DisLove Podcast with Vanessa and Kris

DisLove E76 Disney Walls and Emily from Figmentality Designs

Vanessa Ferguson and Kris Johns with guest Emily Yarbrough Season 3 Episode 76

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In this episode, Kris and Vanessa talk about all the walls that are still around at Walt Disney World to take a great photo in front of on your next trip.  Later in the episode, they are joined by Emily from Figmentality Designs.  She creates amazing hand painted shoes for her clients.

For all the latest news about our episodes follow us on Instagram @dislovewithvanessaandkris or on YouTube.

Vanessa Ferguson  0:05  
Welcome to the DisLove podcast with Vanessa and Kris. I'm Vanessa Ferguson. And I'm Kris Jones, we would like to welcome you to show number 76. And for any listeners joining us for the first time, our show features things we love it Disney and in each episode, we have a guest who creates Disney magic for our listeners at home, or on their Disney vacations. from vacation planners to product producers, our guests can bring Disney Magic into your life. And as a reminder to our listeners, we appreciate if you can take time to leave us a review on Apple podcasts or any other platform where you listen, we like to give those reviews shout out on future episodes of the dislike podcast. And of course, that just helps more listeners find us. Now on today's show, we are going to be joined by Emily from Figment tality designs, and she creates cute custom painted shoes. And of course for all of you that Listen, you know I love Figment. So I was naturally drawn to her shop name as well. So we are looking forward to sharing all about her work with you later on. Now, before we get to Emily's interview, besides food, what is something else that we like to do a lot at Disney take photos? Yes. So if you are one of our family members, or if you follow us, you know that we take photos Well, I guess I take photos all the time. Even before cell phones, I had a camera, I still take my camera with me to Disney. And so one of the things that of course, in the Disney Instagram community a big thing for the last couple of years actually has been the Disney walls, and just taking those photos in front of the walls. And of course,

the big hype was a couple years ago, but we still all love taking photos in front of those walls. I know when I was there recently, I was even struggling trying to find a couple of the walls that are pretty popular. So I thought it'd be good to talk about them today. And if you know if you go way back to Disney, you might remember when there used to be Kodak picture spots throughout the park that would be places for you to take photos. Well, now those little signs have been replaced by these awesome walls. So we are going to talk about them. And we're gonna look at the ones in the theme parks and I've kind of created I think there's one in Disney Springs we're going to talk about later as well, Kris. Cool. So we're gonna get started with some of the classics. And these are ones that are at

Magic Kingdom where you usually would start out. And I think even Kris has heard of this first wall, if you heard of any of the Disney walls.

No. Okay, well, I've had to take photos of me in front of this one. And this is the purple wall that's kind of the first wall here is that that is over by tomorrow land, you know, when we cut through whether we've had that desert party for the fireworks and that terrorists

Kris Johns  2:59  
I'm just gonna have to go.

Vanessa Ferguson  3:01  
So the purple wall when you are going to tomorrow land, it's on your way as you're like from the Tomorrowland terrace in that you would be able to cut through and you see that down that hallway nearby. There's also the galaxy wall, which is part of that wall Disney's transformed it essentially what they did as they kind of created a geometric design on this purple wall. And you'll always see people stopping to get photos there. A couple years ago, there was merchandise and pins and hats and things that said the purple wall. So it's kind of that quintessential one that you always see people talking about and that it's kind of that classic one that you would see at the parks and people's photos. Now there's also some other ones that you'll see in other areas of Magic Kingdom but that's kind of the main one that you would want to check out there. Now some of the ones over at Epcot are ones that you see quite a bit because they are also a mixture of just colors. There is a really cool one that's called the toothpaste wall because Kris it looks like toothpaste. Yeah, so it's outside living seas and we in fact like our wedding reception was that living I need to look this up Yeah, the toothpaste wall. Yes.

The toothpaste wall is over by the seas with Nemo and friends when you're coming out of that Pavilion. Very easy to be able to get your picture there and it does look like toothpaste doesn't it Kris?

