DPB 091: Gary Vaynerchuk on Personal Motivation and How to Succeed in a Cluttered Market
The Dealer Playbook
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The Dealer Playbook
DPB 091: Gary Vaynerchuk on Personal Motivation and How to Succeed in a Cluttered Market
Jun 09, 2016
Michael Cirillo

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the most prominent Entrepreneurs of the 21st century. As the founder and CEO of VaynerMedia, a 700+ person digital marketing agency, Gary has learned a thing or two about starting and growing a business. 

He is now on a mission to share what he's learned with other business owners and entrepreneurs. His motivation is to leave a legacy; an imprint on future generations about what it looks like to be a leader and entrepreneur. 

In episode 91 of The Dealer Playbook, Michael sits down with Gary to discuss his new book, #Ask GaryVee and have a few questions answered about how to succeed in car sales in a cluttered market. 

No Excuses, No Perfect Conditions 

Have you ever found yourself waiting for the conditions to be just right before you act? How has that worked out for you? The shortest answer of this episode came when Michael asked, "Do you ever wait for perfect conditions before making a move?" 

Gary's answer: "NO!" 

Of course most listening or watching already knew the answer. But Michael asked it for less than obvious reasons. It's one thing to know the answer; it's another to take action on it. 

One of the reasons most people leave their dreams, goals or ambitions behind is because they secretly believe the perfect conditions are right around the corner. 

If Gary Vaynerchuk Sold Cars 

Let's face it, we all want to know what moves Gary would make if he were selling cars. Well, now you finally get the answer from the horses mouth. 

If Gary Vaynerchuk became a car salesperson, he would execute a hyper-local strategy. The goal: Become what he called the "social mayor" of the community. 

Using social media, he would build his audience by being the go-to local resource for anything and everything in the community. From talking about that "pothole" that everyone is complaining about to engaging in community events and fundraisers. 

The challenge is that most salespeople think of what they do as a J.O.B. Gary apparently thinks and sees the future as an entrepreneur. His thought process immediately took him to a place where he captured control and took action to make himself omnipresent in his local community. 

If Gary Vaynerchuk sold cars, you wouldn't be able to escape him online. He would be everywhere. He would be involved. He'd run it as if it were his own business. 

Get a copy of Gary's New book "#AskGaryVee" 

Getting your hands on Gary Vaynerchuk's new book #AskGaryVee is pretty simple. Here's what you need to do to claim your free copy:  

  1. Write an honest review of The Dealer Playbook on itunes here: http://www.thedealerplaybook.com/dpb-itunes 
  2. Screengrab your review and send email it to Michael with your mailing address 
  3. That's it. Easy Peezy!  

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