Artfully Mindful

Why Do We Suffer?

December 11, 2023 D. R. Thompson Season 1 Episode 50
Why Do We Suffer?
Artfully Mindful
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Artfully Mindful
Why Do We Suffer?
Dec 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 50
D. R. Thompson

This podcast deals with the topic of suffering. Why do we suffer? What is the root cause? I take a look at what Mindfulness and Buddhism have to say related to the subject, with some thoughts of my own mixed in here and there. I hope you enjoy!  Music: Dear Gravity - 'No More Suffering'.

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Note that Don Thompson is now available as a coach or mentor on an individual basis. To find out more, please go to his website, and use the 'contact' form to request additional information.

Show Notes

This podcast deals with the topic of suffering. Why do we suffer? What is the root cause? I take a look at what Mindfulness and Buddhism have to say related to the subject, with some thoughts of my own mixed in here and there. I hope you enjoy!  Music: Dear Gravity - 'No More Suffering'.

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  • PLEASE READ - Terms of Use:

Note that Don Thompson is now available as a coach or mentor on an individual basis. To find out more, please go to his website, and use the 'contact' form to request additional information.