Stepping Up for the Working Mom

Learning to Trust Yourself

Nikki Gingrich Episode 124

You have all the answers you need within you! 

In this episode I share a story of how I reached out to a mentor for feedback, and found myself in a familar place. One where I would let someone else's thoughts or beliefs hold me back. Now this mentor did something different, and so did I. 

This mentor encouraged me to ask myself how I felt about what I was asking.  I realized I was looking for validation, for permission to do something that I already knew I wanted to try. 

I started looking back at different times in my life where I was seeking permission and when I didn't get it right away I backed out. I listened to the other person rather than myself.  I'm empowering you to realize that if there's something you want to do or try don't let someone else's thoughts or opinions stop you! 

Or get yourself a coach or mentor who will ask you what you want to do!!!