Evolved Mastery
Evolved Mastery hosted by Princeton Clark is a show dedicated to uncovering and activating the power of personal mastery. Since its conception, Evolved Mastery has evolved and so has its impact! Every episode is packed with wisdom. Princeton sits down with successful entrepreneurs, business owners, visionaries, and more to uncover their personal strategies for mastering purpose and potential. Through powerful conversations and guest interviews, you will learn the strategies, tools, and resources needed to powerfully step into Mastery and manifest your power, purpose, and potential. Listeners will learn from an array of personal stories, insights, and strategies for staying motivated and inspired and taking control of creating the life of their dreams. Tune in to become and evolve into the powerful creator of your own destiny. Get Connected • IG and Twitter: @princetonclark • www.princetonclark.com • Email: pclark@evolvedmastery.com
Evolved Mastery
Episode 44- Unveiling Self-Mastery and Inner Knowing w/ Kaye Doran
Ever felt like you're constantly playing a part to fit into society's mold? Kaye Doran knows this struggle all too well. Growing up with a clear sense of her life path but often feeling alienated, Kaye turned these early challenges into a powerful career in professional transformation and leadership. With over three decades of experience, she's a master of combining shamanic energy, sound healing, and life coaching to empower women to create meaningful change in their lives. Join us as Kaye opens up about her journey, offering invaluable insights on staying authentic and true to oneself despite external pressures.
Imagine adjusting your perspective on life as you would fine-tune corrective lenses—gradually seeing clearer as you focus inward. Kaye and I explore the transformative power of inward reflection and meditation, emphasizing the realization that we aren’t broken; we need to reclaim our energy. By navigating beyond traditional religious frameworks that often limit spiritual awareness, we delve into personal experiences of healing and the importance of connecting deeply with the universe. This chapter is all about shifting from societal labels to embracing our intrinsic worth and spiritual growth.
Let's talk about boundaries. In an era dominated by social media, setting limits on time, relationships, and finances is crucial to avoid scattering our energy. Kaye shares practical advice on cultivating inner peace through meditation and breathing exercises, stressing the significance of embodying the knowledge we acquire. She reminds us that, like an apple seed inherently destined to become an apple tree, our worthiness needs no validation. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion filled with gratitude, positive energy, and inspiring calls to embrace your unique path of self-mastery and awakening.
Kaye's Website
Princeton Clark
What's going on, guys? Princeton Clark here and you're tuned into another episode of Evolve Mastery, and in this episode, I had an incredible conversation with Kay Duran, a true powerhouse in the world of professional transformation and leadership. Kay is an entrepreneur, facilitator, international keynote speaker, bestselling author and global thought leader. She's also the host of the podcast, inner Voice of Knowing and a women's shamanic leadership life coach. She's also the creator of Inner Expressions, a platform dedicated to helping women realize their leadership potential from within, and, with over three decades of experience working with women, kay combines her unique gifts in connection, knowing, shamanic energy, sound healing and the accreditation of being a master life coach to empower women to create meaningful change in their lives.
Speaker 1:Guys, I can go on and on about Kay, but from the day that we connected, we connected online and we had a few Zoom calls and they just went amazing. There was just so much synergy, and so I'm really excited to have Kay on the show and to share her with you. We had an amazing conversation, so I want you guys to get comfortable. Grab something to drink if you're driving, get focused, make sure your seats are buckled in. This is going to be a fun ride, but safety first. But I love you guys, man, I really appreciate the support and we're going to continue to flow. We're going to continue to grow and I have a number of other guests that are going to be coming on the podcast that I'm going to be sharing with you guys. But without further ado, I want to just go ahead and dive right into this conversation today. So sit back and enjoy to my soul cause.
Speaker 2:I know that it's worth it, these affirmations, let me know that I'm already perfect. Are you that one say, yes, I am hundred miles up? Say, yes, I can. Is it our love? Say, yes, I am, yes, I am, yes, I am. Are you that one say, yes, I am, I'm all right? And it helps me realize that I'm wealthy, rich in passion, rich in magic.
Speaker 1:It's my life, so I tell me I'm all right and it helps me. Welcome Evolve Mastery family. As I said, I have another amazing guest. I'm really excited about this podcast interview, guys. As you guys know, every show I bring somebody special on for an interview and when we have these interviews, they're people who have traversed this path of self-mastery, this path of awakening to their deeper levels of the I am self. These are people who I admire and I've had an opportunity to connect to, I've had an opportunity to observe their journey, and Kay is just one of those people, guys, that I'm really excited to introduce you guys to, because from the moment that we met on social media, we connected through Messenger and we had followed each other for a while and in the beginning there was just so much synergy in our communication, our conversations between one another, and she had me on her podcast. But, kay Duran, it's so good to have you here. Welcome, welcome, welcome.
Speaker 3:Thank you, princeton. And we had a glitch on the first platform that we were on and I was saying that I had chills. I've just had chills again and again. That just brings that confirmation about that soul to soul, heart to heart, that synergy between us and between people that come in, that are like-minded and doing that authentic journey.
