Into The Mythic - Ancient Irish Stories for Modern Times
Exciting news! We are running a special online course this winter. Over 6 weeks from Samhain to Winter Solstice we invite you to join us online to be nourished and entertained by the magical stories of Ireland’s ancient culture. A live interactive experience with Into the Mythic hosts Pol and Leeanne.
Find out more and book your place at https://www.leeanneodonnell.com/store/p/into-the-mythic-online-course
Join us as we journey back and find new meanings in some very ancient stories. Leeanne O Donnell and Pol O Colmain revisit Ireland's ancient legends with fresh ears - peeling back the layers to uncover what resonance these stories might have for us now in the 21st Century. Some stories endure for thousands of years and these ones have - so what are they trying to tell us ? This series is made possible by the kind sponsorship of our friends at Wild Goose Studio. https://wildgoosestudio.com. Recorded at the Working Artist's Studio in Ballydehob. Presented and produced by Leeanne O Donnell. Music composed and performed by Pol and Dubhaltach O Colmain @workingartiststudios
Leeanne's first novel Sparks of Bright Matter is out now - in all good bookshops, on kindle and as an audiobook on Audible and Spotify.
Into The Mythic - Ancient Irish Stories for Modern Times
Episode 9 : Mythical, Mystical Islands
Exciting news! We are running a special online course this winter. A live interactive experience with Into the Mythic hosts Pol and Leeanne. From 6 weeks from Samhain to Winter Solstice we invite you to join us online to be nourished and entertained by the magical stories of Ireland’s ancient culture.
Find out more and book your place at https://www.leeanneodonnell.com/store/p/into-the-mythic-online-course
Episode 9 : This week Pol tells us about mysterious islands off the coast of Ireland that have been talked about for thousands of years - floating islands that have been glimpsed out beyond the horizon but have never been mapped...
Come Into the Mythic with us ! Find out more about our live interactive course on Irish Mythology this winter at https://www.leeanneodonnell.com/store/p/into-the-mythic-online-course