom, and that's amazing. So I just honor you for that, and I'm so excited about what you have to say to us today. So Chloe's going to talk to us about some of the things she realized in her life that were in place in this area of what we're talking about, and then she's going to walk us through examples, and then she's actually going to walk us through how to break the foundational lives that are at the root of a lot of the incorrect ways we filter our lives. So, Chloe, I'm excited. Let's hear what you have to say.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, martha.

Speaker 2:

I'm so excited to talk about this today. It's been life-changing just learning through all of these new concepts. For me, foundational lives it's one of the things that can really keep us bound, the enemy can use as a real foothold in our lives to keep us from mumbling out the true purpose and the identity that God has called us to. Foundational lives if you don't know what those are, they are a type of bitter root and personal stronghold in their message that we usually believe about ourselves, others, god or life in general that does not agree with the truth of God or his character or his nature. There's some examples that I wanted to list out, because these things, we can even believe them subconsciously. They could just be just a normal part of our thought process, but they are something that God does not like, because he declares truth over us and so he wants us to believe his truth about ourselves. But there are lives about ourselves, and usually this is like I'm stupid or I don't belong, or lives about others. It can be. People can't be trusted, men can't be trusted, people reject me. Lives about life, and we could say that life is meaningless, life is unfair about God. We can believe that God is punishing or he's distant no-transcript. They're easy to spot out to their lies, but our mind might not know the truth because our heart believes the opposite. And so, although the thoughts that are expressed by the mind, they begin in the heart, because Matthew 15, it tells us, matthew 15, 17, 19,. It says whatever enters the mouth goes into stomach and then out the body. But the things that come out of the person's mouth come from the heart and these defile them. So what is in the heart, it comes out of the mouth, and we can be tempted to act out on these lies. The spot of our head, knowledge and what we believe, like, for example, if you believe that nobody cares about you, that lie will tempt you not to share your heart with anyone, even those that you love and trust. It's kind of like self-sabotage in a way.

Speaker 2:

An example of my own that I realized and had to walk through. I was tempted to believe the lie that I couldn't hear from God like clearly, like other people could. I realized that this was because of my dad, because God's a father, and so my dad tempted me to believe this lie about the Lord because my dad, you know, growing up we weren't. There's a lot of things that happened that strained the relationship with me and my dad and some of the choices that my dad made. But growing up we did not communicate really like have father daughter talks. It was only if it was like convenient for him, and so I ended up putting that image on God and believe the same thing that the Lord. He did like I did hear the Lord, but not really when I really needed him and not really when I needed to hear him the most, and so I projected the view of my father unto God and that was something the Lord had to show me.

Speaker 1:

And I just want to say, you know we mentioned in the last episode, we honor our dads, but honor the root word is the same root word is honest or it's very related. And it's one thing to just be honest about what happened, it doesn't mean that you're judging them. If you do, there are consequences that kick in from that. So we don't want to judge anyone, but it also is important to be honest about the way things were. So I just want to, Chloe, put that little clarification in there. We're not dishonoring anyone. We're just being honest and giving examples of how it shaped your life in particular. Okay, Thanks for letting me say that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and that is something. I've had to walk through forgiveness with my dad a lot in my life. I'm so thankful that the Lord has shown me the things that I've held bitterness towards him because it's helped me really live in freedom, have a closer relationship with the Lord because I didn't have a false view of him. Then I'm seeing more of his character in the fullness of who he is.

Speaker 2:

One thing that's tricky when it comes to foundational lies is that it's not just enough to quote bowels verses and consciously decide to believe the truth, because we have to repent and we have to come out of agreement with the lies and when we believe them, when we first believe them. So we have to go back to the root, just like I had to go back to. You know why I was believing that God was distant and I didn't hear from him. It all started with a root and that is one thing that we have to do in order to break. It's a threefold court agreement, which is with us, the tempter and the father of lies. But the Lord gives a way out for those things that are not easily broken.

Speaker 1:

Let me say here too, by a tempter you mean the one who did something wrong, the one who did something that offended us, that we were now tempted to judge that person and Not forgive them. So that's what you mean by tempter.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because these lies they usually Form in like trauma or if we haven't been given a lot of Confirmations of God's truth and love, like growing up in the household, if there's been a lack of love. These lies could be taught and modeled from generations. Just they could be straight lies from the enemy, things that maybe, like it could start with your parents, like it did for me. So these the tempter is usually the person involved. That that Makes you believe these lies about yourself and the lies. They gain power if we keep harboring bitterness throughout our life and Respond to similar experiences throughout life. And also another way that I believe that they Can really begin to grow is through shame, and me and Martha were actually talking about this when I first came. We've been trying to schedule a date to record this podcast. It just hasn't worked out, and I came in today. I was like I think I know why. Because the Lord has given me this word about how shame is very impactful when it comes to Foundational lies, because if you think about it, like if you have a similar experience to maybe the root cause of why you believe this lie, you're gonna affirm it and you're like, oh my gosh, I just can't get anything right. I'm so stupid. You know you're just constantly shaming yourself.