Speaker 1:Yes, and that's a big thing to talk about as we are having this conversation is that alignment? There may be some people listening today. Maybe they haven't listened in a while, or maybe something happened and they were like you know what, I just need some inspiration. Or maybe they got the notification that hey, Evolve Mastery has a new podcast episode up and this conversation is just for them. And so, in every aspect of our life, it's all about alignment. But you've taken an amazing journey. You've worked in so many different spaces consciously, spiritually, emotionally, mentally guiding people, assisting people in their healing journey. But I want to really dig into and I want to introduce Kay to my audience, and so tell us a little bit about your journey and where did it really begin? We know that when we're born, the journey begins way before we ever even have a name, but in this life experience, tell us a little bit about that journey, your journey of self-mastery, and where it's brought you to this point.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we all go through adversity and challenges and that's the playing field of being human here. But as a five-year-old, when my mother would tuck me into bed, we'd do the Lord's Prayer and bless everyone in the family. We were just Church of England and she'd close the door and, strangely, I knew that I'd chosen to be here. Princeton, I used to you know five. I'd say God, I know I chose to be here, but please take me home, where I belong, and I know I have to be back in the morning and as a child that just seemed so. I didn't think anything of it. But of course, then growing up and having this very powerful, very strong inner voice of knowing that stayed with me and I cannot call it intuition and I don't because that sort of feels ethereal and can I trust it and learn to trust it this is a voice that I've come to understand, that we actually all have. I was just completely dialed into it and stay dialed into it, which also then made it very confusing through teenage years et cetera. But I really got to a point in life, like a lot of us do, where I felt lost. I felt like I didn't fit in and everywhere I tried to fit in. I didn't, and people that I thought were my friends was laughing at me behind my back and I just experienced a lot of nastiness and alienation. And I look back now and go. I wasn't being my true, authentic self. I was doing what we all do. I was trying to fit in, I was trying to belong, I was trying to change myself and my father moved us from Melbourne through work to Perth, western Australia. Now here's the interesting thing A year earlier we'd come over on a holiday and I felt this energy here and I was 16. And I remember saying to everybody I'm going to come back in a year's time. I'm going to come and I'm going to live here. I'm going to move here. You go home.
Speaker 3:I got my first boyfriend and I was working in a job that I hated, and then my father sits me down and says we're moving to Western Australia. He was in newspapers and long story short. He basically said to me you're going to come, you're going to give it six months. If you don't like it, you can move back to where your older brothers and your older sister are. And of course, I landed exactly where I was meant to be, but I had a big turning point. I had a major car accident that should have killed me. I had a major car accident that should have killed me. The police arrive and go. Oh my God, you should be wrapped around that tree. You shouldn't be here.
Speaker 3:And although I didn't consciously understand spirituality, I'd always been searching as a child. If I was handed a pamphlet in town from the Rajneesh people, I would take it home and I would read it. I was always exploring and questioning and, I suppose, trying to find my way. Religion didn't seem to fit for me, so I dropped the name God and it was spirit, universe, whatever would fit. But this car accident was a moment of changing the trajectory of my life because, although I felt more home, moving, I had an opportunity to try to be more of my authentic self. But we still try to fit in. We think we're being more real in who we are. We've just adapted ourselves slightly.
Speaker 3:But I was left in a lot of pain and no one could help with that pain. I tried physios, I tried everything, and pain is debilitating mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically. It's just so draining and my mother and so stress always feeling on edge. So my mother said why don't you go and learn to meditate. You seem stressed all the time and I said, yeah, because I'm in pain all the time to meditate. You seem stressed all the time and it's yeah, because I'm in pain all the time. So I went and learned to meditate with my eyes open, and what a profound technique and experience that is, because I find that I can put myself into a meditative state and I don't have to close my eyes or be in a quiet room.
Speaker 3:But what happened is I was in my house. I was married at this time. I married young 21. And my eyes were open and I was meditating and there was a pinpoint of light like minute. But it was so incredibly bright and I start blinking, thinking am I seeing things? That light shot across the room, hit me in my chest, I was moved back into the lounge and I wept, princeton. I wept from the deepest joy I've ever felt in my life. I felt myself connected to everything, everyone, all that there is, and I knew that I had met my God, and what I mean by my God is the God that exists within me, and I felt the universe that existed within me and it changed my life from that moment, from being angry, excuse me, miserable, trying to find my place. Self-loathing, feeling ugly, trying to find my place. Self-loathing, feeling ugly, all these things that we tell ourself.
Speaker 3:And I never went on the path that my friends did with drugs, because that inner voice of knowing said you are highly addictive, you will become addicted, you'll change the trajectory. That's not why you came here. I used to hear that as a teenager, just like an incredibly loud voice inside of me, but it was way too much alcohol and just generally running. Hear that as a teenager, just like an incredibly loud voice inside of me, but it was way too much alcohol and just generally running amok as a normal teenager. But the more I got drunk, the more I was trying to prove my existence in this world, if that makes sense, you know. But yeah, that completely changed my life, learning meditation and that experience. Yeah, that completely changed my life, learning meditation and that experience. And it put me onto a path that I didn't consciously choose. It grabbed me and I went through a lot of experiences.
Speaker 3:But I went through experiences of being put into groups. I traveled around Australia. It continued to awaken. I came back and I was put into groups or chose groups to try to find my tribe, my people, some mentors, some teachers, and I found that there's what I term a lot of trickery out there, a lot of people that say that they know what they're doing and they don't. It's a great bandwagon to jump on and things would be said and that inner voice was telling me to speak up. I would almost start choking. And then I would respond to the group and people would go oh my God, I've got chills.
Speaker 3:And so a guy got us involved to his running group where this was happening and got us involved with a Ouija board. That was very dark. Stuff started to happen. He had young children that were starting to scream and cry and he just looked at me this is the first group I joined and said you take over. And I just knew how to bring the divine, if you like, god into it. I knew what to do with the energy, I knew how to clear everything, I knew how to banish and move out of that space lower, darker energies that were coming in, and I just and I got everything calm and went I'm out of here, everyone went, we're out of here, and I just thought I just want to go meditate.
