The Answer with Ben Armenta

Election Integrity … Not Fake News | The Answer | Ep. 4 - Part 1

January 26, 2023 Ben Armenta Season 1 Episode 4
Election Integrity … Not Fake News | The Answer | Ep. 4 - Part 1
The Answer with Ben Armenta
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The Answer with Ben Armenta
Election Integrity … Not Fake News | The Answer | Ep. 4 - Part 1
Jan 26, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4
Ben Armenta

The issue with Election Integrity is that the Dems deny it's necessary and Conservatives often cower to the shaming and pressure coming from the Left. We must face reality and in this episode, we call it out for what it is ... Democrat manipulation of our elections. Voting will always going to be open to fraudulent behavior and the GOP must sick together to secure our elections now and the future.
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The issue with Election Integrity is that the Dems deny it's necessary and Conservatives often cower to the shaming and pressure coming from the Left. We must face reality and in this episode, we call it out for what it is ... Democrat manipulation of our elections. Voting will always going to be open to fraudulent behavior and the GOP must sick together to secure our elections now and the future.
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Hey, everybody. On today's episode of the answer, we begin to scratch the surface on the topic of election integrity, and why I firmly believe the Democrats are continually manipulating our elections. This is part one of what will no doubt be an eye opening topic. Please consider supporting this podcast. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook at Ben Armenta Texas. You can also find out more about my story at Ben Well, isn't today, just another great day to advance a conservative movement? I mean, am I right? Everywhere I look, I see brokenness. Our economy is broken. Our schools are broken. We got craziness going on there with teachers and communism and leftist movements trying to infiltrate the classrooms, our relationships with foreign governments are broken, Biden is doing things with the mullahs in Iran and not holding anybody accountable around the world. And he's investing in wars all over the place that, that we don't have any part or any need to be a part of our healthcare is broken obesity epidemic, COVID shot madness, our supply chain safety, security in the inner cities, our schools, our borders, you name it, things are broken. But as we often say, in business, never waste a good crisis. And this is why I'm doing this podcast, to educate. But more importantly, to activate conservative families to get involved. We need to be a big team. The bigger we are, the better we can be. You know, it's like baseball, if you've got a really good baseball team, and you want to go deep in the playoffs and you want to win the World Series. You have to have depth. You have to have arms in the bullpen. We need depth. We need arms in the bullpen. We need folks out there who are willing to get involved we need next man up when it comes to the Republican Party and conservative policies here in America and in Texas. So today is a great day because we're going to tackle some challenging, some challenging issues. We've got a lot to cover. It's going to be fun, it's gonna be frustrating. But ultimately, hopefully it leads you to some type of activism and defending the conservative movement. And one of the characteristics we associate with Abraham Lincoln, is his persistence in the face of great adversity. One of his longtime friends attributed that characteristic to kind of a balanced type of strength, saying that Mr. Lincoln was capable of immense physical and mental labor, his mind and body were in perfect harmony. And his law partner expressed it a little differently, saying that Abe Lincoln was kind of peculiar. He was intensely thoughtful, persistent, fearless, and tireless in thinking. And when he got after a thought, or principle or a question, he ran it down to the fibers of the taproot dug it out and held it up beforehand for an analysis. Look, a Blinken was a dog with a bone, Abe Lincoln didn't see a fight that he was going to back down from. And we must be the party of persistent patriots. We have to channel our inner Abe Lincoln, and do the little things relentlessly. Because when we do, they add up to immense change. So Let's be relentless. For this episode. I've been thinking about it and researching it for a long time. And the topic today is around election integrity. The left is one big hypocritical group, see when it comes to their interests, like convincing the public that Donald Trump colluded with Russia, which has proven false time and time again, or that COVID shots will ensure that you don't get COVID or they used to say that, that you get those shots. And Biden said this all the time. He said it from the podium, if you get the COVID shot is going to keep it from spreading, which was also proven false. Or that if you own a cow or eat meat or use renewable energy, and it's all gonna prevent the ice caps are melting or acid rain or something else from coming down, which also, of course is proven false. They are relentless. They do that all the time. They're relentless. But if Donald Trump wants to contest the results of Election Day or he comes out and says the election wasn't fair or that it was stolen. And you say, what's up with this? What's going on here? I want to, I want to find out more about this. What do they do? They call you an election denier. They call us racist. They call you a kook a nutjob. They'll even call you and insurrectionists. And they they, what they try to do is they try to shame you and your family into ultimately becoming quiet and submissive. But you see, I