Quantum Alchemist Master ™

Yariela Sequeira-(LMHC), Alternative energy healing, Spirituality and more...

Season 2 Episode 1

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As a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC), I integrate alternative energy healing modalities, alongside spirituality, and my mystery teachings to support the journey of adult individuals who want to connect and shift into a conscious version of themselves they claim and honor. Anger, anxiety, intimacy challenges, sexuality, depression, addictions, trauma, substance use & relationship dynamics, among others, are topics I have explored and redefined with clients.

Besides holding my FL License as a mental health counselor, I am also certified in Reiki practices, Akashic readings, and Chakra balancing. I also offer mini reading with Tarot cards and love essential oils and sound bowls.  

For the past 19 years, I've been facilitating personal expansion through workshops, community events, individual and group counseling sessions. I've had the privilege to work with families, single parents, sexual offenders, court ordered clients, inmates, the homeless, those experiencing addictions, as well as many in the community who come in due to anxiety, depression, anger, relationship challenges or for traumatic experiences they want to process.

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Linkedin: Yariela Sequeira

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Speaker 2:

Hi daddy, Welcome to the Quantum Alchemist Master Podcast. It is an absolute pleasure to have you and have your baby, Doddy, also join us for the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yes, hi, hello to you, thank you for having me, and hello to everyone who's going to be listening. And yes, I'm going to warn you, my dog loves protecting the home and me, so whenever she hears a noise, she might have something to bark about. So don't mind her, she's just loving protection.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. We're going to have her beautiful frequency with us then today as well. So, daddy, I'm actually really curious because I know you're in person, we've shared space in different events and but I really don't know kind of like the backstory about you, how you got into what it is that you do and I know you, you work, you encompass a lot. Now I'll just let you explain that. But you're not just a licensed mental health. You do a lot of stuff and a lot of modalities that go into the sessions that you do and how you support others through their daily lives. Okay, so could you tell us a little bit about you, your background, maybe your childhood, where you're from, just whatever you feel like?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so there's. There's always the short version, the medium version, the long version, I don't know which was going to come out, but I'm originally from Nicaragua. I'm from Manawa, the capital. I was born and raised there, but then at the age of four, my family had to migrate due to the war that was happening in my country and that was in the 80s. So we migrated here to the US, to Florida, and I stayed here in Florida pretty much until I was 11 and then went back home, and we went back home after my grandfather's death. So that was a bit different too, because it was not only returning to the home space portal, but family environment was changing as well, cause, you know, the main father figure as a grandpa was not there anymore, and then I stayed there the rest of my educational path until I was 25. But I flew every summer to the US and Florida was always like a second home and there's a lot of influence when it comes to the way I see things, given the country that we're all in right now, which is the US. There's a lot of acculturation that happened for me. That widened my perspective. So I definitely am an immigrant and I I love seeing both sides of the coin and now integrating that there's also a third side to the coin. So all these travels and places and countries and people and cultures have really guided me into where I find myself now. Where do I find myself now? Acknowledging that I know that I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So, as a therapist, it's been quite an interesting career, cause, intentionally I started this field to understand, to understand life better. And initially it was due to, you know, situations within my family, my mom, my dad, family dynamics, and that motivated me to understand life. And then, when I came into my adulting, I wanted to understand me and then I realized that to understand me there's also the beautiful mirroring of understanding others. So it has compounded in my interest and love relationship with what psychology, spirituality and mystic teachings bring to the table. So right now, as a therapist, I incorporate spiritual healing, alternative modalities, mystic teachings, of course, health and where we're at with our health, and just a little bit of what comes to my path, including blood medicine, which I'm a big fan of. So you know, just give that all made sense. That's where I'm at.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. So I'll kind of break down a little bit and kind of dig in a little into the different aspects that you shared. First of all, I commend you for taking the initiative to look within. I think that's extremely difficult, I know when I was on I'm in an eternal path of awakening because it's never ending, it's a spire. But looking back, let's say five years ago, when I first started to put it in a way that sounds logical, I have tons of questions and I went looking not only for God, but answers outside of myself, like most of us do in our environment and in different things, and doing the inner work. I think that's where true alchemy happens and it sounds like that's a little bit of you know what you've done as well, and that mirroring of others to better understand ourselves, right, the fractals of the whole. So it's beautiful and I think what you're doing is a game changer bringing spirituality, mental health, mysticism and like transcendental questions and life experiences into the mental health space.

