Rockstar Mentor

Ep. 076 Business is Business, Rockstar Mentor is NOT just for artists anymore!

Sonya Paz Episode 76

Ep. 076 Business is Business, Rockstar Mentor is not just for artists anymore!

I have received some great feedback and emails lately in regards to the show. Some peeps have found and recommended the show to non "artists' per se' and the consensus is that the Rockstar Mentor Podcast and mentoring website is for anyone in business!  A recent email sent to me from Jodie R. who is a paralegal in the New York area who commutes to work everyday found the podcast and she is pursuing her passion of being a jewelry designer as a side hustle to her Paralegal job. She goes on to say that she is not only inspired by the content, but as a business person, she finds all of the material that I cover in the podcasts to be extremely valuable to anyone in business.  She says that I have nailed it on the head!  Thanks Jodie!

This episode 076 will reflect on some past Rockstar Mentor podcasts that are some of my faves and why you should listen to them (you can listen to these in any order):

Eliminate the Gears of Fear with Artist Sonya Paz

Recapping the First 9 Regular Episodes Artist Sonya Paz

Ep. 033:
Supporting your fellow artists with respect and etiquette

Ep. 045:
Polishing Up Your Sales Spiel

Ep. 062:
Elevator Pitch - Your 30 seconds to success!

Check these episodes out on the website at
Or whatever podcast player you prefer (ie., iTunes. Stitcher Radio, Google Play, TuneIn etc).

I am also giving some shoutouts to my fellow podcasters that I like!

Deaths Door
Dominique Mix

Sheila De La Rosa and David Sharp

For the full summary of the Rockstar Mentor show notes visit me at


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