Evolved Mastery
Evolved Mastery hosted by Princeton Clark is a show dedicated to uncovering and activating the power of personal mastery. Since its conception, Evolved Mastery has evolved and so has its impact! Every episode is packed with wisdom. Princeton sits down with successful entrepreneurs, business owners, visionaries, and more to uncover their personal strategies for mastering purpose and potential. Through powerful conversations and guest interviews, you will learn the strategies, tools, and resources needed to powerfully step into Mastery and manifest your power, purpose, and potential. Listeners will learn from an array of personal stories, insights, and strategies for staying motivated and inspired and taking control of creating the life of their dreams. Tune in to become and evolve into the powerful creator of your own destiny. Get Connected • IG and Twitter: @princetonclark • www.princetonclark.com • Email: pclark@evolvedmastery.com
Evolved Mastery
Episode 42- Finding Flow: The Path to Manifesting Your Dreams
In this episode, Princeton Clark introduces Season 3 of the Evolve Mastery podcast and discusses the importance of reconnecting to the soul of your life. He emphasizes the need to find your flow and tap into your imagination and visualization to manifest your desires. Princeton also highlights the negative impact of leaking energy into things that don't serve you and encourages listeners to learn to dream again. He emphasizes the importance of taking action and going deeper in self-mastery and concludes by urging listeners to honor their soul and make time their ally.
- Reconnect to the soul of your life and tap into your flow.
- Use imagination and visualization to manifest your desires.
- Avoid leaking energy into things that don't serve you.
- Take action and go deeper in self-mastery.
Visit www.princetonclark.com and check out the Blog, Time to Rise Inspirational Album to listen to messages over music to inspire and uplift you and get your day going. If you have been seeking a space to retreat, recharge, and get away from the noise, check out the Rejuvenated Soul Retreat happening May 27th-30th, and much more!
If you are an entrepreneur looking to create a more holistic approach to manifesting a life of fulfillment and freedom that will take you to the next level, check out the Next Level Mastery Monthly Membership Program! Or, if you are just looking for some new reading material, check out my best-selling book, Awakening Your Inner Master, and my other book Warrior of Love, Speaker of Truth!
If you are looking for a coach and you are ready to fully step in and take your power mack to finally start living a life that is filled with purpose, connection, power, and flow, then set up a strategy session to see if coaching is a great fit for you!!
What's going on, guys? Princeton Clark here. Welcome to this episode of Evolve Mastery. I hope you guys are doing well.
Speaker 1:Guys, we are moving into season three officially. We're getting ready to step off into some different topics and some different conversations and we're going to be diving deeper. I'm going to be having some very special guests continuing the process and we're going to be getting rid of the Mastery 360 segment of the podcast and we're just going to be focused on just Evolve Mastery as a whole, with different interviews, different conversations and really just diving deeper into what is required to truly manifest your life, to truly get the results that you want to get, and I'm really excited about it, guys. So, if this is your first time listening to the podcast, please go back. Listen to the other episodes. If you're looking for inspiration, if you're looking to get your soul ignited with a fire to take new steps, commit to new actions, and you're ready to be convicted at a soul level, if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you're ready to step into your power, move into your flow, then season three of the Evolve Mastery podcast is about to be just that thing that you've been seeking and looking for. So, guys, I have a special episode today because, as we kick off season three, I know that we've all gone through these seasons where we've faced things. We've been navigating this world of social media, we've been navigating this world of challenge, this world of war, this world of disconnect, this world of back and forth, this world of comparison, and so many people have lost their flow, they've lost their fire, they've lost their connection to their soul, they've lost their connection to their life, and this is what I really want to talk about today is really getting back, really reconnecting to the soul of your life experience. It's time to get out of the noise, it's time to get back to you, it's time to go deeper. So join me in this episode of Evolve Mastery. Welcome, welcome, guys.
Speaker 1:As I said, a lot of people have been in this space of disconnect disconnected from their soul, disconnected from their dreams, disconnected from their imagination, disconnected from their purpose, disconnected, disconnected, disconnected. And I want to help you guys with that, because many of you have been in a place where you know that something deeper is calling you. Many of you have been in this space where you know that you've been called for more. You know that the life that you have been creating does not serve you and that life does not deserve you and that there's so much more that you desire to experience. But I got a question for you Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired of being there?
