Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love

Tsao-Lin Moy: How Her Parents’ Cultural Backgrounds Influenced Her Passion and Career as an Integrative Healer

December 26, 2023 Noelle Van Episode 35
Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
Tsao-Lin Moy: How Her Parents’ Cultural Backgrounds Influenced Her Passion and Career as an Integrative Healer
Show Notes

Do you ever take the time to think about how our upbringing molds and shapes us into the people we are today? Some of us end up following in our parent’s footsteps when it comes to our careers, others carve out a life that looks completely different, and others let the seed that was planted long ago lead them down a path that honors both of their passions in different ways. Today’s guest did just that. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Tsao-Lin Moy and I are talking about how her parents’ cultural backgrounds influenced her passion and career as an integrative healer. 

Tsao-Lin Moy has over 21 years of experience as an expert in alternative and Chinese medicine. She is the founder of Integrative Healing Arts which utilizes Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and energy healing to treat patients. Tsao’s holistic approach integrates ancient Eastern philosophy and healing methods with Western scientific paradigms of health. This powerful combination helps each patient learn how to heal so they can take charge of their health destiny.

In this episode, Tsao and I discuss:

  • Tsao’s early start in medicine- from shadowing her father’s practice to working in a hospital herself at a young age. 
  • Transitioning from a corporate career in fashion to practicing alternative and Chinese medicine.
  • Tsao’s holistic, whole-body approach to fertility. 
  • Using psychedelic assisted therapy to help patients work past trauma and mental illness. 
  • Finding the balance between Eastern and Western medicines for the best treatment. 

If you enjoyed this episode don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me what resonated with you.


Integrative Healing Arts- Website




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