Kris Johns  4:30  
If you squint

Vanessa Ferguson  4:32  
so the toothpaste wall is over at and seas with Nemo and friends now over by Spaceship Earth and this can vary right now with all of the construction going on. It can be a little bit more difficult to get to depending on when you're at the parks but there's the bubblegum wall that is near Spaceship Earth and it has like those very Sleeping Beauty s colors. It's the pinks and the the the blues. So it's really kind of a fun thing and depending on how your

Dress it just looks cute with pastels and things and pictures. So that's over by Spaceship Earth. Now there's also some neat walls that you can see as you go throughout the world showcase, people will get pictures in Morocco and in different places. Now, I personally find that there's not one of those quintessential walls in any of those locations. But really, you're going to stick with that bubble gum wall or the blueberry. There's also a blueberry wall that's over by NEEMO and friends as well. And so that's kind of a fun one to see. It's right near the toothpaste wall. It's basically the same building. So if you are at Epcot, those are the ones so in the blues, and then also the pastels. Now moving over, I think some of the most fun walls are at Hollywood studios, and then also at Animal Kingdom. And hopefully some of you have gotten a chance to see some of these. In Animal Kingdom. If you go into Africa near the Harambee village, near like the Huron Bay marketplace, there is a bunch of different walls, there's the one with Mickey, that has

the cute little Mickey, and it's right outside the Harambe marketplace. There's also the moss wall that is in Pandora. So it looks just like, obviously moss on the wall. But it's kind of a cool thing. And it's got more of a nature feel that you wouldn't get as some of these other ones that are just the solid painted ones. And the one elusive one that I've had trouble finding. And I tried to look for it when we were there when I was there in March was the you our most beautiful wall. And here's a tip about that one in you've probably saw it on Instagram, this one you it's kind of tucked near a castmember entrance Do you have to kind of look for it. It's near the outdoor dining area at Harambe market. And I went looking for it. And I didn't find it. Although I didn't know the tip about kind of having it tucked back by the cast member entrance because I looked all around the outdoor seating and I missed it. But you should be able to find it. If you keep an eye out for looking for that cast member entrance. It's supposed to be tucked around there. And also near that those walls in Harambe marketplace. There's also like the one with the bicycles in front of it. There's just right within a few steps, you can get a ton of really cool pictures at Animal Kingdom. So head towards the back over by the Safari. Get some of those pictures, you will not regret it. In fact, there was a couple years ago, I had gotten some photos in those areas just because I thought they were cool areas not knowing that was before the walls became such a big thing. So in Animal Kingdom, those are the neat ones that you can find and all of those are going to be located in Africa, except for that MOS one that is in Pandora. Now moving over to Hollywood Studios. These are ones that probably even people like Kris that are a little bit more ambivalent to things would recognize which one now there's two that are by Toy Story mania, when we're leaving that writing you like that, right? I love it. Yeah, cuz you always beat me at that, right? Always Always. Yes. I think though, what are they? I need to look this up. Okay, so their Toy Story land walls. Okay, so when you're exiting the Toy Story, right? There's several there's one that looks like a popsicle stick wall. And then the second one is it has. Okay.

Kris Johns  8:25  
I mean, I, I've never noticed these. I've had to take my photos in front of them. I'm just taking. Yeah, you're not paying attention. So there's the popsicle one. And then there's also one with woody on it. And it says you've got a friend in me. I've just got I just got a photo with that one not too long ago.

Vanessa Ferguson  8:45  
And also in Hollywood Studios. There's an Incredibles wall, which I've not gotten my photo near this one. This one is pretty cool. It looks like I'll share some photos of it. It looks just like it's in The Incredibles area as you're walking towards Toy Story land. There's not a lot of stuff there. But like that's where you can buy that num num, the jack jack num num cookie, you'll be able to find that wall tucked over there. And so that's a fun one as well in especially kids who love Toy Story or if they like The Incredibles it's just a fun way to do some poses. Every once in a while you'll see Fastpass photographers at these but not always. So of course, they're just meant for you to be able to get some great selfies. Have somebody like Kris take the photo for you who doesn't know what they're doing it for? But next time I have to make sure you take a photo in front of one of these. I would love to know that. I mean, I just you walk past them. You don't really know we like to take selfies Yeah. So we'll have to have you take some of these when we go in September. Excellent idea. So that kind of rounds out at the parks. So at Magic Kingdom, and Epcot, you have kind of more of those solid color walls and the little

Little bit of just straight color versus Animal Kingdom. And I think Hollywood Studios just really have it made in terms of they just have cool designs. They're a little bit more familiar and recognizable compared to what you would see at Magic Kingdom and Epcot. Now I'm going to add in nobody has called it a wall yet. But Kris, I'm going to go out there on a limb, and I'm going to say there's a wall at Disney Springs now. Really, what? What would you call it? So do you remember a couple episodes ago? We talked about candy? Oh, yes. Yes. So we talked about candy. And at the m&m store. There, we talked about how they have the tallest chocolate wall in the world. And it's 17 feet tall. And it has 130 tubes of chocolate in all different colors, m&ms. So I'm going to say that that would constitute as a wall because I'm sure tons of people take photos in front of it. So we definitely have to go to Disney Springs and get our photos.