know the truth. And you know the truth too. And I know that each and every one of you are good, kind hearted conservatives, you approach politics with an inquisitive mind. And you know that it's a good thing in both science and politics, to challenge the status quo, to push the boundaries to challenge conventional thinking. It's a, it's a good thing. In fact, our country is better when we ask questions, and we're not ashamed to do it. More importantly, we shouldn't just ask them of ourselves, we should ask them of our elected officials, we can't remain quiet. See, silence. On the right is the first kink in the armor for conservatives and our movement. See, next comes division in our ranks. And I'm sure you can see that now where there are certain aspects of the Republican Party that are at odds with each other. We can't have that if we want to not only hold the line for our values, but also advance them and advance our policies and get back to the great American values. So to be honest, I wasn't really a student of election integrity, I was just bothered and pissed that something was nagging at me and annoying me, really, maybe even as far back as 2016 in the when Trump beat Hillary Clinton. And Hillary Clinton's people came out and said that something was off. And really, I think they were just stunned that, you know, big, bad orange man who doesn't know anything about politics, and was just this leader of a band of misfit deplorables actually won the election. So they came out and started talking about the election was stolen, when in reality, Trump did one thing very well. He identified the states where he could win the electoral votes. And he worked his tail off to do it. And he went to places like Michigan and Wisconsin and places that Hillary Clinton had no thought or desire, apparently to go there. And he won, he won the election. And so, you know, this, this idea of stolen elections, election integrity, the elections not being consistent across the board. It's been it's been nagging at me for for a long time. And it still does. And it's kind of one of the reasons why I'm focusing on that topic for today's episode, because I think this is something that we as conservatives can really unify behind, and come together and combat it together. I mean, we don't have to agree on everything. But this is wanting fair, consistent elections should be a unifying principle in our party, and I don't think it's, it's there quite yet. So, you know, I recall, the Bush Gore election and the hanging chads, whatever those were where the the dude with the glasses, was looking at the pieces of paper and trying to decipher who won where was the vote cast the hanging chads in Florida. And I recall, recall that going all the way up to the Supreme Court. But but this was different in 2016. That election, kind of in my mind, it wasn't about, you know, what was marked on the ballot. It was really about the fact that Donald Trump had created and identified and inspired a wave of new fired up constituents, some of whom had traditionally voted Democrat, like these blue collar workers or salt of the earth. middle class folks who now felt somebody was advocating for them and they voted for Donald Trump. And so the idea that it was stolen, really felt off to me, and it was off putting because because I was one of those people. I was one of those people who I said that Donald Trump was finally articulating things that that I felt, and he was he was willing to go out there and say them and defend them. And I voted for him. And when somebody says that, that my vote didn't really matter, or it shouldn't have counted, that didn't sit well with me. And so it's it started, I think, at that point, to spark a passion, or at least an interest of mine to spend a little time digging into the history. In our elections have not been simple from the beginning. And in fact, our elections, even before we became a nation were subject to fraud, turmoil, challenges, disputes. I mean, I think this is everywhere, as far back as, as Greece and Roman times, anytime people are casting votes, there's going to be there's going to be fraud. But anyhow, in our colonies, there's plenty of documentation that goes back to the 1700s. Highlighting that Election Day was filled with drunkenness at the polling stations and beatings and intimidation to vote one way or the other. Candidates would often bribe those who came to vote and incentivize them, their stories of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson paying the travel expenses of people who came in to vote and and then handing out whiskey and bourbon and other things to them. So you know, and this was, this was really pretty widespread. I mean, it was prevalent enough that many states in the 1780s, right after sort of becoming a country started to pass legislation, making some of these activities to crime, things like bribing, stuffing ballot boxes, voters voting multiple times. So this has been something that the country has been trying to wrangle in for for quite some time. Likely the first case of of voter fraud in a presidential race was Andrew Jackson, who was a slave owning Democrat, no surprise. And it was his race against John Quincy Adams in 1928. So four years earlier in sorry, 1820. So four years earlier, in 1824. Andrew Jackson lost to John Quincy Adams. And it was it's kind of a fascinating time, and it sort of stress tested the Constitution, because Andrew Jackson won 99 electoral votes. So he won those electoral votes, and John Quincy Adams, only 184. But you see, other candidates were also in the race. And because of that, it ensured that Jackson didn't have the majority of the electoral votes, and per our Constitution. That's what he had half. So when you don't have a majority, then the House of Representatives gets to