Astrology Alchemy Podcast

#290-"Love Everytime, Love Everywhere"--Week of December 9, 2024

Sheila Bélanger

Venus (Relational One) in Aquarius opposes Mars retrograde (Action-Taker) in Leo challenging you to balance self-assertion with carrying respect for those different than you. Have the courage to love the ones (outer and inner) whom you have marginalized. Mercury (Communicator) goes forward in Sagittarius after 3 weeks of being retrograde. Carry forward the updated beliefs and truths that have emerged from your retrograde process of re-evaluating your narratives and certainties. The Full Moon in Gemini squares Neptune (Dreamer) in Pisces. The Sun (Conscious Self) in the synthesizing sign of Sagittarius is balanced by the Moon (Instinctive Nurturer) in the diversifying and curious sign of Gemini. In that balance, Neptune supports you to activate your deep dreams as well as release unconscious wounds and victim patterns.  

Podcast poem: Beatitude by John Keene

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