Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development

122. The Legacy of Christian Influence and Community Engagement

Lemon Price, Christian Business Mentor, Leadership, Life Coaching, Speaker, Homesteader, Top Network Marketing Leader, Proverbs 31 Season 3 Episode 122

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Have you ever wondered how women have shaped history and continue to influence today's world? Join me on this episode of the Milk and Honey podcast, where we uncover the profound impact Christian women can have on their communities by embodying the virtues of the Proverbs 31 woman. We take a heartfelt look at historical movements like prohibition and suffrage, showcasing how women were pivotal in driving societal change. I'll share personal stories about the joy and fulfillment that come from being actively involved in the community, despite the often challenging balance between work and home life. This episode is a call to action for modern women to reclaim their influential roles and create intentional spaces for meaningful engagement.

This week, we also focus on the power of sharing inspiration and wisdom within our community. I encourage you to pass on your sparks of inspiration and nuggets of wisdom to others who might need that extra push to step into their purpose and calling. Your feedback and reviews are essential for our community's growth, and I am deeply grateful for them. Reflecting on the journey of discovering God's call, remember that you are not alone. Keep seeking, growing, and trusting in His plan. I am excited for you to join me next Monday as we continue to explore leadership and our heavenly calling. God bless you, and see you next time!

Enjoy the episode, everyone!

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"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Mark 10:45

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Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. Talk about stepping into that overflow that God has for us by becoming those ultimate Proverbs 31 women. Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. I knew God had something more in store for me, but I couldn't see a way out of the laundry piles and, frankly, I resented that. Proverbs 31 woman. How was I going to live up to the hype? That is until I found out how to really step into becoming this Proverbs 31 woman through leadership development. In this podcast you're going to find financial freedom, leadership, growth and motivation so you'll be able to do all the things God has called you to do with ease and really step into that land of milk and honey.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Milk and Honey podcast. I'm your host, lemon Price, and today I want to talk about the impact that we make, because I guarantee if you're listening to this podcast then you are somebody who cares about community impact, impacting your home, impacting organizations, you care about all those kind of things. If you listen to this podcast, I'm going to make that assumption about you and I know they always say you shouldn't assume. But I'm going to assume that about you Because I think, as Christian women especially, we like to be involved, we like to be impactful, and so I was thinking excessively about this actually for the last couple of weeks I want to go way back here for a minute minute to prohibition.

Speaker 1:

All these kind of big movements that have happened typically happen because it was women who actually got things done. They were involved in their community and they got things done because they weren't at work. And so I almost think sometimes that this big push for women to go into the workforce but then also solve all the same responsibilities at home I think part of it was a design by the enemy to, in this way, right In the go, work 40 plus hours a week, climb the corporate ladder, all those kinds of things. I think sometimes that it is a push from the enemy, and I don't mean for everyone, because I don't think we're all called to the same things. However, there was this mass exodus of women who left the home and went into the workforce and right, that's where we see like a degradation of society. We see more crime happening, fatherlessness happening, like all these things are happening that have come out of that movement of women leaving the home, and so I think about what women were able to get accomplished. Even I don't know if you guys remember the movie Mary Poppins, but that's what the mom did. She was community involved did she was community involved, while I am not saying that Mrs Banks from Mary Poppins is the ideal woman by any means, but what I am saying is that she had help in her community and so therefore, she was able to be community involved. She was part of the suffrage movement. We see that throughout history that women are changemakers. Women are the reason prohibition existed.

Speaker 1:

Women were, and historically have been, more community involved, and so it's funny that Michelle Schaefer went to. She's a good friend of mine. She's been on this podcast now a few times. She went to an event a few weeks ago and all they talked about was community impact. She was in a room with dozens and dozens of wealthy Christians who were supporting charities and involved in their community and doing all these things because they have the time and the resources to do, and so I've just been thinking about this a ton lately. I've always wanted to be in the DAR. I have all the paperwork.

Speaker 1:

I always just was like waiting until we were settled in a place to be a little bit more community involved, trying to decide are we going to stay here, are we going to move, what are we going to do? And so always trying to decide what are we going to do, and then I'll get more community involved, which I know the Lord has spoken to me and been like stop doing that. You thrive in community and hosting and all those things. That's the way in which I personally thrive is being involved. And so I was actually having this conversation with Brandy the other day and she was just on the podcast too, talking about this Proverbs 31 woman and so we were having this conversation and during that conversation, we were just talking about more community involvement, getting offline, being an active member of our community, all those kind of things. And she was like are you, do you want to do it? Because you are looking like fill time, like you've created some space, you're looking to fill time, or what is it for you? And so I had to sit and think about it. I'm like why do I want to be more involved? And there's things that I'm doing to be more involved, and I'll share some of that stuff later. But I was thinking about it and I've always been this way, always when I went to undergrad in South Carolina, my tuition, I want to say and now this was 2008,. My tuition, even going to school out of state, was only about $6,000 a year and it's because I had enough scholarships and things from my community involvement to pay for school. So that was. It's always something I've done. I have been, and this is not to like toot my own horn, but this, like this, fulfills me.