Speaker 1:See, people often ask me, princeton, how did you go from being in gangs, being on drugs, being abused, being molested, and going from that state of being where you were so angry, so stuck in depression, stuck in alcoholism and drugs and all these different things that you've mentioned? How did you go from that to being who you are now, being someone who's impacted people all over the world, being someone who's worked with some of the best coaches in the industry, worked with entertainers and met so many amazing people? And what I tell them is my journey was a little different for me because, unlike many people in today's society who are entering into the space that I now flow from, in the industry that I'm in or in their businesses or as entrepreneurs in general, for me it didn't happen because I just woke up one day and said, oh, it's time for me to change my life. Oh, I want to get these results. Oh, I want to start a business, as a matter of fact, starting a business and creating the life that I've created wasn't the initial desire.
Speaker 1:I reached a point where I was sick and tired After my failed suicide attempt. I was just sick and tired of living my life based on terms and programs that didn't serve me. And I made a committed decision and I started asking I would pray, I would meditate and I would say whatever hell I got to go through, take me through it, because I will not be what I have been. I will not settle where I have settled. I will not make excuses. See, I was so sick and tired that the only way I could go was up.
Speaker 1:The only thing that I could do was create. The only thing that I could step into was the better, better and best version of myself, and I became relentless about the process. I was willing to be uncomfortable. I was willing to have the tougher conversations with myself. I was willing to face myself and address things that most people aren't willing to because they haven't been driven to that point within themselves where it has become the utmost priority.
Speaker 1:And this is where a lot of people get stuck. This is where a lot of people really struggle to manifest what they want to manifest. They had gotten so caught up in the expectations of society. They gotten so caught up in social media and the voyeuristic nature of social media, watching what everybody else is doing and getting so tuned into how everyone else is developing their businesses and their lives, and most of that is just a highlight reel. Most of it is not real and that's something that I always say. I don't want to highlight reel. I want a life that's real.
Speaker 1:But in order for me to create that life, when I got started I had to really understand that if I wanted to create something new, I had to become something new. I couldn't be the same old version of me. I didn't have time to complain and make excuses. I had to really ask myself what will it cost me if I don't give myself permission to love me? What will it cost me if I don't give myself permission to have joy? What will it cost me if I don't let go of the things that don't serve me and don't deserve? Me.
Speaker 1:And then I had to get really honest about my habits and I had to look at the decisions that I was making. I had to look at the way that I was thinking and I had to ask myself, not how do I find more balance, but how do I find more flow in my life, how do I create the life that I truly desire from where I am, and what are the right steps, or the most conducive steps, rather, that I must take in order to start creating this reality? And I had to really develop a strong imagination. Again. This meant I had to get more deeply connected to those desires, to those actions, to those rituals that were required in order for me to be consistent, to take action that would shift my life in such a way that there would be no way that I would ever go back to experiencing the former experiences again. Now, was that difficult? Yes, it was. It was very difficult, but it was worth it. And so what I wanna talk to you guys today about is finding your flow, reconnecting to your imaginative state, to believe that you are worth every vision you've been given. You are worth living a life that is fulfilling, free and joyful, but you have to believe that you are worth it. You have to believe that your life is the very essence of all that you have the potential to create, and you have to be willing to take the action that very few people are willing to take, which is why so many people are stuck in a rut. So many people are living a life that is not their own. It's time for you to start creating the life that you love, and in order to find that flow, you have to start dreaming again. You have to start believing again and understanding that belief is an action word. See, because when you truly desire to find your flow, your belief is the first step. This is why visualization and manifestation, taking the action, is so important, because if I am not living every single day as if it's possible for me, then it's always gonna seem impossible for me.
Speaker 1:I used to sit up at night sometimes and think about what it would be like when people actually cared to hear what I said. I used to sit up and dream about what it would feel like to stand on stage speaking to hundreds and thousands of people. I used to dream about it just like a little kid again, and I would think about every aspect of what that experience would be like, how that version of me would be thinking, how that version of me would be thinking, how that version of me would be speaking, what routines and rituals I would be creating during my day, how my life would be with my kids, how my life would be in my relationships. And I would imagine that and then I would write out the vision of that and then I would ask myself what steps can I start taking right now to manifesting that life? What steps can I start taking right now to start creating those relationships? What steps can I start taking right now to develop that mindset? What steps can I start taking right now to develop the consistency that's required in order to manifest it? But, more than that, I had to ask myself what steps are required in order for me to embody that version of Princeton. Now.
