Living a Nordic Life with Fiona McKinna
The Living a Nordic Life podcast is dedicated to helping you live a cosier, simpler and more intentional life the Nordic way. Hosted by Fiona McKinna, each episode shows you how to make life simpler, happier and healthier the way people in the Nordics live. From Nordic eating habits, to getting outdoors Nordic style, to Nordic habits that you need in your life. Tune in for inspiration, ideas and encouragement to embrace a simple, cosy and intentional life the Nordic way.
Episodes published every other Friday.
You can also visit my website for some instant ways to start living the Nordic way. www.livinganordiclife.com and find me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/nordiclife_podcast
Living a Nordic Life with Fiona McKinna
47: How to stop hating winter
Unless you live in a tropical climate, winter is something we can't avoid. But we don't need to dread it and endure it. In the Nordics people actually look forward to winter!
In this episode I share some ways in which you can not only get through winter with a smile, but even enjoy it.
If you are ready to embrace winter like you are Nordic and make the most of it rather than count the days until spring I have some things to help you:
Loving Winter Like You're Nordic Course
Living a Nordic Life Facebook group for a fabulous group of like-minded people
For more Nordic living, visit the Living a Nordic Life www.livinganordiclife.com
or join us in the Living a Nordic Life Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/livinganordiclife