Astrology Alchemy Podcast
The Astrology Alchemy podcast gives you inspiring insights from current astrology cycles that support your path of turning your personal “lead” into “gold.” Hosted by archetypal astrologer Sheila Bélanger.
Astrology Alchemy Podcast
#297-"Open to the Prayer I Do Not Yet Know"--Week of January 27, 2025
Mercury (Storyteller) conjoins Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius challenging you to release superficial ideas and small talk and express your deeper truths. The New Moon in Aquarius ushers in the Chinese Wood Snake year. Seed ways to align with the authentic transformation, resilience, and adaptability. Uranus turns direct in Taurus after 5 months of being retrograde. Move forward with your intentions to shake things up with security, resources and embodiment. The Sun in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini. Activate innovative ideas and connections. Venus (Relational One) conjoins Neptune (Dreamer) in Pisces initiating a 3-month journey of aligning your compassionate heart and dreams with your relationships (inner and outer). Break self-deceptive spells and embrace the high dreams for yourself, others and the planet.
Podcast poem: "How" by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
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