inktuition★ by cristinona
profundo y a la vez ligero, inktuition podcast te invita a reirte un poco, cuestionarte TODO, aprender de muchos, seguir tu intuición. cristinona es un ser creativo, renacido, y en constante expansión. además, es escritora, empresaria, coach 1:1 de manifestación y del proceso de aplicación a la universidad....y tu host. acompañandote a lavar los platos dos veces al mes jajaja enjoy bishes! @cristinona___ // @inktuition___ // cristina@cristinona.com
inktuition★ by cristinona
the best of times during the worst of times☆ @ocd.or.just.me
today i have the honor to welcome our second english-speaking guest—Elysse Lescarbeau—most commonly known as @ocd.or.just.me to Inktuition Podcast!
elysse and i met in a very unconventional way. we crossed paths during my week at the mental health hospital and became life-denting friends. she is an OCD survivor and mental health mentor teaching others how to stop the OCD and anxiety struggle.
Check out her new course - How to Stop the Anxiety Struggle - that brings together all the best practices of OCD / anxiety treatment to help ANYONE become less anxious.
if you enjoyed this episode, i would love if you could share it in your story o leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
to request a topic or recommend a guest for the podcast please send me a DM or email me at cristina@cristinona.com.
thank you for being here bish!
INKTUITION the label