Speaker 2:

I think that's something that we need. Not only you. You're doing your part as an individual, affecting all those that you come in contact with, but I believe that's something we should be doing worldwide. There's like spiritual crisis and a lot of things that are misdiagnosed on a day to day basis, not to dismiss, you know, actual mental health diagnosis, but you know, in conjunction with that, we have a lack as a species, I would say as a whole, from our connection to our inner world and to source within ourselves. Right, we've separated greatly from source, from our soul, from our higher self, if you want to kind of put it that way. And what you're doing to me is it's in the forefront of, I don't want to say, the new earth, to kind of separate, you know, awake and unawake and blah, blah, blah, because that's still separation and we're all one in the end.

Speaker 2:

But I feel we need change and I think everybody feels it now. It's like piling up, like you can't do and live and act and kind of have those blindfolds anymore. It's time for everything that no longer serves us to kind of crumble and step into something new, something different, right, to remember who we really are. So tell us whatever you want us, like a challenging experience, either with a client or with yourself, or something kind of like a little bit more. Yeah, like a challenging experience, either yours or another, or anything like that. That could really maybe people when they hear it they're like man, you know I'm there now, or I know somebody who's there or identify with with this part of that story. Whatever pops up that you want to share.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so thankfully I've had many Thankfully.

Speaker 1:

I've had many and you know, one of the things that a lot of people that come to my office often say is but have you been through something like that, right? And the reality is that the beautiful perspective to integrate is that we've all been through something and that's why we can all connect right. And one of the challenges that applies nowadays that I went to a couple of years ago was that I witnessed the loved one trying to commit suicide in front of me, right. And there's a lot of suicide nowadays and the rates of suicide are going up drastically, and not only for the youth, but young adults. Especially the youth and the young adults are the ones that are experiencing thoughts of suicide at a higher pace than before. But it also happens to those adults that are from their thirties and up right, and even the elderly.

Speaker 1:

So suicide is something that is dear to my heart and because of that experience I was able to understand that suicide is just a call for change.

Speaker 1:

It's that person saying I don't like what's happening right now, or I don't like what's been happening and I just want a different way.

Speaker 1:

So when you take the time to understand and putting religion aside and morality aside that there's a lot of people that are in pain and I just want a different reality, that it's easier to address and to become curious and say what type of reality is that you would want and is there a way that I can help you get there? And sometimes we can't help the person get there, but just by understanding the conversation becomes way more accessible. So through that experience I am no longer afraid of talking about suicide because, even though as a therapist we have to ask the tough questions, it's always when you first begin this field or in life it's always like a little cringey to ask somebody do you want to kill yourself? And it's because of the social conditioning around that word. But thanks to that I was able to say okay, now we can have a different conversation about this, and now let's add a different perspective, and it's all about perspective.

Speaker 2:

Let that sink in. Could you repeat that one more time for those people that?

Speaker 1:

are in pain. Yeah, it's all about perspective, all about perspective, and especially the perspective you're holding about yourself. Right? Because if I say to myself, okay, this person is attempting suicide, I could go into the why are you doing this to me? Then that's the victim perspective. But if I say, why is that person doing that for them, to them, to their reality, then I could take on the lens of, okay, let's have a conversation about this, because I know that we can find something together. Now I'm empowered and I'm able to empower our conversation and support you.

