Everything Rodeo

All-Star Team Roping

July 30, 2023 Everything Rodeo Episode 21
Everything Rodeo
All-Star Team Roping
Show Notes

ER EP. 21 - For 8 years, Tim and Blake have owned and managed All Star Team Roping. There have been opportunities for them to sell out, but they decided to continue to grow their business and travel to different parts of the region to put on ropings that folks will want to continue to return to.

With a lot of creativity and experience through the years, they have created little events and awards that make the ropin's fun! The 777 Jackpot is a perfect example! All teams pay a $4 in at each event, and until a team hits a 7.77 in the short round, the pot continues to grow. No matter the odds, there are plenty of opportunities to win money, trophy saddles, buckles, a brand new truck, and even a sponsorship from All Star!

Make sure you come and rope or even watch the finals this year in Guthrie, OK @ Lazy E Arena August 8-13

Ropers, check out the list of ropings and events at:

Watch this Episode on our YouTube Channel! 👇🏽