Speaker 3:And the next thing, everyone's coming to my place, everyone's seeking my answers, and it took me on a path of awakening to the fact that I am a shaman, had always been Singing to animals, and things that I used to do as a kid started to make sense. I was called into that. I say kicking and screaming. It's not something that I wanted, it's not, and I don't like titles, but for living in this realm we need them. But I found myself with the ability to heal, with the ability to fully understand my gift, with the ability to work with my energy in a way where I was no longer impacted by everyone else's thoughts, emotions, feelings that were impacting my body. And for 20 odd years 20 years I was asked to speak. I was asked to facilitate groups. I did healing. I moved into also some coaching and some corporate work.
Speaker 3:A marriage breakdown or I say no a marriage completion where we'd fulfilled our contract and it was like, okay, this is why we came together and now it's time to go separate ways and take that journey. And then, being single for three years, long story short I then came into a new relationship. We moved into the house, we combined and my business started just lessening. I still had people, but it certainly wasn't on that high that it was. And then the call in came to move and re-enter the workforce. I was in my forties and it's I'm going to look too old on a piece of paper and I re-entered the workforce and my clients just stayed with me on the side and I ended up progressing professionally in the end when I was running seven locations for a car rental company.
Speaker 3:But every role that I went into, every company that I went into, I was severely bullied, bullied by teams, bullied by management and bullied by upper management, and I didn't think for a second that I would come back to this work. But again it grabbed me after about a 10 year cycle of I'm going to change jobs, I'll improve in this area, I don't want to work weekends, I'll have a car, I want this much money All this would happen, but the bullying would increase and I needed to learn to understand that pattern and change that within myself, to change my life again. And then it's brought me back into my coaching, my healing work, but at a whole new level, with experience. That's also more relatable. If I just stayed in my business for 30 years, I don't think I would have grown to this sort of platform where I've now been in a movie that comes out this year and et cetera.
Speaker 3:But everything is about our growth and I had to come to understand. Or I did come to understand that I'd been bullied all of my life. Come to understand, or I did come to understand that I'd been bullied all of my life. I was so used to it that I didn't recognize it and I needed it to become severe for me to see that pattern, not be a victim in it, but change that pattern inside of me. And the last role that I had as that bullying came up, I pulled that plug. And as I pulled that plug and confronted it in a whole new way, changed from within, it dissolved. And here I am back doing what I'm doing.
Speaker 1:That's every time I hear your story and I know when we first had our conversation, you went a lot more in depth. For the sake of time, we're not diving into all of that right now, but there's something to be said about the journey itself and the process of the journey, because when we're navigating the journey, we don't it doesn't always make sense, because we are. Our lenses, so to speak, are being adjusted. It's like you go to the eye doctor and they say, okay, we have to see how much you can see right now, but we're going to give you some corrective lenses that allow you to see a little bit more, a little bit better, and as you progress, the vision will change. And that's what's happening on our journey. We're able to see more, we're able to feel more, we're able to know more deeply from within, and we wouldn't be able to do what we do. You wouldn't be able to do what you do or show up illuminated, the way that you show up in the world now, had it not been for those moments in your life and, I know, for those in podcast land who are listening right now. This is and I'm excited about this this conversation. We're using terminology like shaman and healing, and we've talked about healing before. You guys have been with me for a little bit now. We're using terminology like shaman and healing and we've talked about healing before. You guys have been with me for a little bit now. We've talked about these things.
Speaker 1:But I love how you said, even in moving into these different spaces it wasn't about titles, but we live in this framework, this society, where we give meaning to everything and we identify with all these different things. But the truth is going back to what you said about that light, that pinpoint. When it hit you, you became aware there was a level of intimate knowing in that awareness that I am-ness, I am one with God, god is one with me Source, universe, whatever pronoun you use, as I say, doesn't matter what pronoun you use, because the finite mind can never begin to even begin to quantify or qualify the infinite. I call it love, I also call it spirit. It is something that and it's inescapable, no matter where you are, and man has been trying for years, on its conscious and subconscious journey, to try to understand the isness of this thing. But this journey that you've been on, it's brought you back into that deeper state of inner knowing that's connected to all things, which is why you became so sensitive. It's why you were able to tap into the layers, beyond the veil, of what we can see and what we identify and give meaning to.
Speaker 1:And what's beautiful about that is I know that there's so many people listening right now and they're like I've been experiencing that because of religion or because of how they were raised or because of various experiences, it's like they've been called certain, they've been told that certain things oh, that's demonic or that's new age or that's this, or they've been programmed into disconnecting from that inner knowing and they don't trust it. Like you said, like the inner child, that little child in you, before the programming, before the world put its stuff on you. There was a knowing, even when you were five, and I relate to that because even when I was younger it was the same thing. I had this deeper knowing.
Speaker 1:But I'm growing up Southern Baptist. Everything is hellfire and brimstone and it never, it was never synergistic with me. It never felt right at a core level. It never felt right at a core level and I'd love for you to dive into that transition, because a lot of people may be stuck in the programming or the religion or the meanings that they identify everything as, and that's one of the main reasons why they're not showing up in that inner knowing, or they're not able to truly hear it, and so I'd love for you to talk about that a little bit, because I know that there's a lot of people waking up right now who'd love more insight in that area.
Speaker 3:Yeah, thank you, princeton. That's an awful question. What happened for me in that experience, with that pinpoint of light, was I came to a very deep understanding, and it is just love, because that's why I just wept. It wasn't a cry, it wasn't crying, it was the weep of remembrance. But I really came to understand that the turning the vision inwards is the power, because it exists within, it's inside of us. Everything Science is now saying that the universe exists within us and then, therefore, we exist within the universe. So a key for me was to keep meditating to create ways of turning that vision inwards through power questions, et cetera.