Speaker 1:As I did this and I kept getting clearer and clearer on it, because I didn't see the whole picture, and I still don't see the whole picture, but from what I could see, I took action. Every day I was taking a new action. Every day I was learning something new. Every day I was challenging myself to do something that I hadn't done the day before. Every day, I was challenging myself to love myself more deeply. I was challenging myself to dream and to hope and to step into faithing into evidence and substance, that which I hope for. And I got really consistent with that, because the more clear I became in that version of me and that version of the life that felt most fulfilling to me from what I could see at each stage of my journey, the more in flow I began to be with my own soul. And so I wasn't seeking to be like everyone else. I wasn't seeking to be seen like everyone else. I wasn't seeking to try to create a life like everyone else. I was only seeking to be what I knew I already was within, and I stayed with that version of myself. I had conversations with that version of myself every single day. I would literally sit sometimes and say so, princeton, now that you've developed this level of success and you're impacting people all over the world, what does it feel like for you? And then I would communicate back to myself that experience and what this did is. It raised my awareness, it raised my energy or my vibration to a point where it was.
Speaker 1:I was now living rather as if it was happening and see you know how many people don't have this internal dialogue. I was seeing a video, or recently I saw a video where a friend of mine had posted that Harvard had done this study that said that more than 75% of people no longer have internal dialogue. To me that was just crazy to think, because this meant that they also lacked the ability to reason within themselves, they lacked the ability to connect within themselves and they were living more stimulated by the external world and their entire reality had become so concrete based on the external, because they didn't have the capacity, or they hadn't exercised the capacity, to have that internal dialogue or that soul dialogue. And this is why so many people are miserable, so many people are depressed, so many people are frustrated, as I was discussing in my last podcast episode, and if you guys haven't gone back, go back and check out episode 39, where I dive into awakening from the illusions and the delusions and the matrix, and I really go deeper into that in episode 39. But, guys, it's time to wake up, it's time to start having those deeper realizations, it's time to start having those deeper conversations with those, with ourselves, and it's time to start acknowledging the areas of growth and the areas of opportunity, the areas of potential that we're not tapping into.
Speaker 1:Because, as I always say, with vision comes provision. You will never be given a vision for something that's impossible for you. You will never be shown something that you have the potential to uncover, experience or express in your life that is impossible for you. Your spirit won't reveal that to you. And if you have seen a life that's possible, if you're able to envision that life of fulfillment, that life of freedom, that life of expression, that life of love, that life of healthy relationships, that life of experiences that allotted you, of the ability to travel and whatever that is for you, understand it's 100% possible. And if you want to find more flow in your life, you have to get more connected to that. You have to start getting clear on the vision. You have to start writing the vision out.
Speaker 1:I was telling my students in my next level mastery program yesterday. I said you should always be writing your vision, every single day. You should be writing your vision, communicating your vision. You should be developing a vision board, but I also walk them through the process of creating a vision board, and so this will also be a part of developing a new flow Because, see, a lot of the times, people develop a vision board and they'll have the places they want to travel, the cars they want to drive, the houses they want to have the experiences and so forth that they want to manifest in their lives. But I took it a step further with my clients to help them learn to imagine and visualize again, because imagination is the key to visualization. Without imagination and visualization you will never see manifestation. And so I walk them through the process of going deeper with your vision board.
Speaker 1:Don't just put a car on your vision board. If there's a specific type of car that you really feel like that's your dream car or an experience that you want to have, put the interior of the car, the exterior of the car, the color of the car. Imagine yourself driving. Visualize yourself being in that car. Imagine something with your house. If you have a house on your vision board, don't just put a house on your vision board. Put all the pictures, use examples of pictures of houses that are similar to the house that you want to have, and visualize yourself walking in that house. Visualize what the furniture will look like in that house. Visualize how you will entertain company in the house, what you're going to do with your kids or your friends in that house.
