Let's Talk to Animals

Talking pet soul contracts and how you can know a new pet is the one for you

Shannon Cutts Season 4 Episode 9

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Choosing a new animal companion can feel far from easy. There are so many animals in need of forever homes. How will you know a particular animal is "the one" for you - the one you are meant to share your life with?

What is a soul contract? Is there a way to know you are on the right track in your search for your next forever pet? What signs can you watch for? And what if the animal you want is a package deal, or if other people want to adopt the same animal that sings to your heart?

Professional animal intuitive Shannon Cutts talks with Covered in Pet Hair's Isabel Alvarez Arata about what it feels like when you meet your soul pet and how to trust your intuition to guide you to each other.

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