Barrett's Swaggy Life Talks

Empowering Voices within the Disability Community

March 31, 2024 Barrett Season 2 Episode 3
Empowering Voices within the Disability Community
Barrett's Swaggy Life Talks
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Barrett's Swaggy Life Talks
Empowering Voices within the Disability Community
Mar 31, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3

Who amongst us hasn't felt the pang of exclusion at some point, the discomfort of being left out? Now, imagine that isolation amplified for individuals with disabilities. This episode of our podcast is a heartfelt exploration into a topic of profound significance - the inclusion and uplifting of individuals with disabilities in church and religious communities. We delve deep into this subject, shedding light on ways to not just make these individuals feel included, but genuinely welcome and cherished for their unique experiences and perspectives.

Ever thought of disability as a divine gift? It's time we all did. We passionately discuss the crucial role of faith and how it's important to focus not on what they can't do, but on what they can. We argue that God has a purpose for everyone, regardless of their physical condition or limitations. Advocating for giving people with disabilities a voice, we brainstorm on creating an inclusive environment that celebrates them for who they are. Listen in, as we share our thoughts on making a significant impact and showing the world the power of inclusivity and acceptance.

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Who amongst us hasn't felt the pang of exclusion at some point, the discomfort of being left out? Now, imagine that isolation amplified for individuals with disabilities. This episode of our podcast is a heartfelt exploration into a topic of profound significance - the inclusion and uplifting of individuals with disabilities in church and religious communities. We delve deep into this subject, shedding light on ways to not just make these individuals feel included, but genuinely welcome and cherished for their unique experiences and perspectives.

Ever thought of disability as a divine gift? It's time we all did. We passionately discuss the crucial role of faith and how it's important to focus not on what they can't do, but on what they can. We argue that God has a purpose for everyone, regardless of their physical condition or limitations. Advocating for giving people with disabilities a voice, we brainstorm on creating an inclusive environment that celebrates them for who they are. Listen in, as we share our thoughts on making a significant impact and showing the world the power of inclusivity and acceptance.

Speaker 1:

Governor, we've done everything you've asked. Everything's going according to plan. Governor, we want a county and the backpack has never been stronger. So tell us, governor, what else can we do for you? I got it from here. Welcome back to another episode of it's Right Away Talks.

Speaker 1:

I used to be treated somebody with a life-threatening injury or disability Tell me. I was going to walk, and a lot of times when I was in jail and with tears in my eyes, I was laughing by myself. A lot of times, in the corner, they would not let me clean me in. This made me feel like I was different. Let me encourage you, but you're not different. God didn't use his year disability for his glory. God uses you to further his testimony. What I think we should do instead is black maids, drunkards and people with disabilities and people that had a life-threatening injury. We should figure out ways that we can include them in the church, include them in activities and make an effort to talk to them, not just saying, just saying, hey, how are you doing? And you know, that's it. Make your conversation, though. No, make them feel welcome. Make them feel wonderful when they are, because, to me, if you make them feel wonderful when they are, then they are willing to come back and hear more of God's word instead of going away. Thinking like these people make me feel bad about myself, so I would encourage you to uplift them. Make sure that their story is valuable. Now this is really something like trash.

Speaker 1:

The Bible doesn't give us answers to everything about disability. To me, that's where faith comes in. Although we don't know all the answers from the Bible like why did this really happen? Why did God allow this? We do know God tells a blind man I'm using you for my story. So that's why I encourage my faith men mostly, and I encourage you to find role models like Colin Grisma. Although they don't say it on their channel that much, they do talk about their faith some and they do have a positive outlook on their lives. People tell me all the time I prove sorry for you. I'm like no, I don't prove sorry for myself, because God is giving me far more than what I can ever be. Thank you before. So I encourage you to find something, rather than YouTube or a podcast or reading a book or listening to a book. I encourage you to trust the faith. I encourage you to find something and encourage them to find them to uplift your spirits during your down moments and always remember you're not down forever, you're just down for a moment. And don't let the devil tell you your disability has occurred. Your disability is made for God's glory and God's glory alone. Just because we are not walking or running like everybody else, we are still made by God's grace. Like God says, you're made from the womb to the tomb. So God needed your circumstances before you were born. So you think, well, would he give me this circumstance? He gave you this circumstance.

Speaker 1:

This show others on how to adjust, how to adapt and how to share a message to people that are relatable to you, because we all got a part of the plant in the kingdom. And keep in mind you might be the only person that they ever meet. So it's our job to talk about Jesus when we can, or uplift somebody with a life in the injury, and always try not to bring him down. Don't bring up what they could do in the past, because I guarantee you there are anything about that, I know. I think about what I could do when I was younger. That's the one I could do now. Instead, try to find ways that they can do it differently, but do the tasks that they want to do and reach out to the community for different ideas and different techniques.

Speaker 1:

Do not believe what the devil tells you, that your disability is the curse. Your disability is what God gave you. Where's the glory? Like God says, you're made from the womb to the tomb. So God knew you were born and gave you this for a reason. And he gave you this to show His glory to people that are like you and that can relate to you. Thank you for joining me for this podcast. I really hope you enjoyed this episode. Don't forget to like, comment and leave 5 stars properly and download To Help Me. Show the World that we Can Do this, instead of the World Telling them that we Can't Do this. Or, like you can email me at b-a-r-a-t-n. Dot. S-w-a-t-g-y-l-i-f-e at gmocom.

Including and Uplifting Individuals With Disabilities
Embracing Disability as God's Gift