Speaker 1:Visualize the full experience and start communicating it to yourself. Start having conversations with yourself as if it's happening. As you're visualizing and looking at your vision board, start talking about oh, this is my car, I bought this car and these are all the amenities that it has. What I really love about this car is when I'm driving. It has the sunroof in it and it goes all the way to the back. Really get into the experience of it, because when you get yourself into that state, your energy begins to align in your energetic field to connect to that experience.
Speaker 1:Same thing with seeing yourself on stage. If you're a speaker or a coach or a professional speaking to do something like what I do, I would literally visualize myself on stage speaking to thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of people. I would speak as if I was on stage and I would feel my body. Get into that state. See, because peak state is everything. Tony Robbins talks a lot about this. You got to get yourself into the physiological state as if it is happening. See, so many times we lose our flow because when we think about our vision or we think about what we want or we think about what we want to create.
Speaker 1:We think about it as if it's in the future and we never bring it into the present moment experience as if it's happening now. As a result of not doing that, we get too caught up in what's happening now, the reality that we've created, to this point Then we start over analyzing this is happening and that's happening and this is why this is happening and this is why the store is not opening up and I'm struggling with this and I'm struggling with that, no, the future version of me. If I want to bring it into now, I have to start speaking, communicating as if it's happening now. I'm not thinking about what I don't have, because now my energetic field has to vibrate and flow from that state. This is one way that you begin to shift. That is again getting clear in the vision, as far as you can see now, not just speaking about it, but also writing about it, and then creating a vision board with every aspect of different experiences within that vision, so that you can get in front of it and speak to it and communicate around it as if it's happening.
Speaker 1:When you write your goals down, don't just write your goals, some of you have heard me say this before. If you've went through any of my programs, write down the steps, as far as you can see, to achieving that goal, because most people will write down their goal but they don't write down the steps to achieving that goal and, as a result, they don't even have a compass. You become like a leaf blowing in the wind. Write down your goals and then really sit with it and ask yourself what is required of me, what are required in my reality in order to manifest this goal. Write it all down. Write it all down what this is going to do. It's going to give you that compass. It's going to give you clear directives upon which you can measure yourself, measure your actions, measure your flow, and now you know exactly what is required each day, based on what you can see. As you begin to take those steps, the vision begins to expand, you begin to see new steps and you begin to put them into place where they may have been gaps.
Speaker 1:But if you never take the steps, if you never get clear on the goals, you never get clear in the imaginative state and you're not communicating that every day. You're going to constantly get pulled into the experience. You're going to constantly get pulled into the things that you don't want. You're going to constantly get pulled with that squirrel mentality where I'm jumping to this thing and then I'm jumping into this thing and oh, this is happening and oh, shiny object. And oh, I'm not good enough. And oh, look at what they're doing and oh, this is what they have and oh, I don't have it. You're going to go into that state and this is why so many people are struggling. It's not because you have ADHD. What happens is you're so overstimulated with the things that don't serve you and the things that are stealing your energy and your focus that you're now frazzled with in yourself. So, because you don't have a clear vision, you're a leaf blowing in the wind from one thing to the next. Whatever grass your energy, you're giving it, and what that lets you know is that you're leaking power. You're leaking your energy into things that don't serve you. So when the things that you truly desire come up, even when you're inspired, your energy is depleted, and so that initial inspired spark that comes, it runs for a little bit and then it feels like it fizzles out because you're leaking energy.
Speaker 1:I was telling my students yesterday imagine what it was like when you were a kid. Remember how creative you used to be. Remember when you would dream and play games. Think back to how descriptive you used to be in that experience and why it was so fun. Now, if you've never done that, then just understand you're missing out. But that doesn't mean you can't start practicing it now. Watch children. Look at how children share their dreams and their passions. Listen to how descriptive they are in their wording around what they want to do when people ask them why do you want to do that? And really just think about what it was like my kids.
Speaker 1:I often say you guys have probably heard me say it before, unless you're new to the podcast. If you are, welcome, welcome, welcome. But if you've been on here before, then you've heard me say my kids were my greatest teachers. They are my greatest teachers next to my own spirit, because they reminded me of what it was like to live with imagination, what it was like to live every day like an adventure, what it was like to simply enjoy life from a state of love, from a state of joy, from a state of peace, of just being themselves. And see, this is where we've gotten so disconnected. We've lost sight of ourselves, we've lost sight of our desires, we've lost sight of the things that we want to experience, the things that bring us joy, the things that bring us peace, and in some cases we've gotten so far from it we don't even know what that looks like anymore. And this is where I challenge you Learn to dream again.