Speaker 1:

So the conversation went from victimhood why me Blame, criticize? I don't understand. You're going to go to hell or purgatory or whatever it is to. Let's get curious. What is it about? I feel empowered and I know it's not about me. Let me see what can we do about this through this conversation. And if I don't know where to refer you, maybe I will Google some stuff out and send it to you and that's the end of my journey with that. But I was empowered and I supported. So it's a different lens.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you for not holding back on the podcast to touch about this subject. I have dealt with suicidal ideations myself. I have family members who have dealt with the same situation and when I feel like when we get to this point not always of course there's always exceptions to the rule, but in my particular case everything crumbled at that time is like an ego, this integration of self, this integration you're kind of lost. You're in like that similar to Dark Knight of the Soul process, right, you're in that cocoon state, kind of lost, and everything feels at that point that you're like in the eye of the storm, everything's falling apart, there's no light at the end of the tunnel, and I found that having the right support to guide you through it.

Speaker 2:

I have several spiritual teachers, several good friends, but what worked the most for me was people listening and just literally listening. They didn't have the answers I was looking for because I had to find those on my own. You know I had to do my own inner alchemy, my own inner work, but just them being there, just listening, just knowing I had someone there if I needed to cry or just whatever it was, having somebody hold a space without judgment, I feel like a lot of people are very quick to judge if you're dealing with addiction, if you're dealing with suicide. And because I feel like we've been, we've had the option, I would say, to experience in this human experience like a 360 or like a lot of different scenarios in our own life, we have more compassion and we can understand what you're going through, maybe at different levels, different perspective, whatever different scenarios, but you can really identify with that person and kind of and if you've gone through it, it's having that person there be like I've been in your shoes it's possible to move to the next step.

Speaker 2:

There's, two shall pass right, thank you. Thank you so much for that and I appreciate it. Is there anything to kind of switch gears a little bit? Is there anything fun or like what do you like to do for fun? Is there anything to kind of uplift the vibe a little bit? On the fun side, any funny experiences that you have that you want to share or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, to transition from that topic into a lighter version of that right, because I don't want people to feel that cringe of like oh, the vibe, the energy around suicide would really helped me that I would invite others to explore if it feels or if it resonates. If it feels you know that it has a message for them, is that from a spiritual lens, whatever comes to our reality is a message for us to? So when that loved one attempted suicide, I sat in the police car for two hours because you know how it goes and because I was the one that called it in and all that stuff. So I had to wait until they did everything they needed to do and I was in the police car just waiting for them to have time for me to take my report. So what I did was thankfully, I had my phone, google spiritual meaning of suicide and I listen to videos and spiritual teachers in the community talk about the perspective right of wanting change and how, when you apply the law of mirrors, what does that mean to you? So is there a part of me that is also wanting this big change? Is there a part of me that is wanting to quote unquote die and come to life in a view, in a different lens? Is there a part of me that was naive, and now I'm like, oh, there's that part of me that was not looking at things.

Speaker 1:

So it becomes the next polarization for you to integrate that experience in a way that is soothing and in a way that feels that you are also empowering yourself through that instead of traumatizing yourself through it.

Speaker 1:

You know and that word has a lot of layers to it and again, that's where perspective comes in yeah, if you allow yourself to apply a different lens and say what can I make of this information in a way that is going to uplift me and uplift my relationships, then it becomes an opportunity, not just for that person but for yourself. So when we speak about opportunities, opportunities come in a very dramatic way sometimes, very funny way sometimes, and that's why, when we tend to say the universe has jokes, the universe has jokes because this just happened, that I was not expecting, right. And that's when it becomes lighter, when you take on the perspective of okay, what's the message for me? That was a little dramatic universe, but here we are. So let's, let's work within, let's tap within and let's make this a lighter opportunity for growth, evolution, change, spiritual awakening, whatever it is that resonates with you in that time.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's a really good transition. And speaking about spiritual awakening, I just want to mention some of the most common experiences that could lead to spiritual awakening if your soul has chosen for you to have that experience. So suicide, the Asian being one of them, addiction being another, divorce, retirement, loss of a long-term relationship or work or deep pain. So all of these, like you said, are opportunities for learning and for alchemy.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Of course, I could say that even psychosis even psychosis in the mental health field and of course this is coming from somebody that resonates with the spirituality, energy, psychology there's something bigger than ourselves. Perspective, because there are going to be other individuals and professionals who are very much amazing, that are going to say, no, psychosis is psychosis and it's just a brain chemistry thing and that needs some medication. So there's that perspective too. So that's why, again, key word here is perspective. Whatever you believe is your perspective, and that doesn't mean that it's the only one, and that's why the invitation is always to check in what perspective are you on or taking?

