Astrology Alchemy Podcast

#200-"Let Go of Your Old Way of Being"--Week of March 20, 2023

Sheila Bélanger

A momentous week where three planets change signs and we all begin an initiatory 20-year cycle of deep social change. The Sun enters Aries to mark Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the call to start over with courage and forward motion. The New Moon at 0° Aries conjuncts Neptune (Visionary) and Mercury (Storyteller)  seeding this new season of your life with renewed vision and ideas. Pluto (Transformer) enters Aquarius ushering in a profound 20 years of systemic change to reclaim the power of the collective. Mars (Advocate) enters Cancer after 8 months in Gemini challenging you to courageously acknowledge your feelings and vulnerability underneath the mental battles you've been fighting since last summer. Take some time this week to notice and mark where you are tracking these essential shifts.

Podcast Poem: "Allow" by Danna Faulds 

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