Anyway, I think No, I do remember that. Yes. So yes. So we definitely think that the m&m wall should be added to the list of must take photos in front of Disney walls. So hopefully, on your next trip, you can take some photos at the different parks in front of these different walls. And if you're hopefully you're better at finding the your most beautiful wall at Animal Kingdom compared to myself, I'm going to try again in September. I mean, I there's a couple of websites that have maps to these walls. And I'm going to put the links in the show notes. And I'm going to use those maps when we go on our next trip to try to find some of these walls that I wasn't able to locate in the past. But hopefully you can get a chance to do these on your next trip as well. And we are really looking forward to getting our interview up with Emily and sharing all about her shoes in the amazing talent that she's able to put out on those shoes as she paints them for you.

We would like to welcome Emily to the show. Her shop fig mentality designed is all about custom hand painted shoes. And we are really looking forward to hearing about her business today. She's the mom of two girls, the wife of a racecar driver. And of course like all of us, she loves all things Disney. So welcome to the show. Emily, thank you so much for having me. Now, of course, we want to hear a little bit about what you enjoy at Disney. So right now we've been asking people, what is your favorite ride at any of the Disney Parks?

Emily Yarbrough  12:28  
Oh, this is a hard

love splash mountain just because some last time we just went to Disney recently in January, okay with both of my girls for their second visit, and my youngest was finally able to go on.

Yeah, so we had a really good. So that is like

totally glorious feeling as a child, I guess, to be able to go on that as a parent to watch that. That was really, really exciting for us. So now I think it's my favorite ride. Awesome. Yes, our daughter is still too short to get on most big rides. So we're still waiting for that day.

It's exciting to watch that like joy in their eyes, for sure, for sure. Now we want to hear all about your business and the products that you offer connected to Disney.

Sure, so right now I'm

pretty much only working on shoes. I do hand hate shoes.

Mostly, I've been doing adult shoes. And that's kind of how I got started.

But I'm certainly open to doing little people shoes.

A little Disney fans out there. But I just felt like there wasn't really an outlet or someplace where adult Disney could get what they were looking for. It was always super specific to you know, newer stuff that was coming out. So I'm personally a fan of like older Disney movies like Sword in the Stone and

Vanessa Ferguson  14:23  
those sorts of things are my favorite. So I wanted to be able to bring that to other people's lives. So should know, what sort of designs do you do on shoes and then what types of shoes do you paint on?

Emily Yarbrough  14:37  
So generally, they're all canvas. My sister my future sister in law has a pair of leather ones that she's waiting for me to do for her. I have too much anxiety about trying something different right? to try something different.

But generally, they're all canvas.

I can do any design that you prefer, I have actually an order for like Bruce Lee shoes.

So not dizzy, but

but any sort of like character is really easier for, for me that you know what I buy the shoes myself or I how does that work.

So we, right now don't have a shop, per se, but you can always DM me on Instagram. And I'm more than happy to accommodate any requests that you have. Most people that I've worked with have very particular preferences of what they want to see on the shoe and machinery because that really gives me a vision.

Because otherwise I do have some ready to ship shoes available.

But with shoes, obviously people have a particular size that they need, right.

We're trying to make sure that we're accommodating

exactly what your needs are.


that that's just really important to me to make sure that what you want is on the shoe if you love Rapunzel and you want to see Rapunzel and Flynn, Ryder and Pascal but you don't want to see mothers awful or anybody else want to know that? Because I want to make sure that that's what's on there. For sure. You know, in with it like, you know, what was the inspiration to one day, say I want to have a business where I paint Disney characters on shoes.

So it's a little complex. Okay.

So I have worked in the restaurant business my entire life. And

I was in a contract. And it recently was up.

And now that I have two little girls, I was not interested in renewing that contract, especially with the way COVID was and everything.

