Stepping Up for the Working Mom

Following my cycle for more mind/body awareness

October 12, 2020 Nikki Gingrich Episode 113

I'm a woman and I follow a 28 day cycle, my body and my mood fluctuates with this cycle. So 9 months ago I started actively following my cycle. I paid attention to where I was in my cycle. Then in May 2020 I went off of birth control completely and allowed my body to regulate itself. 

Through the practice of tracking my cycle and now actively seed cycling I noticed some major shifts each month. I'm slowly becoming more aware of times of low energy and times of high energy. Through this awareness I'm using my cycle to plan out my schedule, take rest when I need it and eat differently. 

When we as women listen to our bodies we can become advocates for ourselves. We can ask for what we need, when we need it. We also understand why we may be more tired and instead of pushing through that feeling and forcing ourselves to feel a different way we can lean in and allow ourselves to flow through the different parts of our cycle.