Speaker 2:

Wow, I think that's if you're going to take, if the listeners are going to take away anything from this podcast would be perspective. Your perspective changes has the potential to change your reality, just like. I don't want to get too dark or too into this subject, but just the matrix itself to me is just a set of beliefs and patterns that each of us are upholding, the system I think we're all responsible for feeding into the programming. So you program yourself or the program. In this case, I feel like discovering the soul or discovering the self, is more of a peeling onion type of process to find your core, rather than an ascension as well. That term, I feel, is more of like the integration of all the programming and everything else, all the illusion, the veils, et cetera, to kind of go back home to yourself, whatever that process may look like. So I feel is it's the perspective has a lot to do with that. So just I invite the listeners to question everything. If you think that you are your body, your mind, your thoughts, your profession, your role in society, please ask away and dig deep. What else are you right, aside from your physical body and all the stuff I just mentioned? What else is underlying all of these alleged beliefs of what we are right, and I don't hold any particular truth.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually non-dugmatic. I've explored many different religions, including spirituality, mysticism, all of this and whatever is shown, whatever part of the veil is lifted, for me it might be different than what you're going to come across, because it's different what you need in your journey at that time than what it may be for me. But I think the beauty of it is just to share it openly and respect each other's perspectives. I think if you're giving a piece of the puzzle, I'm giving another piece of the puzzle and then when all of us start putting kind of that puzzle together, like wait a second, you know this is kind of forming something right, this oneness, this one puzzle, this one underlying guiding principle, which to me is love of course. But you know, it's beautiful and I have an ever-changing perspective, like what I thought a month ago. It's completely different than what I think right now. It's crazy, exactly Like I could share the journey as I go along the way, but it's an ever-changing spiral journey. So thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. It's like the universe says oh, you think you know we're going to show you, we're going to show you more now, and then you're like I know nothing.

Speaker 2:

I have this joke with my wife when we walk a lot in nature and that really helps us ground and kind of integrate all of our processes, and she's like, oh, you think you know, and the universe says here, hold my beer. Kind of like wait a second.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's going to go down right now, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So now I just laugh about it. Another thing you touched on was synchronicities, so I would love for you to touch on a little bit about that. How do you see the magic, the miracles, the synchronicities in your life?

Speaker 1:

So you know, lately I have been guilting myself right, and I say guilting with a very loving aspect to that word because in the sense that I'm using it is reviewing what I had believed Right. So we're going to refrain from guilting to reviewing, and I was reviewing what I've been believing. There was a lot of, you know, manifestation, conversations, talk and how you have to bring it into existence, and blah, blah, blah. And you manifested. You have to go, all these wonderful information and I said to myself you know, I don't do that, I don't do that, and how come, if I don't do that, I've survived. You know, I've done pretty okay. And then it came to my doorstep the information or message that whatever you do is what's causing where you're at. So you really don't have to do much except be good with you. And that's the manifestation. Wow, If you are good with you, good things will vibrate near you because you are putting that good energy, good vibe, frequency. So it's not really about planning and becoming. All that is beautiful and it is true from that lens and that perspective.

Speaker 1:

So where I'm standing now is recognizing the power within you what frequency are you in? And recognizing that it doesn't have to be as complex as I've been told. So the synchronicities that happen could be as simple as okay, Yari, what is it that you are calling in for you right now, in this moment? Just simple. You know what these are? Cages.

Speaker 1:

Let me find parking, because this is what my frequency is going to focus on right now, and boom, there is a free parking that I found and it wasn't complex for that to happen. It was just taking one second, two seconds, three seconds, five minutes to set your belief system in that moment and synchronicities start happening because the frequency was sent. So I don't have to and again, this is my stand on my perspective currently I don't have to meditate on it for five days in a row to find the parking. It's just what frequency are you sending, consciously, setting in the intention for you in that moment and that is also thanks to blood medicine ceremonies that when I connect with that beautiful medicine they share, it doesn't have to be as complicated as you think, and that's always the message. It doesn't have to be as complicated as you think. You know, synchronicities can come if you allow that. So allowing is the biggest step.