Speaker 3:Another thing that I experienced was I tried the healing path that everyone seemed to be talking about and I just became a wreck. I was bringing babies into the world. Excuse me, I was bringing babies into the world and I was so far trapped in my past by revisiting it in this particular way to so-called heal it. By the way, we're not broken. None of us are broken. It's reclaiming energy. Okay, so I went so far back into that past that it was like this vortex sucking me in deeper and everything became darker and more and more negative and I felt so broken. It's like the grief took me into more grief, took me into more grief, took me into more grief, took me into more grief. And I remember saying God, there must be an easier way to heal. And that's when I was taught. That inner voice of knowing came and taught me, talked me through it and about energy and what was happening to me and that we need to stay present in the present. It's just energy that's trapped and that reframing it by saying yes, I had some painful, very painful experiences.
Speaker 3:I had two parents that I love dearly, that are beautiful human beings, but I needed them both to be emotionally unavailable because I was so sensitive that I would have continued to hand my power outwards rather than turning inwards and really finding what self-worth, self-value and self-love is all about. So there's a key, there's a gift in everything, and I started saying what was the purpose of this for me? So, starting to look at experiences like they weren't against me, I'm not a victim in any of this and I started to find that in there came love. I developed that compassion further because I had it by my nature, understanding, so even understanding then my mother and my father. I started to ask questions about them, about their life about so I could create this picture of why were they being a particular way and in some of the questioning of them, like when I went to my father once and said, why do you not love me? Because he was never able to say I love you. And he wept Princeton and he got down on his knees in front of me and he's like, why would you think that? And it's because I used to go to my mum and ask why does daddy hate me? And she would say don't you talk to me about your father like that and shut me down. My parents were even older than my friend's parents, so different era again. But he'd never heard that, so he'd never had the opportunity to respond that and I was a little bit afraid of him as well. So I didn't, as a younger child, go to him and ask that question.
Speaker 3:So asking questions, reframing the experience about what was, why did I need to experience this? What did it give to me in shaping me and who I am today, was all part of my healing. But I got to stay present and, yes, I had moments of releasing tears, releasing pain from my body, but it led me to from love, compassion, understanding. It led me into forgiveness and seeing that we're all human beings doing our very best. But I also developed the deep knowing that we are soul and energy first and that we have come here into this playing ground because of the experiences of adversity, of challenges, so that we can turn that vision inwards, so that we can bypass feeling the victim and realize that we're really just reframing and then rewiring our energetic system back into wholeness and it's a fun game for the soul, excuse me. And that started to bring me back into wholeness and then I realized it takes great courage, also because you've got to hold firm to developing and strengthening that knowing through terrains that you feel so much doubt and so much fear and what am I really doing and will I get to the other side?
Speaker 3:And drawing on that knowing and I had statements that I would harness on only goodness comes from God or only goodness comes from the universe. Whatever word you want to use again doesn't matter, even if I can't see it at the time. So I kept tuning, taking the energy source from my subconscious, false stories and beliefs and I don't call them subconscious beliefs because that's instilling, it's a belief that has power over me, so I call them out as false stories and beliefs, which every time I use that wording because words have power. It diffuses its power over me. I'm calling it out for what it is. It's false. Okay, it feels very real, but it's false. It does not serve me in my highest, most expansive capacity. It does not serve me in my highest, most expansive capacity. And then I was plugging that energy cord, if you like, that power source into. Only goodness comes from source. Even if I can't see it at the time, some would say that's developing faith and it starts off as faith until you do the round so many times that each time you come out the other side or cross that big league, you realize that then becomes knowing and becomes truth. So while I was reframing all this and the language that was coming to me helped me realize that's creating an energetic change I had to plug into a new source of power and feed that and feed that.
Speaker 3:And that meditation for me was the key, because when we've got our vision outwards, it's like those horses that have the blinders, the blinkers on. You can only see this. You can't see what's out here. You can't see what's out here. You're living from the lenses that you're wearing that are discolored from those false stories and beliefs. Lenses that you're wearing that are discolored from those false stories and beliefs. So if they're colored with anger, then you see the anger. If they're colored with no one loves me. That's what you're going to see and experience.
Speaker 3:So perceptions are those lenses, perspective which I gained through meditation, and even that if I was sitting up here looking down at myself and this scenario, what would it look like from perspective? So I learned to take perception into a perspective. So seeing things from a higher perspective and using all those things to anchor to and calling God more deeply or source or insight more deeply into me and into situations, working with that what I term the unseen world, working with that energy, because the truth is everything's energy and that's why I call it the courageous path, because we're also having to look in and take responsibility. I went through a phase where people were, for a lot of my life, very nasty to me, but even when I was in my prime of doing my and I call it my guidance work really, because any healer, any great coach or mentor, all we are and need to be are guides that know and understand the terrain that says you're going to do this, but I'm going to help show you the way that taking responsibility by going.
Speaker 3:If this keeps happening in my life, where people keep turning against me, what false story and belief am I holding onto so tightly inside of myself that I need to unpack? So I learned that it's like going into a movie theater, princeton. I can go into one room and watch one movie, but I cannot deny that there aren't eight or nine other films playing at the same time, and that's how I see life, that the movie's coming from within me and projected out, and I can change that movie by changing patterns and beliefs that are inside of me and plugging the power back into my heart. Does that make sense? Yeah?