Working 12 hour days, five days a week was not really conducive to family life, right. I've always loved Disney. But so when I left that restaurant business, I needed some sort of outlet to

just exert some other internal energy that I had, like, I didn't know what to do with myself. And it's always felt like art was an outlet for me.

And clearly, Disney made me happy. So I was like, Well, why not do this like this. This makes me feel good when I do it. And it makes hopefully makes other people feel good when they receive their goods. So it's certainly not something that is, you know, it's not it's not supplementing our life, right?

for showing the star and it makes me happy to make other people feel happy. Like I can only make my kids so many pairs of shoes. But if I didn't do it for other people, certainly right now, how long ago Then did you just start your business this year? Or? Oh, yeah, I started it.

I mean, I probably started like dabbling in February 2020.

Vanessa Ferguson  18:28  
And that was really just like I made something for a friend and then me something for another friend. And then they were like, you should probably start doing this more regularly. For sure. Now, that kind of leads us to we always like to ask how do you think your products can add Disney magic to our listeners lives and of course your customers?

Emily Yarbrough  18:52  
I mean,

so I always feel like I feel better when I'm wearing Disney stuff.

Right? I feel that

I have a malesan

black shirt that I purchased recently from the Disney Store and I were pretty much as often as I can.

Because I like her good and bad side you know, right? And animated version.

But I mean, that's just the thing I don't

like guess it's the why I make so many things for adults like we are still ingrained in the Disney culture. We love everything about busy, but there's not necessarily things that are customized to that adult persona, like everything is


geared towards children or younger but there's some of us that like to enjoy the magic as we're older and especially

With those of us that have children that are that age.

Kris Johns  20:06  
And one of the things that Kris often talks about is how like for adults, there's just a few things and like, everybody has the same thing. And it's so nice like, exactly. And I think the one great thing that you do is allow people's creativity to come out through your creativity. And again, when you go to the, you know, Disney, you want to stand out because again, I've said it, like a lot of the remember Christmas, there was a spirit jersey that, you know, it just seemed like everybody was wearing and now when you come home, it's different. But when you're in the parks, you know, with other Disney lovers, you want to stand out in the crowd. I think that's what makes your shoes Sony. so unique. And again, I think Disney makes you wear shoes. Isn't that correct? Yes, exactly. So

I mean, like, it's almost mandated that you get a pair of Emily shoes.

Emily Yarbrough  20:51  
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, my husband had never been to Disney before. We brought, we brought our oldest daughter in March, right before COVID happened for her fifth birthday. That was like her big thing. We surprised her and brought her down there. And he had never been before himself. And I bought him a couple shirts that were like, at Target, because that's, that's what we had available to us at the time. And it was really a last minute thing. So then we get to Disney and he's wearing the same thing as you know, every other man that walks.

Right. So I probably should have been a little bit of this other job. But

you know, we got a couple things from SDN stuff. But you know, for, for somebody that you're not sure if they're gonna even wear it when you get there. Right? The $5 target target shirt, I guess.

Vanessa Ferguson  21:47  
And what's funny is we were there that same time, we took our daughter for her first trip to Disney, and we were there we flew home the day the parks closed. So we were there for her first trip around the same time as your daughter's first trip. And now if I were to order if I dm ju and I set up an order, what sort of lead time like, what's your turnaround time? What should people expect?

Emily Yarbrough  22:11  
I'm usually right now, it takes me about a week to complete something unless, you know, real life is getting in the way. Because I do have a real job. But if you know, I get enough orders, I would love to put it. Right, right.

But yeah, it usually takes me about a week sometimes sooner. It really, it really just depends on how in depth the design is how much they want out of it. Some designs are easier than others. But generally, I would just say a week is probably about belief time right now. Okay. And then another question I have like for someone like myself, like I have wider feet, or my daughter's she has like small braces. So we have to be particular about the types of shoes that we get like we can have Canvas shoes, but there might be certain styles or different things. Are you able to work with people on that? Or do you only have like, I get the set Canvas shoes in the sizes?

So it's pretty flat as far as the supply has been really sure and

hard. Months actually, like, I started this idea that I was like, Oh, no, I can not get what I'm like. Yes, that's been hard for a lot of people. Yeah, and I mean, it really in all aspects of life. It's not just one particular thing, which makes it even more complicated.

But generally speaking, like I do have a decent supply of adult shoes, tennis shoes, not so much.

