Podcast on Germany

Episode 23: Caesar gets impatient

Podcast on Germany Season 1 Episode 23

Hello everyone today we are talking about a black mark in Caesar's career.  This episode will discuss the arrival of Tencteri and the Usipetes and then their massacre at the hands of the Romans.  Caesar has been fighting for 3 years now and has dominance in Gaul.  His problem is that the Gauls are unwilling to let him keep it.  Stressed by the continuous fighting and raiding in the region, Caesar now faces the problem that two tribes, with elite cavalry, have broken through his static defense of the Rhine and are trying to settle in Gaul.  Caesar must gather his forces and end this threat to his precarious kingdom.  The clash that will end this invasion is closer to murder and eradication than traditional battle.  Join in as we discuss how the two tribes crossed the Rhine and the road that led to one of the most malicious moments in Caesar's career of conquest and subjugation..