Stepping Up for the Working Mom

(#10) Finding alignment in your life and business - Interview with Val Cap

Nikki Gingrich Episode 10

Val Cap is the found of The Nurturing Collective. She is an entrepreneur who after years of dabbling, trying different career paths has finally found her sweet spot and created a business coaching practice for entrepreneurs in the personal development industry.  She helps coaches create alignment between their business and their life. 

She recently published her book, "The Aligned Method", which details her 7 step process to finding alignment in your business.  You can download her book for free at 

During our conversation we talked about:
-Understanding what alignment means
-What is the mindset of an entrepreneur
-Listening to our intuition and trusting our own decisions

You can see more of Val at:

Instagram @nurturingcollective -
Facebook - 
Email -

Also, my Stepping Up: Become Who You Are Meant to Be event is happening on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at Spinnerstown Hotel i Quakertown, PA from 9am-12pm. More info and registration is available at