Astrology Alchemy Podcast
The Astrology Alchemy podcast gives you inspiring insights from current astrology cycles that support your path of turning your personal “lead” into “gold.” Hosted by archetypal astrologer Sheila Bélanger.
Astrology Alchemy Podcast
#296-"Call Upon the Help of Those Who Love You"--Week of January 20, 2025
The Sun (Conscious Self) conjoins Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius catalyzing you to activate deep transformation for greater freedom of authenticity for you and others. Mercury (Storyteller) in Capricorn squares Chiron (Healer) in Aries challenging you to take action on practical ideas in your own unique way. Mercury opposes Mars (Warrior/ess) retrograde in Cancer and trines Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus inviting you to liberate from impulsive resentful acting out by healing the wounded narrative underneath. Venus (Relational One) in Pisces trines Mars supporting you to compassionately care for the prickly ones inside and courageously be more vulnerable in relationships.
Podcast Poem: "For Calling the Spirit Back" by Joy Harjo
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