But generally, if you tell me what size you normally wear, I can give you a recommendation of what I would say for the issues that I currently have some of the issues that I have, there's two different styles right now. One more of like a tom style, and then one is more like a rip on vans, almost booking, right?

But they're both really good for wide. Okay, so that's not usually an issue. But I would say like there's not half sizes, so you might go up or down depending on where you were at.

Some run bigger than others, but I'm certainly helpful in consulting with that information. Great. And with that we know we've mentioned all these awesome designs where can people go online to see your designs and as well as buy them.

So Instagram is really what I've got the most right now I haven't really integrated too far out from there.

Just because I'm just kind of showing what I've got as far as like ready to ship or what I can do. Just trying to showcase

Different options for people. But I mean, if there's something that you want that, like a totally obscure, like, if you want bedknobs and broomsticks issue, go ahead and reach out to me and I will put that on there. I mean,

I'm willing to try anything and do anything for you. But obviously, everybody has so many different tastes and desires that it's hard for me to just put it out there on the shoe size and say, Hey, pick this up, right. Now, if I were to message you, and let's say I got a pair of shoes from you, are they washable? Are they you spot clean them? How do I care for my shoes if I get a pair from you?

So I do use like, an acrylic sealer on them. Okay, um, so they should be relatively easy to clean as far as that goes. I mean, we I feel them before I paint them. And then I feel them again after thought clean is probably best. I mean, you could certainly

try and put them in like a delicate cycle or something. But I think that

that you may want to be safe

Vanessa Ferguson  26:15  
than sorry, right? Well, we are so excited to share your designs with our listeners, I will make sure to put a link right to your Instagram in our in the show notes. And of course we'll be promoting that out on our profile as well. So thank you so much for joining us today. Emily.

Emily Yarbrough  26:34  
Thank you. It was really a pleasure.

Kris Johns  26:38  
Thank you again to Emily for joining us today. Now we are on to our two minute trivia and our wisdom from Walt quote and Kris you are up with trivia. So the folk the theme today was photos. Yes. What is the Disney term for when a photographer says stick out your hand? x surprised and then when your photo there's a graphic or a character there's a term for it. There's a term for a magic shots. That is correct. Oh, I thought you were like getting something super detailed. Wow. How many? And again, this is according to World War calm. Okay. My buddy herb? Who wrote the article? Yeah. How many magic shots does Disney offer? Oh, I don't know. Because I know they vary depending on the holidays in the park.

Let me just go out there with let's say 75. Close. How many 50 Oh, wow, the Disney sites has 40 herb? My buddy says 50. I'll trust her. Okay, what is the most popular one?

Probably like the Tinker Bell. You're exactly right. Tinker Bell one. Okay, that's the most popular pose. Awesome. Very. I have to wonder

what an what an ultimate achievement to get all 50 that would be a cool thing. Man. I'm sure there's somebody out there that has all 50 magic shot poses. Is that gonna be a goal for us? No. Cuz I would think right, like your point. Yeah, there's a holiday. Yes. This part. Like at even like the villains after hours. They had cool one. And there's like probably like a flowering garden. Yes. We had a lunar eclipse. Yeah, you know.

But no. So yeah, that's I think, and I think it's just, it's I think, again, this is what I have with Disney. It's like, yes, you pay a lot for ticket. It is not cheap. But at the end of the day, to see your family having those photos. It's only really what Disney can do. And it's just that, to me is why you go to Disney is to hit those awesome photos, because Vanessa takes a lot, but they always look nice. And it's always a nice trip down memory lane when we get to look at those photos for sure. And I think that is just a great touch. Disney knows how to give us the things that we like we like to have those memories. We like to have the good food. They do all of that very well.

Vanessa Ferguson  28:55  
All right, well, we are going to end with our wisdom from Walt quote today. And I was just thinking about like photos and entertainment and all of that. So I thought this was kind of a neat one. And it talks about just taking like that average thing and making an extraordinary. I'm interested in entertaining people in bringing pleasure particularly laughter to others. Rather than being concerned with expressing myself with obscure creative impressions. That's really what Walt was about. He was wanting to create something that was for everyone to enjoy, with their families. And so thank you so much for joining us on this episode of The does love podcast with Vanessa and Kris. I'm Vanessa and I'm Kris.

Kris Johns  29:43  
This podcast is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its holdings and it is intended for entertainment purposes only.

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