Free The Economy
Free The Economy is a weekly podcast hosted by Richard Morrison of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, examining the intersection of news, policy, and economics featuring guests that include writers, policymakers, explorers, contrarians, and free thinkers of all kinds.
Free The Economy
Unemployment That Works with Matt Darling
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Episode 39
This week we talk about banning plastic gift cards in California, the solution to Germany’s energy crisis, the political future for organized labor, and why Americans refuse to believe they’re richer than ever. Our interview this week is with Matt Darling of the Niskanen Center. We discuss Matt’s new study on unemployment benefits and how the states and the federal government can improve outcomes for out-of-work Americans. Free the Economy is hosted by Richard Morrison. Our producers are Scooter Schaefer, Phoebe Gersten, and Ryan Kracinski.