Stepping Up for the Working Mom

Want to become a morning person?

August 20, 2020 Nikki Gingrich Episode 105

Waking up early is something leaders in the self-development world preach. It's also something I do and have done since I was in high school. Yet, even after all these years of waking up early it's still a challenge. 

My husband and I started a new routine last week and he started waking up early with me. We'd do our own morning routine, or as I like to call it intentional time. Then we'd meet up and workout together. On Wednesday morning I said to him "You know after all these years you'd think it be easier to get out of bed early in the morning." 

In this episode I'm sharing with you tips on how I work to get myself out of bed, because even though it's a challenge it's always worth it!!!