choose who the president is. And the house chose John Quincy Adams. So come 1928 Sorry, come 1828. Jackson was fired up. And he sent he Well, he actually spent over a million dollars of his own money in his own fortune from his plantation in the race. But he transported people across state lines, people from Tennessee, into other states, Ohio, Kentucky, others to vote, and they you know, they use the name of of deceased people to cast those to cast those votes. So before, so this has been going on for a very long time. One of the things that frustrates me so much is when the Democrats accused the Republicans and conservatives of being racist, and wanting to suppress the votes of minorities and blacks. And the truth is, is that before, during and long after Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, it was the Democrats who have been In racist in their policies and approaches to how they handled voting, it is the Democrats who by far suppress black votes, way more than anybody else in the deep south and elsewhere. It was the Democrats who were empowered, that wrote Jim Crow legislation that signed Jim Crow legislation, and that upheld Jim Crow legislation in the course. And those were those were laws that allowed the Secretary of State's and those who were running the elections to implement poll taxes on blacks to implement literacy tests on blacks, property ownership tests on blacks. And of course, there was all the subversive covert operations of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan kk k, who did lynchings, police departments, trumped up charges and incarcerated black men so that they wouldn't be able to vote on Election Day. All those were done by the Democrats, the track record of, of building fraudulent elections. All goes back and all leads to the Democrats. And there have been instances of certainly of Republicans cheating, I mean, be foolish to think otherwise. But as a whole, the track record and the history points way more to the Democrats and does the Republicans. You know, one of the interesting times in our in our history has been the elections and politics that occurred in our and have occurred and continue to in our major urban centers. These major cities, cities like New York, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Chicago, many of these cities were really governed and ran by these large political machines. So big, big groups, lots of dollars, lots of influence and all levels of the government from local all the way to federal, where these groups like Tammany Hall in New York City, a famous sort of corrupt leader of Tammany Hall was a gentleman named Boss Tweed blot of movies been done on this there was a movie that came out, I think it might have been in the early 2000s. Gangs of New York, had Daniel Day Lewis in it is a pretty good movie dark, you know, some intense stuff. And it's pretty good. But it referenced sort of these times, and Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed were characters represented in there, but they would essentially seal the deal for various elections by being able to get enough votes in those in those cities. They would stuff they would stuff boxes, they would intimidate manipulate immigrants, new individuals who had just moved, you know, who just come across from Ellis Island and you came to the United States, they would tell them how they need to devote and ensure that they would in Chicago there was Mayor Dale with it, I think is his name. And our daily mayor, Mayor Daley, in that was in the 70s 60s and 70s. And Mayor Daley manipulated the elections in that city. And Barack Obama was a sort of student of that machine and kind of was a byproduct and came out from that. So that those have happened in those cities for a very long time. But it's not just in the cities. I mean, even in even in rural areas, there has been an election fraud in the United States and even in even in Texas. One of the famous times and famous references that that people comment on is down in south Texas. So LBJ and before he was President, and even as he was president, really enlisted the help of a local boss down in South Texas in Duvall County. His name was George Parr. And George Parr. What he did was he intimidated, illiterate Mexicans, and brought them to the polls. So they would bring folks that had just crossed over the border to the polls, they would bring them by gunpoint and force them to vote, and then they'd pay them off with alcohol and tequila and other things. So much so that that county went 99%, Democrat, DuVall County in Texas went 99% Democrat for LBJ, which is almost statistically implausible that it would do that 99%. And they did this for over a generation. And in fact, it was so widespread and rooted in the culture of that county, and the mechanics of that county, everything from how it operated and how people got jobs and businesses and the influence that it had in their everyday lives, that they still talk about it today. When I was on the campaign trail, when I ran for Land Commissioner, I went all over the state of Texas, and certainly went to Duvall County. And you can see the look in the eyes of the Conservatives there. I mean, they still feel like the influence and the pressure of the Democrat machine is intense, that they sometimes their lives, their the kids the choices there, the opportunities that their kids get in school, are sometimes influenced by whether or not you are they are a vocal, Republican, or if they just keep their mouth shut. Or if they vote Democrat, it's very hard to be a Republican there. And it takes bravery and courage. There are dozens of local races, in counties like that, where no one even runs on the Republican ticket. They only run on the Democrat side. So it's real. It's been happening for a very long time from