Speaker 1:Oh yes, and there's when you speak and I have to be mindful of time, I get to be mindful of time, but, oh my gosh, a lot of this, we could die. There's so many nuggets in what you just said. But starting with the first thing, and that's reclaiming your energy, understanding that we are conductors of energy, we are conducting and responding and sending out energy. And I always say Princeton is not the it, princeton is the conduit, that's it. Princeton's just an idea, princeton's just a vessel that I operate in this world.
Speaker 1:And going back to what I said earlier, whatever I attach a meaning to a perspective, to an idea to, I send power to that, I give power to that. My divine energy, that's connected and in a state of oneness with everything, is manipulating the energy around me. It's moving energy or taking energy or trapping energy, based on the state that I'm in. But this goes back to that deeper inner knowing and you hit two different things in that belief versus knowing. See, a lot of people believe. When they talk about healing, when they talk about creating change in their lives, achieving that state of bliss or having that relationship, whatever it is, they say I believe it's possible. But manifestation doesn't happen purely from a belief. It happens from a state of knowing. It's like saying I believe in God versus I know. God Knowing is rooted in the experience of the intimate connection in which you are stated in.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and let's say conscious creation or conscious manifestation? Yes, because we've been unconsciously creating all our lives. It's, then, about becoming conscious creators and crafters to manifest the lives that we aspire to. Yeah.
Speaker 1:And following that you went into talking about healing, and I said this on a recent podcast episode. I say true, healing is when you wake up and realize there was never anything wrong with you, and I completely agree with what you said when you said that you know, doing a lot of what most people call the healing work nowadays is not truly healing. It's a regurgitation and a reliving habitually over and over what you have experienced, as if it's still happening or there's still something wrong with you now because of an experience, and it doesn't negate that you had that experience. That's not what we're saying, guys, for everyone listening. We're not saying that the experience didn't matter. What we're saying is it happened, but in this now moment it only continues to thrive energetically in your being and in your life if you continue to give power to it and meaning to it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's so powerful, if I could just interject there. Yes, I wept, I felt grief, I felt injustice in certain things that happened to me, and there was some sexual stuff back as a child as well. It doesn't mean that didn't happen. It's the keys of how do I free myself. And, if you recall, I use the word I choose not to be a victim, which means that has power over me continually and that the more we focus on it, the more we feed it, the more the reticular activation system in the brain is going to keep finding reasons too. So, yeah, you're absolutely right and powerful point to say we're not saying that it didn't happen, we're not saying that it wasn't hurtful or painful or what feels like as wrong, but let's find the gift in it so we reclaim our power back into wholeness.
Speaker 1:And that starts with shifting the perception by becoming aware of the perspective that you are choosing to view it from, and so I'd love for you to go deeper into that perspective. Translation, or translating into the perception.
Speaker 3:Yes. So when we start this journey and it is an inner journey there are layers to it and we really need to start with the mindset psychology, so understanding what our mind is doing and where it's sending our energy into past, projections into the future, the power of the mind in creating, manifesting, et cetera and becoming more masterful over how we use our mind that's why I call it mindset psychology and the part that has in our healing and transformation and spiritual, physical experience, and that actually, as we travel through that terrain, it then takes us into emotional restoration, which is that healing, that reclaiming. I'm going to reframe it, I'm going to bring my power back into it that frees me love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness. I'm going to release the stored emotional energy from my body. And then that that leads us into spiritual application, which means I understand the spiritual practices of the mind and of the emotions and of energy and what works for me, and that, for me, meditation is an absolute key. Asking power questions are a spiritual application. Invoking which is really inviting spirit or source or whatever into my awareness and into my life experiences, all of those are spiritual application. Walking and power, walking around the park and exercise for me are a spiritual application, because I don't listen to anything except nature when I do that walk and my inner voice. So that's where we it's not a discipline, it's a choice because of that journey through mindset, psychology, emotional restoration into that spiritual application.
Speaker 3:Now, where that takes us in doing this journey in this way, takes us into conscious integration, because we have integrated you know what we term negative past experiences. Okay, so now we're consciously integrating newness, a new way into our being, because concepts alone change nothing. I don't care what books you've read, what language you use. That will not change anything unless you do this application of the journey. But then that conscious integration leads you into energetic expansion. So you actually change the whole of your energetic being and it changes frequency, which is what everyone talks about in terms of manifesting. So you're becoming the energy of the life that you're aspiring to and the person you're aspiring to be. And that then takes us into the very center of it, which is unity, knowing where we know that we are all one, where we know that we are the very universe and all its intelligence, abundance and love and expansiveness and wisdom, and that knowing source itself. But to get in there, we're doing the journey of the perception. We're going in with our perceptions and we're piercing each of those veils, okay, till we get to that core. And by the time we get to that unity, knowing we're coming back out, and that's when we have expanded perception, then we live that reality within the universe we call our physical life. But then we're going to go again. We're going to go through all of those layers again, getting into that source of who we are with our limiting perceptions, because this is a never-ending cycle. We're unmasking stuff all the time and then we're coming back out. We've got a more expanded perspective, then we're living that reality, but we get faster at doing it right.
Speaker 3:So when I first started and I felt so broken, I came to understand I was never broken at all, but it would. What? Let's say what took. As an example, you can say what took a year, then took eight months, then took eight days, then took eight hours.
Speaker 3:I've had a friend witness me go through something incredibly painful and I'd only had a few sips of my tea and she goes you're out of it, aren't you? I went, yeah, she goes. That was five minutes. I'm like are you genuinely out of it? Tune into the body? Yeah, do you know what I mean? So we become more adept, but we don't stop doing those cycles, that coming in from our limited perception, and we always need to be willing to do that.
