Everything Rodeo

Cody Ohl

May 01, 2023 Everything Rodeo Episode 15
Everything Rodeo
Cody Ohl
Show Notes

ER EP.15 - In this episode, we travel on down to the Gold Buckle Arena in Hico, Texas, with 6x World Champ Tie Down Roper, Cody Ohl.

If the term G.O.A.T describes one person to the fullest of its definition, it’s Cody Ohl. He has been at the top of his class, qualifying for 20 Wrangler NFRs, and has won 55 go-rounds in Las Vegas. He set the arena record at the Thomas & Mack with a 6.5-second run in 2003. The record has since been matched but has never been broken.

From gold buckles to being the second richest cowboy to Trevor Brazile, Cody has seen the top of the mountain, being named one of the most iconic calf ropers of all time. Since his retirement, Cody has been through some of the hardest struggles of his life. He suffered a terrible injury that forced him to fight for his sanity. Through months of rehab and constant care, he gradually regained his strength and skills. He worked tirelessly every day, pushing himself to the limit, determined to become the greatest once again only through God.

He gives all the glory to God for allowing him to step off again to tie calfs for the benefit of other cowboys and folks in need.

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