from before we are a country to early days to the days of the Civil War to the Jim Crow south, to the mid 1900s. And even today. So let's jump to the 2020 election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The thing that eats at me in the back of my mind is that there just appears to be these little signs of corruption, these little yellow flags that as one offs kind of just make you annoyed. And then when there's a couple of them, you kind of think to yourself, somebody needs to do something about this. And then when you add them all up, and you take a step back, those yellow flags, turn into glaring red flags and alarm bells. And it's because of those that I personally don't really care what the Democrats call me, or leftists call me I don't care what names they want to call me. Election denier, whatever doesn't really matter, because I firmly believe that Joe Biden did not win that election fairly. There's no way that's my belief, and I'm not moving off of it. Let me give you a list of common techniques that election cheaters use. And you tell me if any of this sounds familiar. All right. Here we go. In no particular order. These are techniques that election cheaters use. Alright. Number one, trying to pad the voter rolls with illegal voters. Number two, driving out pole watchers from the precincts. Number three, helping nursing home voters cast their ballots. Number four, finding just enough votes in the middle of the night. Number five, finding boxes magically have uncounted votes that need to get counted. Number six, refusing to purge or clean the voter rolls rules to remove deceased or non resident voters. Number seven, trying to fast track the citizen the citizenship process. Number eight, no desire to manage the chain of custody of ballots, you know tracking the ballots once they get put in the machine, who touches them who takes them where they go, not documenting timestamps on that, right, so not tracking the chain of custody. Number nine, the party that controls the elected offices also controls the voting process. I got an interesting story on that I'll come back to in a second. Number 10 opposing Voter IDs, number 11. Opposing voter signature verification. Number 12. wanting everything to be computerized. And number 13. Running ballots through machines multiple times. Now look, there's just tip of the iceberg. Just tip of the iceberg. There are a million tactics that anyone can use to try to manipulate the outcomes of these elections. But didn't you though sound familiar? To me, many of those sound like things that I have observed or heard about or researched, that seem to be popping up over the last 468 years or so. Let me go back to that one around. The party that controls the elected offices controls the voting process. This one just came up this year in the Arizona gubernatorial race. It's fascinating race. You had Carrie Lake, who was a longtime television reporter, I believe in Phoenix. been there since the 90s. Beloved, strong conservative, aligned very early on with Donald Trump, the Magga movement, America first Donald Trump endorsed her very early on. And then her opponent was a Democrat, Katie Hobbs, establishment politician. She was in the House of Representatives. The State House was a state senator, I believe sort of came up through the the Democrat ranks there in Arizona, but she was the sitting Secretary of State. She was the individual who was accountable for running an operating the election process in the state of Arizona. Now, did she recuse herself? No. Did she ask for an independent individual or group to come in and help facilitate that process? No. So this is par for the course. Just another tactic that the Democrats like to use is ensure they got someone on the inside who can control and manage the election process and manipulate it however they want to see fit. So let's take a look at a few of the yellow flags from the 2020 election. Now remember, and this is just me, right? Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. Now, I'm going to just touch on a few of the issues from that election. And there, there are dozens and dozens, I bet some of you that are listening to this right now are thinking to yourself, he can't even begin to scratch the surface on and you're right, I can't. But what I want to do is I want to validate that what you sensed in 2020, and the years following. I want to validate that you're not crazy. The only crazy ones out there are those who decide to turn a blind eye. And frankly, many of those are well intentioned people who happen to vote for Democrats. Because look at how are we even having a debate? How are we having a debate that cleaning the voter rolls is not a good idea? How are we having a debate that only citizens should vote? It's crazy how we're having a debate that they are getting felons, people in prison when they started talking about that. I thought this is weird. In the twilight zone, we the look, we are we are in the twilight zone. It is it is a legit thing happening right now because they are getting felons in prison ballots. They're doing that in New York and in other cities. How How is that a good thing? We shouldn't even be debating that. How are we even having a debate that we should get election results in hours, as opposed to days, let alone weeks or months? Every election for the last four or five, six years, every election is taking forever. And it's taking forever state of Texas State of Georgia State of Florida doesn't matter, local elections, statewide presidential is taking forever. And what do you see on the news? What do you see? You see that oil in, you know, Finland, they can do this in a matter of three hours. And England, they get the results by two in the morning in pick a country, any country and they are getting it done? In a