Astrology Alchemy Podcast

#210-"Would Your Mind become the Open Sky?"--Week of May 29, 2023

May 28, 2023 Sheila Bélanger

The Full Moon this week aligns us with the Sun (Conscious Self) in Gemini opposite the Moon (Instinctive Nurturer) in Sagittarius. Illuminate your longing to balance  your curious, active mind (Gemini) with your bigger picture, philosophical insights (Sagittarius). Acknowledge any mental extremes of frenetic "Squirrel-in-Cage" or dogmatic "I Know the Truth" habits. Lean in to offer healing to the wounded parts of you carrying those extremes. Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces squares the Full Moon Open inviting you to access a deeper spaciousness and peacefulness in your mind.

Podcast Poem: "Dear You" by Kaveri Patel 
Poet's Website:

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