Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love

Applying the Laws of the Universe to Create More Abundance in your Life

January 09, 2024 Noelle Van Episode 37
Applying the Laws of the Universe to Create More Abundance in your Life
Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
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Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
Applying the Laws of the Universe to Create More Abundance in your Life
Jan 09, 2024 Episode 37
Noelle Van

The Laws of the Universe have truly allowed me to view the things that show up in my life in a different light. I’ve come to realize that when it comes to creating change in our lives, the way you show up has a huge effect on how successful you will be at achieving the outcomes you desire. The laws I cover today offer a perspective that can be extremely helpful when it comes to calling in abundance and greater fulfillment in your life. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m talking about how you can use the laws of the universe to create more abundance in your life.

In this episode, I decided to give you just the highlights of these 12 laws. So if one or more jump out at you, write them down so you can start recognizing how they show up for you and how you can apply them moving forward. 

The Laws of the Universe I cover in this episode are:

  1. The Law of Divine Oneness: This highlights the interconnectedness of all things.  
  2. The Law of Vibration: Since all matter and personal energy are in constant motion, they vibrate at a specific frequency. This means our personal energy affects our experience. 
  3. The Law of Correspondence: Patterns repeat throughout the universe and on a personal level; our reality mirrors what is happening inside us.
  4. The Law of Attraction: Commonly used for manifestation, in its simplest form “like attracts like” and thus, you get what you focus on, whether positive or negative. 
  5. The Law of Inspired Action: This means we are to take real actionable steps to attract what we want, not just manifest them.
  6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: On an energetic level, everything is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Every action is proceeded by a thought that has the power to manifest into our physical reality. 
  7. The Law of Cause and Effect: There is a direct correlation between actions and events. 
  8. The Law of Compensation: This reinforces the concept of cause and effect by emphasizing the idea that you reap what you sow. 
  9. The Law of Relativity: Relativity exists in all things but in the end, the meaning comes down to our own perspective and perceptions of things. 
  10. The Law of Polarity: Everything in life has an opposite, thus, there are always two sides to the same coin. 
  11. The Law of Rythm: Cycles are a natural part of the universe. It’s important to work with the flow of these cycles instead of resisting them.  
  12. The Law of Gender: Either masculine or feminine energy exists in all things. Finding the balance between energies allows you to draw from each and life your life with greater clarity and authenticity. 

Understanding these laws helps us have a better understanding of how the world works and how we fit into the greater whole while being mindful of the energy we’re putting into the universe. 

If you enjoyed this episode don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me what resonated with you.


IG: Noelle Van

IG: daybyday

Facebook: Day by Day

Facebook: Journeys Through Change


Show Notes

The Laws of the Universe have truly allowed me to view the things that show up in my life in a different light. I’ve come to realize that when it comes to creating change in our lives, the way you show up has a huge effect on how successful you will be at achieving the outcomes you desire. The laws I cover today offer a perspective that can be extremely helpful when it comes to calling in abundance and greater fulfillment in your life. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m talking about how you can use the laws of the universe to create more abundance in your life.

In this episode, I decided to give you just the highlights of these 12 laws. So if one or more jump out at you, write them down so you can start recognizing how they show up for you and how you can apply them moving forward. 

The Laws of the Universe I cover in this episode are:

  1. The Law of Divine Oneness: This highlights the interconnectedness of all things.  
  2. The Law of Vibration: Since all matter and personal energy are in constant motion, they vibrate at a specific frequency. This means our personal energy affects our experience. 
  3. The Law of Correspondence: Patterns repeat throughout the universe and on a personal level; our reality mirrors what is happening inside us.
  4. The Law of Attraction: Commonly used for manifestation, in its simplest form “like attracts like” and thus, you get what you focus on, whether positive or negative. 
  5. The Law of Inspired Action: This means we are to take real actionable steps to attract what we want, not just manifest them.
  6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: On an energetic level, everything is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Every action is proceeded by a thought that has the power to manifest into our physical reality. 
  7. The Law of Cause and Effect: There is a direct correlation between actions and events. 
  8. The Law of Compensation: This reinforces the concept of cause and effect by emphasizing the idea that you reap what you sow. 
  9. The Law of Relativity: Relativity exists in all things but in the end, the meaning comes down to our own perspective and perceptions of things. 
  10. The Law of Polarity: Everything in life has an opposite, thus, there are always two sides to the same coin. 
  11. The Law of Rythm: Cycles are a natural part of the universe. It’s important to work with the flow of these cycles instead of resisting them.  
  12. The Law of Gender: Either masculine or feminine energy exists in all things. Finding the balance between energies allows you to draw from each and life your life with greater clarity and authenticity. 

Understanding these laws helps us have a better understanding of how the world works and how we fit into the greater whole while being mindful of the energy we’re putting into the universe. 

If you enjoyed this episode don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me what resonated with you.


IG: Noelle Van

IG: daybyday

Facebook: Day by Day

Facebook: Journeys Through Change