matter of hours, not days, weeks or months. And here we are turning like idiots. And we're turning because they are manipulating. They're using that time to manipulate the outcome of the elections. How are we having a debate that elections in one county or in the state should be consistently run? And it should be consistently run in accordance with the laws that their state legislature puts in place. We have elections that happen in which there are laws that govern them laws around how many days we're going to allow for early voting? What are the hours of the voting at the polls? What are the rules around what people can bring into the polls with them? Were the people that they could bring with them? What are the rules around absentee voting? All those I say the rules were rules, they're really lost. They are laws that are in place that have to be followed. Yet we are debating whether or not that should even be followed whether or not that even matters. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. These should not be debatable. And if you go around saying these things, you're an election denier. You're a racist. You're a deplorable. You're an insurrectionist. me Shut up. I'm so over this. Well, I am here to tell you that you are a patriot. You are a patriot. If you are willing to ask the questions and seek the truth. That's it. We're asking you to create the truth. That's what the left does. We're asking you to pursue the truth and want to embrace it. So you are a patriot, if that's what you believe, and you're a damn fine one at that. damn fine one. So in 2020, the smoke around the election, it was thick. It was so thick, you could almost see the flames. That's how thick it was. So let me go over a few things. From 1980 through 2016. There have been 19 counties across this country, which have voted for the eventual presidential winner. Every time 19 counties since 1980. They pick the winner every single time. They pick the winner, whether it was a Democrat like Bill Clinton, or republican like George Bush, every time. In fact, one of those counties has voted for the winner in every election since 1964. And another one of those counties has voted for the winner in every election since 1950 to 1952 So we're talking about Dwight D. Eisenhower's first election. So what happened in 2020 Donald Trump won eight team out of those 19 counties 18 And yet he lost to Biden. It just doesn't add up. Since 1896. The states of Ohio and Florida have gone for the presidential winner with the exception of two times. So since 18, let me say it again since 1896, Ohio and Florida have picked the Presidential winner. The exception of two times That's, that's almost 130 years straight. And in each of those two times, they were incidents, there were clear incidents of voter fraud, manipulation that happened in the big cities. Well, Trump won both of those states, both Ohio and Florida. And yeah, he lost the Biden. So one of the Democrat tactics, has been to drive up the votes in major cities. And evidence of this was, you look back to Barack Obama. So Barack Obama won his election in 2008. And he did it by winning the fewest number of counties. So that means you got to win the big ones, right? You you win the really large counties. It's not about quantity, it's about size. So he, he ended up winning the 2008 election by only securing 875 counties. And then, in 2012, he did it again, you set another record by only winning 689. Well, Biden went out and somehow secured a record total number of votes of 81 million. And yet he did it by only winning 509 counties. So just so you're clear, population density clearly matters. But Biden won 2020 He wanted by Biden won the 2020 election, with only 16.7% of the counties in the entire country. It's just not believable. I mean, the smoke is billowing is not believable. Okay. So Trump didn't win 2016 by smashing Hillary Clinton with the popular vote, I think we all know this. I mean, it was it was kind of neck and neck, she she got more total votes to the popular vote than he did. But what he did is he set out to win the electoral vote, which is a part of our Constitution and our electoral process. And how we get President Elect is through the electoral college. So he went out. And he did a great job of doing this. The so the Democrats decided that the what happened in 2016 could never happen again. And they they needed to secure more electoral votes. And they need to secure the ones that Trump stole away from them. And so to do that, they needed to win places like Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and others. And they knew that the way to do it is to win the cities, and that they need to get as many votes as possible in those urban centers. And, but they also knew that if they were going to increase the votes there, it wouldn't be believable. If they were to cheat, there was going to be fraud. It wasn't going to be believable, unless they won the popular vote to two. Now, I used to be a public school teacher. And you know, for for handful years I taught junior high and I taught some, some high school variety subjects, economics government got some some math as well. And you come across cheaters and cheaters are like criminals, right? People will say, yeah, that was a dumb criminal. Well, look, all criminals are dumb. It eventually catches up with them. And the same thing with cheaters. They try to be sneaky. They think they're getting away with something and they eventually get caught. I mean, look at what's her name the actress from Full House. Lori Loughlin, Lori Loughlin, she was involved in that admissions, cheating scandal getting her girl. I think it might just been one daughter, but getting your daughter into college college admissions. They forged documents and history of athletic prowess or whatnot