Speaker 1:Learn to give yourself the opportunity to experience your life again, because it's in the space that you began to expand, it's in the space that you began to evolve, it's in the space that you began to tap into that childlike essence of expression. There is so much power in you to create the life that you want, but as long as you continue to focus on, think about and imagine the things that you don't want, by the very essence of your creative nature and your creative power, you're going to continue to manifest more of that, and this is why self mastery is so important. This is why going deeper is so important, and so many people skip this step. They are doing all the surface work but none of the sole work. If I had never done the work to get to know me, if I had never done the work to dream and imagine and to visualize, then everything that has become possible for me would still seem impossible. Every time a challenge comes, I would have been ready to give up and quit because it just seems so hard. Instead of seeing it as a true possibility of my own divine expression of self, I would see it, like everyone else, a difficult situation to traverse through, a difficult situation to face, and this is where so many of you are, this is where so many people in the world are.
Speaker 1:But again, finding flow starts with reconnecting with yourself. It starts with learning to dream again. It starts with choosing to be imaginative. It starts with taking the steps, having the inner conversations every single day, because that one day that you don't do it is going to be the day that your current experience takes over and you leak energy into things that don't serve you. It starts with generating goals and the steps to achieving your goals. These are keys to unlocking the doors of new experience, and you need to live utilizing these keys every single day.
Speaker 1:But, as I said, you have to be first willing to be sick and tired of being sick and tired of being where you are. And, in truth, even though a lot of people are comfortably miserable in their lives. They're not sick and tired of it to the point where it drives them to move. It drives them to do the deeper work, and until you get to that place, it does not matter how upset you get, how much you complain. You're going to continue to perpetually create the reality that you don't want, and so I want you guys to think about this today.
Speaker 1:I want you to look at your life based on where you are right now. I want you to really think about the potential that you have. I want you to think about the visions that have been revealed to you. I want you to really think about the opportunities and the potential that you have the ability to tap into, and I want you to start dreaming again. I want you to start thinking about the lifestyle you want to create, to change the trajectory of your family, or maybe just for yourself. I want you to think about those experiences you want to have. I challenge you to create a vision board with the different levels of the different experiences that you want to have, and then, after you've created it, stand in front of that vision board and communicate it as if it's happening.
Speaker 1:Walk yourself mentally, emotionally, energetically through the process of what that experience is like as though you're telling a story, as though it's happening right now. And I want you to do this to a point where you feel it in every aspect of your being Because, as I said, it begins to shift your entire spectrum of your energetic field and you begin to elevate, attract and manifest the things you're asking for, because, think about it, you do this all the time. Think about all the things you think about all the time that worry you, that frustrate you, that make you angry, that make you sad, and look around at your life, at the reality that you've created. I guarantee you, if you look and you won't have to look hard, but I guarantee you, if you look you're going to see that, based on what you've been imagining, focusing on and responding to, you are perpetually creating. But it's time to break free guys. It's time to step out of that space. So disconnected from yourself, so disconnected from your life, so disconnected from the experience that you have the potential to experience. It's time to start stepping back into you boldly. And if you're struggling with the guys right now, I invite you go check out my website at PrincetonClarkecom and reach out to me.
Speaker 1:I'm developing new programs, but I have one on one coaching. If you're an entrepreneur and you're like man I'm really struggling in this area then check out my next level, mastery program. That's a group mentorship program, group coaching program that I run and every week we have a different speaker. Every Thursday that comes on who has created a light, who've been through the challenges, who've taken the steps, and they come on and they share the wisdom that they've gained. They share their stories to inspire and uplift. They share tips. That's going to help you evolve. The monthly membership program right now is only $55 a month, unless you pay for the year or unless you decide you want to also have the weekly recordings. But there's also a weekly training where we get on and we talk, we share wins, we share opportunities for people to talk about what they're working on, to ask questions and we dive into it. And it's a really close knit community and I'm building on it right now. And so if you feel like you're in a space where you're creating this reality, you're an entrepreneur, you've been disconnected from yourself, you're looking for a community, you're looking to have more inspiration on a weekly basis from those who have really done the work, then I invite you to join it, because if you join it you will not be disappointed and it will serve you at the deepest levels. But you'll also be able to connect with me beyond the podcast experience. But maybe you say I'm not really ready for a group experience or that's not really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a deeper connection, I'm looking for real guidance. If that's you reach out to me, set up a strategy session All the information is on my website Again, that's PrincetonClarkcom. But there's so much more coming.
