The Get Kraken Lab

S1 Ep 11 Swimming In A Sea Of Creativity

Mark Bentcover Season 1 Episode 11

Zoe Weston is a woman of many talents.  

She is healer who specializes on women in their child bearing years with postpartum recovery.

She works with people to organize their space for both health (energy and spiritual) as well as flow (conducive to what you will use and do in that space).

She also leads a book club which starts in April so look for that.

You can see all of her wares at but I recommend you give this episode a listen and hear how she accesses her creative inner self and helps others do so.

I connected with her around her love of water.  She uses her swimming workouts to access the flow.  To her being in the water is a form of meditation as it is with me.

Learn how to release your creative kraken and lead a rich and fulfilled life.

Do you want to learn more about releasing YOUR creative kraken? Check out