Speaker 2:

Wow. Let's break that down a little bit and I'll share, of course, what I can from my perspective, where I'm at now, so allowing to me learning acceptance of the present moment. Surrendering and presence has been one of the hardest lessons and I mean I could still swing either way on the pendulum, but I have tools and a different understanding now where I can kind of come back to center quicker than I used to. So surrendering it's so important, right? I used to be like a control freak at some point, right about everything my finances, my relationship and now I just I feel like I'm aligned and I am flowing with the universe and not like a river flowing rather than swimming upstream. So that surrendering and allowing for miracles to happen, for you to have the awareness to see the magic, right, because it's always there, it's just again, perspective lens, where we see it from, and the syncret. Like today I went to a bakery to grab some breakfast. My number was 333. So I'm like, hey, right, so I'm just little things, it doesn't have to be extreme or crazy, but I'm like, okay, I'm love, supported, guided at all times. You know, the universe got my back and that's my way of interacting with it, your ways, of different way, and that's perfectly fine, right? Exactly, I was telling you when, before we started recording, that I had I went through a Kundalini awakening with the eclipse and I had never gone through a process where I didn't feel safe in my body. This was the first time and that was so difficult. It took months for me to recover from that months. It affected everything my mental health, my mood, my health, everything. And wow, that I learned from that process. Oh my God, it's been one of my the biggest teachings and that surrendering that ego death in integration again and again and again. So just knowing that everything is cycles is learning and integration, changing your perspective again from a different point of view. It's magical. It's magical.

Speaker 2:

The journey right and before, when I first started my spiritual journey, I had this really big desire for knowledge and for inter-dimensional travel and I, after like five, six years of that, I'm like it was always so simple it's more simple than like you just mentioned and I came back to my breath, I came back to my body, I came back to the here and now. So all of that exploration got back to right where I was right, where I was so simple. So it's just focused on giving and receiving love as much as possible. Right, and try to make my decisions not based on fear but out of love. And it was very, very simple, very, very simple. It was complicated I love that you mentioned that and in regards to manifestation, of course, that may change down the line, but for me, what I found is the manifestation is yourself, it's you, whatever you embody at that time. That's your manifestation, that's your life, that's your reality, like to put it short Exactly.

Speaker 1:

And I think the best way to use an analogy for that in a fun way that listeners can maybe relate to is you know, it's like playing a video game. You come home from work and you play your video game and maybe you kick butt that session in your video game and you're like, yes, right, and you felt awesome. And then the next day you come home from work and you turn on your video game and you lost. You're like what I just kicked butt yesterday. What do you mean? I lost, right, and that doesn't mean that you suck or that you're this or that. You're that. You're just having the experience of where you're at in that moment. And maybe that day where you lost there was a lot of stress accumulated and the body keeps the score. Maybe you feel quote unquote normal and you're like no, I was just normal.

Speaker 1:

But your body's like girl, we're stressed and you know, like that boss, that report, that traffic, and you're not paying attention to those little factors, but they just are part of your vibe and you lost and that's what it is, no big deal. And you say to yourself, okay, no big deal, and you move on. That's the trick for life. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. It's no big deal, we're having an experience, so we can just keep on and see what the next experience is going to be like. So it's like playing a video game.

Speaker 1:

But if we don't lose, then the game would become boring and then we would be like I'm not stimulated, I don't wanna play this game anymore, I'm over it. So when things keep happening in your reality, it's because the game is stimulating you towards your growth, towards exploration, towards curiosity for you to say, okay, so what did I learn about this game today and what did I learn about myself, and what can I review and what can I improve and what am I ready to let go and what am I ready to bring on, and that's it.

