Into The Mythic - Ancient Irish Stories for Modern Times
Exciting news! We are running a special online course this winter. Over 6 weeks from Samhain to Winter Solstice we invite you to join us online to be nourished and entertained by the magical stories of Ireland’s ancient culture. A live interactive experience with Into the Mythic hosts Pol and Leeanne.
Find out more and book your place at https://www.leeanneodonnell.com/store/p/into-the-mythic-online-course
Join us as we journey back and find new meanings in some very ancient stories. Leeanne O Donnell and Pol O Colmain revisit Ireland's ancient legends with fresh ears - peeling back the layers to uncover what resonance these stories might have for us now in the 21st Century. Some stories endure for thousands of years and these ones have - so what are they trying to tell us ? This series is made possible by the kind sponsorship of our friends at Wild Goose Studio. https://wildgoosestudio.com. Recorded at the Working Artist's Studio in Ballydehob. Presented and produced by Leeanne O Donnell. Music composed and performed by Pol and Dubhaltach O Colmain @workingartiststudios
Leeanne's first novel Sparks of Bright Matter is out now - in all good bookshops, on kindle and as an audiobook on Audible and Spotify.
Into The Mythic - Ancient Irish Stories for Modern Times
Into the Mythic Update
Come Into the Mythic with us ! Find out more about our live interactive course on Irish Mythology this winter at https://www.leeanneodonnell.com/store/p/into-the-mythic-online-course