Speaker 2:

But I wanted to talk about this passage in Ezekiel. It's Ezekiel 16. In it God is talking about he's talking about his relationship with Israel and he says you know, I found you laying in a field, you're a baby laying in your own blood. And no, I pitied you. Nobody wanted you. But basically he did not pass Israel by and he said to them in your blood. He said I said to you in your blood, live. Then it goes on. He's like I dormed you with jewels and I entered into a covenant with you and all of this stuff. He's laughing, is lavishing his love on Israel. Then it talks about how Israel has forsaken their first love, their great love. You know they were like a prostitute, but they were worse than other prostitutes because they sought out other idols. A few months ago I was brought back to this passage I kind of missed, like the ending of this verse.

Speaker 2:

At the end of the chapter, god says I will establish my covenant with you. You shall know that I'm the Lord. That you may remember and be confounded and never open your mouth again because of your shame when I tone for you, for all that you have done, declares the Lord. He's speaking of the covenant that's to come and that's what we are living in today. We're living under Jesus's blood, in the covenant that he has established, and we no longer have to let shame come out of our mouths because of what he has done for us. The sins are forgotten, like in God's eyes if you were under the blood of Jesus, and shame no longer has to come out of our mouths, and that is something that is so common in this culture today. We shame ourselves so much, but God actually, as we see in the beginning of the chapter, he has a language of life, because he calls us to live, and to live in abundance, in the fullness of who he's called us to be. That is so good.

Speaker 1:

So you know, we just I thought this message was so important because I know that all of us have foundational lies. We all have messages that either have been being whispered in our ears from the time we were small, or maybe even something more recent happened in your life, that you've got this message about you, about God, about the nature of life, about other people, and we are so Excited because we really believe we were talking about it before we started that God's gonna do things through this message. So whenever God digs something up in our lives, it may be painful, it may be difficult, but that's always a sign that he's gonna dig out something that's killing us and he's gonna heal us. So, you know, just to encourage you to ask the Lord, what are some of those foundational lies that have been spoken over my life that I've believed, I've participated in, I've been, you know, sold that lie lock, stock and barrel, and we believe the Lord wants to break it and we believe he wants to start.

Speaker 1:

Today, in fact, chloe has a tool that she's gonna finish this episode with, that she's gonna share with us how to break foundational lies and then later we're gonna be talking about, once you've broken foundational lies about who you are. How do you find who God's actually created you to be? We're gonna be talking about that in the next episode, but, chloe, for now, will you walk us through the prayer? She's just gonna read it straight out loud, you guys, and you can rewind and replay it as much as you need to. She's gonna walk us through the prayer to break foundational lies. It's gonna include forgiving the one who spoke, whispered, implied, accidentally, it put in place, however it happened. We're gonna forgive that person. We're gonna forgive ourselves for believing something that was not the truth, and Then we're gonna walk into some freedom. So, chloe, why don't you read that? Pray that prayer for us as we finish up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So if you're like, oh yeah, I've got a lie, so just repeat after me. Dear Lord, I repent for believing the lie and you name the lie specifically, I come out of agreement with it and I break its power over me. I confess that I have sinned against you, others and myself by embracing this lie. This lie has caused me to feel, and then you fill in the blink of how this lies caused you to feel.

Speaker 2:

I Try to protect myself from that pain by and then confess your structure of defense, but I realize now that those things have not protected me and they have only helped cement this line to my heart.

Speaker 2:

Please forgive me, lord, and heal me. Forgive me for the ways that I have turned from life through and then Explained, put in the blink, of how you've turned from life. I Repent and I choose to turn toward the life, purpose and destiny that you have given me. You're the way, the truth in the life, and I embrace you.

Speaker 2:

Now I can see that this lie entered my heart when it described the specific wounding, the hurtful thing done or the lack of necessary good thing, and I choose to forgive the whoever it is, who offended you and attempted you to believe this lie and I release my right to hold this offense against them and I repent for the times when I've spoken lies over myself and disdained my body, my looks, intelligence, creativity, and I come out of agreement with the enemy and I break any alliance I have made with them. Lord, I choose to believe your truth and I just declare that this threefold cord is broken over you today, in the name of Jesus, and you can step into the fullness of who God has called you to be and you can hear the Lord's truth sing over you and Believe it with all of your heart.

Speaker 1:

In Jesus name, whoo okay, that is powerful and, yeah, I just encourage you guys to Capture that information so that, as God shows you those lies that have been put in place in your heart, or as new lies Come at you about who you are and who you are not, that you have a tool in place to say no to the plan of the enemy in your life. Next episode we're gonna be talking about well, once those lies are gone, how do we find who we actually are, why God created, what it's his purpose? What does he say over us? Chloe, you mentioned us singing a song over us, and we want to hear more about that in the next episode. So, thanks so much for being here, thanks for having me. Okay, we'll see you guys next episode. Talk to you soon.

Speaker 1:

Hey you guys, thanks for hanging out with us today. I hope you've got some refreshment from this sip from the fountain. If you're curious to hear more or if you like what you've heard, you can go ahead and subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen to yours, or follow our Instagram account, sips from the fountain, or our Facebook page by the same name. Special thanks for cover our photography to the Sarah D Harper, and I can't wait to hang out with you guys next time. Thanks so much, love y'all you.