Speaker 3:Know what I know, but I know nothing at all. If I have arrived, then I am leaving this body. I'm still in this body, so there's still more for me to explore, and what happens is I'm. The truth then doesn't change. My message hasn't changed since I was 24, 25. I've found writings from magazines and that I used to write for back then and a book that I did back then. What I've come to understand is doing that cyclical journey and expanding our perception and then living that reality and coming back in again and doing it again. It just means that my understanding of the truth deepens and expands.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, I know for some people listening, you guys may be like this is really heavy, but it just sounds that way because your perception and your perspective around it hasn't shifted yet. But what you just said, right there, is key, because I feel the same way. I've recognized the same thing in my journey. My message hasn't changed for years, over a decade it hasn't changed, but the perception of it has only gone deeper. It's just, excuse me, it's just like math. You start off learning two plus two equals four and pretty soon next thing you know, if you continue to advance and study the processes mathematically and the different ways to use numbers and the different representations of numbers, next thing you know you're doing calculus.
Speaker 1:But all the levels of math are simply principles that you're applying at different usages, at the different stages. And this is the process that we're all going to get to grow through if we allow ourselves to surrender to the knowing, to surrender to the growth, to surrender to the evolution of this process. And so one thing that I will say to anyone listening right now is give yourself space and grace to surrender to it. Give yourself space and grace to know that you are already in a powerful place. You are literally creating every aspect of your reality. Right now, either subconsciously or consciously, you are the divine creator of your life, and in this you talked about how it's not a discipline, it's a choice. It's not a discipline, it's a choice because you hear so many people talk about discipline, and it's really a conscious choice, because once you wake up, it's like when you wake up, you can't go back to sleep again. So you're either going to make a choice to continue.
Speaker 3:Well, if you do, you're going to get really heavily stuck in your comfort zone, and that's the most uncomfortable place to be. And I love when you say surrender. And here's what I want to say to your listeners If you're feeling a bit of discomfort or pushback at all, great, because you're ready for change. There's something that has been said from Princeton or myself, and the whole energy to create connection of it that's now tapping and there's a bit of a crack and the old wants to go. Don't. So just be mindful. That's a beautiful experience you're having.
Speaker 3:Secondly, as you talk about Surrender, Princeton, the best investment you can make in yourself is to get support and to get to support. So you do the coaching and everything that you do, Princeton, but I know it's that guide. You'll shed the terrain, as do I, and the best investment is to go. If we're going to try to do this ourselves, especially if you're first starting out, you won't do it. Every level of sabotage will come screaming out of you as to why not, will come screaming out of you as to why not, why not to change, Okay, and we're designed that way. So if you can invest in yourself to seek out a guide such as myself or Princeton, that's really done this journey and continues to do this journey and knows every level of the terrain, of the mindset, of the emotions, of the energetics of it all and the power of integration you put excuse me, that will come back to you tenfold.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:It will come back to you tenfold, but don't try to do it alone.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it is painful and it's truth to what you said right there. That's so good because I remember I was just telling a client this earlier today. I remember so many points on my journey because I didn't always have mentors there growing up, where I grew up, and so I would read a lot of books, but so many times I was like I wish someone would just come and tell me what the hell to do. Just, I don't want to grow through this alone. I don't want to grow through this and have to constantly fall down over and over again. Just tell me and it's you don't go to, you don't go to a mountain and say I'm going to do a hike if you don't have a GPS, if you don't have a guide, because you know that you're going to get lost.
Speaker 1:But that's what a lot of us do we try to take the journey alone, completely negating the fact that we were never created to do it alone. We were never created to try to just make it on our own. We are wired for connection, and how has that transpired in your journey? I know you've met mentors but, like me, your spirit has been your predominant guide the entire time.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's been my shamanic path, that I've needed to do it on my own because there was a lot, as I said, experienced out here that I bore witness to with my gift, that a lot of people didn't know what they were doing. I'm not trying to bag anyone out, but there's. They didn't really understand energy, um, the rites of passage, the initiations and the differences of those to just healing. Oh, I'm just in the middle of healing something and I would guess that you two have done what you have now looked back on going. I understand what a rite of passage is, I understand what an initiation process is, but I needed to do that on my own because that was my shamanic path and my shamanic gift of understanding to then bring back out into the world. But when I had learned that pathway, I too still put my hand up.
Speaker 3:I have coaches, I've been to healers. I went to someone a while ago, a couple of weeks ago, to help me sort out my energy. There's only so much that I could do, but the knowing tells me, inner knowing says go. And I usually see this person and I'd met this other person and their name kept coming see Beverly. So it's okay, I'll go see, beverly, once you've done this journey and you've dialed up that inner voice of knowing and you are trusting it, then you will be guided to the right people. They're all the right people.