Speaker 1:

So when I was in sixth grade, I started coaching cheerleading for the recreation department. I was coaching first and second graders, you know, and of course I'm not the head coach by any means, but I'm teaching the cheers, I'm doing the choreography, I'm doing all those things because, frankly, I love the adults but none of them had ever cheered before and they were the head coaches. And then they relied on me to teach these six and seven-year-olds what I knew at 12, which is fine, totally fine can do. And so, thinking about that, that that was my first real exposure, like being super community involved. My grandparents were involved, like politically and things like that. That was normal for me. And then, as I got older, I'm teaching dance and now I'm doing what do they call it? It was Big Brothers, big Sisters. So I did that program. I volunteered at our elementary school, like I was very community involved and I liked it.

Speaker 1:

I grew up in a smaller town of like 22,000 people. People knew me everywhere I went and it wasn't that recognition, but people could count on me to do things and I was involved and I could make a difference and I'm working with youth and all these things that matter to me. And so when I first moved to Georgia, I did the same thing. I was like let me get back into cheerleading, let me get back into the things that I enjoy doing and I like being out in the community, I like being surrounded by people who care about the same things that I do and being able to make a difference and all that matters to me. And so I was sitting here thinking about it, and Michelle had this conversation too about just the impact people are able to make, and so we've really made a shift at least like at Kingdom Alliance, I made a shift into talking about the proof of impact and how are people being impacted by being here? And so it's really cool to see what's come out of even just having that conversation, and so it's really cool to see what's come out of even just having that conversation, but then also being like, yeah, I have the space to go and impact in more ways than just my household, because now I've seen it in my household. I've seen what my involvement direct involvement, intentional involvement can do in my household. Oliver and Wyatt are showing up completely differently. Glenn has different dreams and aspirations and things for his life because of the intentionality here, and so I'm like, okay, they're all on a good trajectory and I can kind of I can keep you know, us all moving forward because I'm growing too with them, but also then with this time that I've created, how am I giving back? How am I giving back? How am I getting involved?

Speaker 1:

I think that we personally, as women, do better when we're involved, when there is something we're passionate about outside of work, outside of our family, outside of even church. Sometimes it can look like that, but what are you passionate about? There was an organization that I belonged to for a while and I loved it. Passionate about. There was an organization that I belonged to for a while and I loved it. We were working with women who I was at a Christian crisis pregnancy center and doing mentorship through them, and I loved it. I loved going and having lunch. I loved going to dinners and dropping stuff off at the commute. It just felt good to be involved in doing something outside of myself. That wasn't necessarily church mandated, it's not. It wasn't my job to do it, I just did it because it fulfilled me.

Speaker 1:

And so I want to ask you, with the free time that you've created because you work for yourself or maybe you're a stay-at-home mom or I don't know, even if you have a nine to five do you have a weekend a month or something, a Saturday morning, even once a quarter, that you could go and pour back out into something you care about? Is there something in your community that irritates you and you wish somebody would do something about it? Maybe that's a call for you to do something about it. Maybe you could get a group of friends who care about this same issue. Maybe there's a playground for you to do something about it. Maybe you could get a group of friends who care about this same issue. Maybe there's a playground in your area that needs to be rehabbed. Could you and your spouse and some other people and their spouses, could you guys all get together and go clean up that playground. Is that something you could do? How is it that you are pouring back out?

Speaker 1:

The gifts and talents that we have are not for us, and I've said this so many times they're not for us, they're not about us, they have nothing to do with us. All we are called to do with them is to sow into them. We should steward those gifts and talents with excellence. Then also go out and use it, Because what is the verse? I'll have to look it up, but it says if you're called to teach, then teach. If you're called to prophesy, then prophesy. If you're called to encourage, then encourage. If that's your gift, go out and use it. Your gift is not for you, it is for other people.

Speaker 1:

How can you use your gifts to go have a positive impact on your immediate community and I say that your immediate community, and I was just talking to Elizabeth about this too, and Elizabeth was just on the podcast last week, but we were talking about it. And what if? What if we just got offline for a little bit? I know, because of COVID, everybody's so used to doing everything online. What if we got offline? What if you actually went and talked to people face to face? What if you built real connections, what would that do for you and your community?

Speaker 1:

That's what I want to encourage you to do today. Find something local, find something in your area that excites you, that lights you up, something that you want to be involved in, and then reach out to them. How can you get involved? What is something that you could do to start making a difference? Is there a group of you? Is there? What can you do? So that's what I want to encourage you with today.

Speaker 1:

I know this is short and sweet, but I want to encourage you to turn the podcast off. Stop getting on all the Zoom meetings. Stop consuming yourself with whatever's happening on social media or whatever it is like. Get offline, go unplug, go, have real, genuine human connection and then go out and impact your community. I promise when you do, it will fulfill you in ways that I cannot begin to describe for you. That's my encouragement today is go find something that lights you up and then go out and be impactful. Go out and use the gifts and talents, skills, resources, et cetera that God has given you and go use it for people who are not in your immediate circle. Go use it for people that you've probably never spoken to before, people that may never know that you were the one who helped them. If it's cleaning up your park, nobody, minus a few people, nobody's probably going to know that you're the one who cleaned up a park, but everybody's going to benefit because of it, and that's what I want to encourage you to do today. So I hope you have an incredible rest of your week. My friend and I will talk to you soon. Bye, hey friend, what a joy it has been to share today's journey with you.

Speaker 1:

If you found a spark of inspiration or a nugget of wisdom that resonated, would you bless someone else by sharing this episode with them? It could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling. Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it would mean the world to me. I really appreciate your feedback and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn't one you have to walk alone. So join me again next Monday for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in his plan. God bless you and I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye friend.

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