in order to be admitted to different universities. Huge deal a couple years ago. So even people that have significant resources and funds and connections, they eventually get get caught. And so that's this is what's happened here in this election, they decided these democrats decided, look, we need to go ensure we get as many votes as possible in these urban centers. But we also need to work win more broadly and get the total popular vote. So Now, keep that in mind. So Barack Obama was by far the most popular Democrat presidential candidate of all time by Obama, and Joe Biden, in comparison, who was the most decrepit, unavailable unaccessible, uninspiring candidate in the history of our country. And yet, in Arizona, he got 637,000 more votes, not 637,000 Total 637,000 more votes than Obama. And 510,000 more votes than Hillary Clinton did. And it was just enough to beat Trump by 10,000 votes. So Trump's going into Arizona, knowing that he's got a half a million vote lead, he can go secure a half a million votes, delta between him and even a Barack Obama. And yet, somehow, Joe Biden, the man in the basement leapfrogs him and pulls us off. Georgia is a state that Republicans have won every year since 1996. Every year, and in 2020, Biden got 630,000 more votes than Obama did in 2008 630,000 more votes than Obama did in OAE. And he was able to squeak out just a little bit of a win just 12,000 more votes than Trump. It's not believable. It's not believable. You could say, Well, Donald Trump big bad, you know, Orange Man, I mean, he's Yeah, I mean, tweets, and he's, he's off his rocker. And I can't believe that guy is just, you know, five feet away from the nucular codes and the football and all this and all that. And, oh, man, he really is just mean and the suburban moms just don't like it. It would be tough to believe that 630,000 suburban moms switch their vote across the entire country, let alone in one state, let alone in multiple states. But even in the blue states, something was fishy. Even in California, Obama was able to get 8.2 million votes in 2008 8.2 million votes. But somehow basement, Kermit Biden, in the middle of COVID, and the lock downs, and in California, they're pushing sand into skate parks in the middle of all this. Biden destroyed that by 2.8 million votes. 2.8 million votes. Joe Biden surpassed Barack Obama by 2.8 million votes in California. That is a 34%. Increase. It doesn't matter, population growth, and California's population has not always been going up population growth. You could argue the circumstances of COVID You could argue the circumstances of personality differences between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It it is not believable that there is a 34% increase between Barack Obama, the savior of American politics, the savior of bringing restoring hope to America, bringing all that back. So Obama and he was we needed to elect a black president. We needed our first black president. There is no way Joe Biden was able to just go secure 2.8 million more votes. Now and let's look at Texas, you know, close to home. I live in Texas and live in Fort Bend County, a county that has gone through quite the change in its political landscape over the last 10 years that I've been living here. But this is a state that has a Republican supermajority. So we've got the the governor's mansion we've got both houses the upper and lower chamber of the, you know, the state legislature. So we've got the super majority and we've had it for a generation. And Republicans hold every statewide office, every single one. Railroad Commissioner Land Commissioner, Lieutenant Governor, are the United States at all statewide offices are Republicans. However, despite Biden's lunatic blue policies, on things like gun control, expanding abortion, shutting down Keystone, Keystone pipeline 1000s of Texans worked on that project. 1000s of them 1000s of them in Houston, and in other parts of Texas. So shutting down Keystone pipeline, opening up the border. Despite all those policies, Biden secured 1.7 million more votes in Texas than Barack Obama, a 49% increase. There's no way there's no way I'm not a mathematician never claimed to be in fact, I can't even check my kids math homework. That is Christie's job, I cannot do that. I'm not a statistician, never claimed to be I do like, you know, Moneyball and do like baseball, but I'm not a statistician. I am just a common sense conservative. That watched all these yellow flags, turn up COVID expansion of voting rules, 24 hour ballot drop boxes, restriction on Voter IDs, ballots getting counted for days and days and days. I'm just a common sense conservative who looks at all that and says, hey, no way. Biden won this thing. Hey, no, wait. And if you think nefarious activities are reserved just for presidential elections, you're mistaken. They happen all the time. We must protect our elections at every level. Now when we return, we're going to be joined by someone who knows firsthand the impacts and frustrations that come when elections are manipulated. Thank you again for joining us today on the answer with Ben Armenta. As always, you can email me your thoughts to Ben at Ben I'll be sure to like follow and share this podcast with your family and friends. On the next episode, part two of election integrity. We'll pick up right where we left off and chat with Powell Scott, former candidate for Harris County Treasurer to discuss his thoughts on securing our elections. Thank you again. And God bless. The answer with Ben Armenta is brought to you today by Gambit construction, a leading multifamily general contractor, they have over 50 years of experience in renovations, restorations and rebuilds. But most importantly, they have strong conservative values just like you and me. Visit them today at Gambit