Speaker 3:I've experienced someone putting hands on me and I've come out and I've had to undo all the damage of what they've pumped into me, because you can't. Energy is always interacting and if you're working with someone energetically, very consciously, which is what I do, even when I'm coaching and in Word, I'm moving energy, I'm listening to their soul, I'm listening to their energy and we're creating a healing shift which is different from the work when they come to see me and I work with sound tools and I work with the energy, but everything that I'm thinking or speaking about goes into that person. You need to be very clearly aligned in doing that energetic work, healing journey with someone, to make sure that you're not bringing in muddy waters of your own.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and one thing that I will say to piggyback off of that, as far as being led by the knowing to the guides, to the mentors, even to books, I tell people I never really would take book recommendations. I would literally walk into Barnes Noble. I started this in the very beginning. I'm 23 years old. I would walk into Barnes Noble and I would close my eyes and I would say give me what's for me today. And I would walk with my hands along the books and until I felt that knowing, say okay, stop. And it was almost like a pull sometimes, because sometimes I would want to keep moving but my hand would stay there. I wouldn't feel comfortable even if I took my hand off, and so I would just know.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I would just pick that book and I would just open it up. And every single time, this is the thing when you're listening to the knowing, when you meet a guide or mentor or teacher, they're not going to tell you anything that you don't already know. They're going to affirm it to you and then, if there's any areas of blind spot in what's being affirmed, they're going to help you to see it more. That's all they're going to do. It's not that you don't already know it and I'm going to add this to anyone that's listening Everything that is required for you to know and grow and be in this world is already in you.
Speaker 1:And so when we're talking about that inner voice of knowing in today's society, it's very hard for a lot of people and I have a lot of deep level of empathy for a lot of people waking up right now because there's so much noise and everybody's seeking, looking. And what advice would you give to people who are saying I'm waking up, I'm breaking away from old belief systems, I'm realizing that the reality that I've been in no longer suits me, but I don't know who to trust. I don't know really where to begin. What advice would you give to someone that's in that space right now.
Speaker 3:Don't spend too much time on social media, limit it. In my coaching program we also address boundaries, but it's very different because it's not just about boundaries in relationships, b boundaries around your time, boundaries, around money boundaries. And when I first started, we didn't have social media. There wasn't even a computer. That came in my thirties. I started in my twenties, so it was a lot simpler, whereas now and I get hounded all the time, getting messaged by people all the time and meditate, find a way to meditate and understand that meditation.
Speaker 3:There's actually some three free meditations on my website, but meditation is not sitting on the top of the mountain and having complete quiet. Meditation is about learning how to become that witness and call your energy back from where it's being projected and just bringing yourself into peace. That's another story. But get outside in nature, take deep breaths, breathe with your hand on your chest. There's actually a process that I have and it's four breaths in. Hold that four breaths and release the four breaths, and do that cyclically, but add four words. Four breaths and release the four breaths and do that cyclically, but add four words.
Speaker 3:The other day, during the eclipse, mine was I sit with truth. I sit with truth because I was needing to see what within me needed to be revealed. I am here now. Whatever those four words are, what you're doing is you're connecting with the intelligence of the heart. You're bringing yourself into the present moment. In the present moment, there is peace. You're dialing into your inner voice of knowing.
Speaker 3:But don't keep searching out there, especially in social media. Set some boundaries around that, because there is a lot of noise. When you find a few people on social media that you feel like are speaking to you, follow them, connect with them, join their Facebook group, learn from them. But don't go and join 20 groups. Do you know what I mean? Try a tree and then just a few branches, but do the things like the breath work, like the heart, intelligence, breathing, meditation, getting outside in amongst nature and just listening to nature.
Speaker 3:Don't put an audio book in at that time, making that choice, to just feel your own knowing and that when you are ready, that right person will show up and you will feel it. But if you keep getting caught watching this, listening to this, watching this, listening to this, watching this, listening to this, your energy is scattered and in that scattered you will just get caught up in that panic mode of. I want to find it, I want the answer I want you don't want to be wanting. I need the right coach, I need the right healer, I need the right book. And if you're reading a book, great, but try out.
Speaker 3:This was the thing it's. Try out whatever you hear, whatever you read. Don't just go oh yeah, I know nothing unless you're absolutely living it. You can be reminded of something, but you don't know it unless you're living and applying it. So if you hear something that Princeton's written and you're like, wow, apply it, try it out and see for yourself the power of it, process of embodying, learning to be with yourself, being present with yourself Eckhart Tolle talks about.
Speaker 1:I love what you said about meditation. Eckhart Tolle talks about how I am not the brain and a lot of times when you hear people talk about mindset and those who've been with me for a while you may have heard me talk about this but if I say I am thinking, it's not my brain saying I am thinking, it is the conscious awareness that thought is happening. And oftentimes, even going back to what you said, people think meditation is about getting quiet, quieting the brain. Good luck, it's not about quieting the brain. It's about allowing yourself to become present in your breath, in the now moment, and then observing the brain like a computer what is it processing, what is it revealing, and then choosing in a present moment whether that serves you and deserves you or not. And then you get to choose what you give power to in the moment. And that's where the affirmations and having that phrase or those words come in, because that's the reframing, that's the bringing back into presence and that's really powerful and I know a lot of these things that Kay has said and you know that we're talking about right now. It seems like it's so simple, and it really is.
Speaker 1:Your brain is what tells you. It's not because of your programming, but it is simple. It's just about applying it, embodying it every day, and this is going back to what you just said. Also, a lot of people have the knowledge of and I always say information, or knowledge is simply information recorded, but wisdom is information and knowledge embodied. And so what most people are seeking in today's quote, unquote information age is more information, and that creates more confusion because you're getting a bunch of information. That's like putting a bunch of different programs on my computer right now. Eventually, my computer is going to run out of digital RAM and it's going to send me a message and say I don't have enough digital memory to process the assignments that you're giving me right now, and then it might crash Right, crash, burn shut down?
Speaker 3:Yeah, but you know what Simple Is it simple that we've clicked a couple of buttons and we're talking across the globe? Simple, but guess what? On the surface it seems simple, but we both know, we all know that what's going on underneath is very complex, but on the surface seems very simple.