Speaker 1:I also have a retreat, as I've mentioned in the former podcast. I have a retreat coming up this May, the 27th through the 30th, and it's the rejuvenated soul retreat for those who are looking to get out of the noise, for those who are looking to go deeper, for those who are saying I'm ready to experience my life. I'm tired of wearing a mask. I'm tired of pretending like I'm happy when I'm not. I'm tired of living a reality that doesn't serve me. I'm tired of putting myself on the back burner. I'm ready to go deeper, I'm ready to have deeper experiences. I'm ready to just have a space for me where I can just be 100%, just human in this experience, to have people pour into me because it seems like I've been sacrificing and murdering myself for everybody else in a world that doesn't even see me. I'm ready to create this life. I'm ready to be rejuvenated. I'm ready to tap back into my soul. If that's you, the rejuvenated soul retreat is also on there. All the information is also on there for that.
Speaker 1:There's also a blog. There are books my two books, awakening your Intermaster, the Journey of Self-Mastery, and my second book, the Warrior of Love, speaker of Truth. That's a decade anthology and there's so much more. There's also a free album If you use Apple Music or Spotify, search up Time to Rise by Princeton Clark, and it's a free album that you can just listen to and it's just me speaking over music to inspire your life. But all the links to everything that I have up to this point.
Speaker 1:So on the website, I got new stuff coming. Next week I'm launching a new self-mastery coaching certification program for those who want to help other people but they don't know who to trust, what to trust, how to trust it, if you are ready to really guide people but you want to also go deeper into self-mastery while learning how to guide other people in the process. It's a six-month program that's coming soon and there's also going to be an option to go through the six-month certification program where you can also become one of my certified self-mastery coaches, to speak on stage with me, to run programs with me, to get paid and to do so much more faster than you could on your own. But all that's going to be coming next week. But I'm staying tuned, guys, because I'm always creating resources to serve you.
Speaker 1:But again, it's time to tap back into your flow. It's time to step back into your power and if you're ready to do that, I ask you to commit to you, surrender to you, make your sole investment, your number one investment, because once you start honoring your soul, you're going to start honoring the highest investment. And that's your time, because time, once it's gone, you never get it back. But when you truly tap into your soul, time now begins to work for you, not against you. You begin to create the reality you desire, the impact you desire or simply the experience that you desire to experience. But I appreciate you, guys allowing me into your space. I appreciate you allowing me into your lives, because that's such a sacred space.
Speaker 1:So if you're listening to this podcast and you're gaining something from this podcast. Go back and listen to the other episodes, share the episodes, subscribe. If you want to support the podcast. You can also go to EvolveMasteryPodcastcom and you can become a subscriber, because I have new episodes that will only be available to subscribers. But it's only $10 a month to support the work that I do. And if you appreciate it, again, just leave a rating, leave a review, share the podcast, because there are other people out there experiencing exactly what you're experiencing.
Speaker 1:Let them know how the podcast has helped you. Allow me to be a light through your life as well, and you guys each continue to help me reach the world. Right now we're reaching 125 countries, but you guys can help me to continue to reach more lives every single day. But that's it for this episode. Guys, stay tuned. Reach out to me again. My website is PrincetonClarkecom, but also find me on Instagram. All my social media links are also on my website, but on Instagram at PrincetonClarke. Let me know what you thought, shoot me a message. How did this inspire you? Let me know how this podcast, or any of my other podcasts, have been assisting you on your journey, because, as we all take the journey of self mastery, mastering the power of our being, mastering the power of our creativity, mastering the power of our power, potential and purpose. We all become lights in our inner world and lights in the world. Thank you for turning into Evolve Master.