Speaker 2:

Wow, how do you feel about? Because you have well many perspectives, but I'm only gonna mention two side of the coin, which is one allowing yourself to feel all your emotions a circle right, rather than one higher than the other, just feeling all of them as equal, just as an experience, that's it. And also allowing yourself permission to release, because the central nervous system stores a lot of trauma information, emotions that you kind of repress, whether it's from past lives, childhood patterns, transgenerational, blah, blah, blah, right, so how do you feel about actually allowing space if you have a day where you're all hyped up and it's awesome, great. But if you feel like you have a day where you don't wanna shower and you wanna go to bed and you wanna like, process your, whatever you're going through, give yourself love and compassion and time to allow yourself to do that as well. Right? Yes, that's the end of it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you know every day.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Different. How do you feel about that? And how do you feel about the contrast of that which is, every time you have a negative emotion, be like no, no, no, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm okay, I'm okay, like joyful, or something like you know what I mean. Kind of like that reprogramming.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Negative emotions.

Speaker 1:

So, first, there's no quote unquote negative emotion Doesn't exist and there is no quote unquote dark energies or dark spaces. Mind you, as I say this, I use those terms myself because of the social conditioning around those terms, not because they're real terms that describe our real situation. So that's where, again, perspective comes in. This suicide situation I had is not a negative experience for me, but it can be very quote unquote negative for somebody else because the perspective was different. Right, so it's all perspective.

Speaker 1:

So, having said that, when you are in a quote unquote negative, down, depressed, low vibe space, you're just exploring an aspect of you that needs to be there.

Speaker 1:

So in that experience, information is coming to you about you and of course, it's gonna be different from information that's gonna come to you from a quote unquote lighter experience, because the contrast is needed. That's why we have light for the day, night dark. We need contrast because, as many of you have probably already heard, we cannot identify the light unless we've seen the dark. So therefore, both are ultra necessary for our life or health, because if we live in complete light all the day, all the time we're like I can't sleep, like it's too bright out there, and if we live in complete darkness all the time. We're like I don't feel like doing much, I wanna stay home and just watch a movie. So the contrast is necessary to bring in those aspects of yourself to play. And that's what we're here to do. We're here to play with those aspects of ourselves, to gather information about ourselves and the reality we're in. That's it.

Speaker 2:

Wow, very well said. I loved what we've shared so far. Is there any last things that you kinda wanna share and if you wanna let people know where they can find you, maybe some of your services, et cetera, or any last stories, anything like that? Sure.

Speaker 1:

So, to wrap up keywords perspective, allow and refrain. If you think of those words, I guarantee you you're going to be tapping into aspects of yourself that maybe you haven't played with in a while. If you're holding a perspective, you could be like, okay, what's a different perspective to this? Challenge? Quote, unquote, challenge yourself. Let me allow myself to consider other perspectives, even if I disagree with them. And okay, let me reframe what this information is bringing to me. What is it here for me to do with that? So, perspective allow, reframe. You can Google reframing technique. It's gonna give you the definition of just using whatever is happening and turning it around into a different way of looking at it. So, is the glass half full, half empty? Which one is it? And some people, when they reframe, they say it's just the glass with water. That's simple, right? So that's an example of reframing.

Speaker 1:

Where can people find me? I am on social media. I must warn you, I am not the best at social media because it's something that I'm just starting to pick up. So I'm introducing myself to social media and hopefully you come along the journey with me, and if there are any things that you would like for me to share on social media. Please do so, let me know. You can find me at Evolvecom. You can find me at Evolve underscore in. So Evolve in because we are evolving from within, and that's the message. And also on Facebook, same Evolve underscore in, and on LinkedIn my name, which is Yeriela Sequeira, and that's pretty much the social media that I use and I would love to see you there. And if you have anything else that I could answer, feel free. I won't charge you for questions. I would welcome them with love and grace and expand conversations. That's what I'm into.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yari, thank you, it's really been an honor this conversation. Of course, like always, it's a mirror right back to me at the different things and reminders that I need to look at in my own life. So I greatly, greatly appreciate having you here today and sharing all the gifts and wonderful information that you have. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Yes thank you. It was such a lovely conversation and sending you all so much love. Thank you.

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