Speaker 1:And that's why you're able to get to that point, and I love that you hit this a little earlier. What may have taken eight years, eventually maybe only took eight months. Eventually maybe only took winding it down eight minutes, five minutes. It's a process. It's a process of embodiment and application. And that takes me back to that space again where I say give yourself space and grace where you are and understand. It's not about perfection, it's about progress, it's about being able to navigate each moment, even coming to the end of your day and saying, even though I may not be where I want to be, I'm exactly where I need to be and I'm better yeah, and each time you do the process, you understand the terrain.
Speaker 3:So then when you're going through it, you're like, oh, this is uncomfortable again. Okay, I know where I'm at. And then you build that history of I came out of it last time and I came out of it changed. I've just turned 59 and I feel different from when I was 58. I'm a different person, same but different. I'm certainly different from when I was 19, 29, 39, because I'm becoming more and more of my deepest authentic self. Because authenticity gets thrown around but we're all being authentic in the moment with who and how we know ourselves to be. If I'm angry, I'm being authentically angry. Do you know what I mean if I?
Speaker 1:it's so my deepest, authentic, soulful, more expanded self, if you like and I'm glad you hit on that, and I know we're coming up on the hour, but I love that you said that, because I often say, when people say I'm just being authentic, okay, but is that authentic you bringing you joy? Is that authentic you bringing you peace? Is that authentic you expanding you in love? Because if it's not, that authenticity, though real, is an illusion that's keeping you stuck from being the deepest, most aware, most conscious, most active version of you in your life. And so you can, like you said, be authentically angry, and you can authentically justify that anger, you can authentically justify your fear, you can authentically justify your work, so on and so forth, but are you authentically living in your divinity? Are you authentically living in your power? And this is where, again, this journey is so important, because I know a lot of people, even in this journey, you will have moments where you say, man, I feel like I already got past this. Why is this still happening? And it's no, it's just a part of the journey. It's okay.
Speaker 1:At certain points of your life, you took this path and, like you said, you're being brought back to it again, but this time what you notice is okay. I recognize this before. As to where. Before it might have hit you like a pop quiz moment, out of the blue and it's dang, I didn't even realize it. Now you're like, okay, I've seen this before. Okay, I know that up here I need to go right instead of go left. I know here I need to be silent instead of speaking, so on and so forth, and so it's just allowing you to put into practice. It's like lifting weights in the weight room. You're going to go in, you're going to do the same exercises, depending on what exercise or what muscle group rather, you're developing, and the exercises don't change. You can cause some muscle confusion and do them in a different order, but ultimately, if you want to continue to develop those muscles, you have to continue to do the exercises that are going to develop those muscles, and the same thing applies spiritually.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. And just one final thing Everything is speaking to us. So if you find yourself in anger, if you find yourself in reactiveness, if you find yourself in all of those expressions, they're just letting you know that there's pain inside of you. Turn the vision back in and go to the source of that pain. Bring love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness to it Because a lot of people get caught in positive and negative. That's not a negative. It's been deemed a negative. Let's come back to all there is. Ultimately, at the heart of everything is love.
Speaker 1:So good, Kay, I could continue talking to you forever and I know people listening are like man, this is good. Where can I reach out to Kay? So what's the best way for them to reach out to you if they'd like to contact you?
Speaker 3:Look, go straight to my website K-A-Y-E-D-O-R-A-Ncom, and then all the links to all my social media is there, but, yeah, we could talk forever. We haven't talked about how to work with our energy and all of that. This has been a wonderful conversation, though, and always love connecting with you. Maybe we should do a series.
Speaker 1:Maybe we should have a few different conversations on some different topics and see where that goes. And, guys, if you enjoy this, go check out her podcast. All her links, all of her information is on her website. I encourage you, go check it out.
Speaker 1:If you're listening to this and maybe you're in a place where you're on the fence, you're like some of this stuff may be new, but new is better than the old. Give yourself permission to take the journey, because there's a reason you're here right now. There's a reason why certain things knocked on the door of your heart today. There's a reason why certain aspects of your persona were pricked. And so Kay is here. She's a. She has such a servant's heart and she illuminates any space that she comes into. But what I love is the container that she creates, and you can tell just the energy of her words. She has a very nurturing feminine but yet powerful energy in her presence, and so if you guys are seeking that, maybe talking to me I'm not the one Maybe you need that divine feminine. You need that divine presence in your life from a woman.
Speaker 1:I challenge you go. What's stopping you? What's stopping you? Look at your life right now and if you can't say that you are happy where you are and something has spoken to you today. What that means is you've been given two C's a chance and a choice. What you do with it is up to you. This is simply one door that has been opened. The question you must ask yourself is am I willing to walk through it? Kay, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. Do you have any final words that you would like to share before we close out?
Speaker 3:Oh, I'm just letting the energy of your words wash over me. Just that you are worthy. You are worthy of more than where you feel yourself to be right now, because you are a divine spark of the source of all that there is. You don't need to become worthy you already were born worthy.
Speaker 1:Like I always say, an apple seed doesn't have to fight to be an apple tree it already is. Guys, thank you for tuning into this episode of Evolved Mastery with myself and Kay Duran for today's interview. I hope you guys, and I wish you guys, I send you love, I send you joy, I send you peace and I just send you energy right now that everything that you touch, everything you speak to, everything that you respond through in your life begins to expand, give you opportunities and give you new levels of you, expressed in your life, so that you can truly experience the deepest levels of authenticity and power and purpose. Thank you, guys, for joining this episode of Evolve Mastery. We'll be talking to you guys again soon. Yes, I am.
Speaker 2:Yes, I am. It's be talking to you guys again soon.