Mortgage and Mindset in Minutes

Building Wealth Through Real Estate and Business with Beau Eckstein

March 16, 2023 Tiffany Rose Season 2 Episode 122
Mortgage and Mindset in Minutes
Building Wealth Through Real Estate and Business with Beau Eckstein
Show Notes Transcript

In this podcast, we have Beau, a highly experienced residential and commercial finance professional and licensed California real estate broker with over 20 years of industry experience. Beau also runs a consulting company that specializes in providing commercial mortgage advisory services to business owners.

Throughout the podcast, Beau shares his valuable insights and knowledge about the real estate and finance industry, with a particular focus on commercial mortgage lending. He shares his expertise on how business owners can leverage their commercial properties to grow their businesses and achieve their financial goals.

Beau also discusses his extensive network of bank and non-bank lender partners, highlighting how this network can help his clients secure the best financing options for their businesses. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the real estate and finance industry, as Beau provides a wealth of knowledge and practical advice for listeners looking to grow their businesses and achieve financial success.


- Many small business owners don't realize they can use their commercial property to access cash.
Commercial mortgage brokers can help business owners find the best financing options and navigate the lending process.
- It's important to have a solid business plan and financial statements when applying for commercial loans.
- Interest rates and terms for commercial loans can vary widely depending on the lender and the borrower's creditworthiness.
- Business owners should have a long-term strategy in place when using commercial property for financing.
- Understanding the mindset of successful entrepreneurs can help business owners achieve their goals and grow their businesses.
- A growth mindset, focusing on innovation and constantly learning, can help entrepreneurs overcome challenges and achieve success.

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welcome to the mortgage and mindset in minutes podcast and I'm your host Tiffany Rose where you'll get a little on mortgage and a lot on mindset hey Bo I'm so happy that you're back with us today so we talk on and off all the time with our masterminds and all that cool stuff but really wanted to dig in today on what you're doing to educate you know how I'm doing my coaching and it's really like educating and figuring out ways to be Innovative and be a marketer that's a backbone of a successful


business especially in today's world So Gone are the days of like cold calling and doing all those things to get business so what I wanted you to talk about today is you're a wealth of information on the way that you help help customers find you and the types of leads you get in hell so just give me like a little bit of a summary on what emerged you're the president of emerged tell me what that does and then I'm going to ask you some really cool stuff on how you're generating business sure


so emerge Lending Group is basically we provide Capital uh through through banks credit unions private debt funds SBA loan programs we work with we don't do any residential loan so I don't do any owner occupied it's all for investors or business owners and entrepreneurs so I focus in in those niches and so we might help some many acquire a buy a franchise and start a franchise and grow that with SBA financing we might help a new investor flip their first property with Fix and Flip funding and then teach them


how to bur the property refinance pull their money back out and then keep it into a long-term dscr loan so really we help people create wealth through real estate and business acquisition and expansion I love it and you're killing it because you're popping up left and right everywhere and on YouTube I mean you've figured out ways to grow your business without having to do all the old school ways which is that's what I want to teach my loan origin Majors that I want to change the industry and get


people to like kind of cross over into so to speak your world on the plethora of ways that you can Market yourself and get people to find you and know how they have the opportunities to work with you it we have in our lending you know World such an old school way of thinking still even just posting something on social media is not going to get someone to jump at the chance to I can't wait to work with Beau or Tiff because they posted a a real you really have to figure out ways to educate and serve and Market yourself that way and it's so


important because people are looking for information and that's what's going to connect you with the right fit to help them because there's there's no way that we can just sell without having this impact in serving our customers and our clients so I know that you're out there helping and making the positive income pack but you're you've found a way several ways to get to those people and attract that business so can you just give me like maybe two or three let's start with one of them that I love that


you do about your podcast and how you're getting leads that way sure so uh my podcast gives me about five to seven New Leads booked on my calendar every single day Monday through Friday um and so what we do it's it's it's a podcast on audio but what we really specialize it's a podcast show on YouTube because YouTube is the second largest search engine okay and then we do long-form interviews where we interview about entrepreneurial things business owners you know tax strategists but we also do short specific content


in in niches so riches are in the niches so if I wanted to rank a video for you know what is the best dscr loan for a short-term rental property right I ranked that video I show up on the first page of YouTube which is a powerful search engine and then that leads to people that have they have intent somebody is searching for an answer and I answer specific questions that then converts to a calendly appointment there's in the description of the YouTube video and I book on my calendar right and so I plant seeds I know where


to plant the seeds and over time as I water them really you don't really have to water them it's basically right I'm cloning myself every video I do I clone myself so now I have all these mini bows out there bringing in deals bringing in Opportunities and you never know who you're going to meet I've met some really cool high level people you go I can't believe this guy's calling me this guy's got a net worth of 60 million bucks but you know what he needs money and that's what we sell as mortgage


lenders we sell money and then why do people come to me is because they relate to what I'm saying on camera they feel like they know me and they go if I call Bo or I book an appointment with oh he's going to give me some guidance whether I'm ready now meaning I don't have a deal but I I'm willing to take these 15-minute appointments even with people that don't have a deal right now if they need some answers they need some help and over time you know that equates to hundreds of appointments then you put


them in your CRM you put them in your newsletter they then you also give them ctas calls to action call to action hey do you want to come to my Meetup hey do you want to come to this virtual meetup on owning franchises which we're doing on Wednesday right all these things I'm inviting to share knowledge with my Rolodex of people Rolodex we don't use that word anymore but CRM Okay so by having knowledge in people of being a resource to people out there and having success success stories right success


the biggest thing you can do is get a testimonial of a borrower or somebody you've helped you know like hey go to Bo because Bo help me get five Airbnb properties now I'm making seventy thousand dollars a month in gross revenue I didn't have any knowledge before that and then he showed me he introduced me to a cost segregation company and then I wrote off 200 000 against my income because uh you know all these things right so that's where I want to be is the center of influence where I can give these people good good


advice and that's in conjunction with these online presence you do an in-person presence too because some people want to actually touch and feel both yeah no so right then you do what you do you try to do some in-person events but yeah YouTube is an amazing strategy video content people wanna 50 of all podcasts now are are watched on YouTube they're not actually watching or listened to on YouTube so that's a huge number the podcasting industry is like a multi-trillion dollar industry and it just really is getting started right now


so you don't have a podcast you're missing the boat absolutely and you know everything you're saying there's that undertone of there's technology involved in all this it's not just by my thing by my thing or people hear you talking and they see your name on a podcast and they're like hell yeah I'm gonna call Bo and I'm gonna know exactly what he does and how he can help me you're using all of these tools keyword searches and you know um the technology you're putting on the


YouTube platform and you're having people find you and that's how you're generating the leads it's not just that what you just said you're not just on the podcast platform and people just find you you're integrating it you're putting on YouTube you're using uh you know the summer you're putting the time stamps too right so when somebody you want to elaborate on that a little bit yeah so when you put time stops time stamps in YouTube description there's all these things you can do to be found


right like if you just upload your video and put a crappy thumbnail that's not gonna work thumbnail is important the title you know uh dscr loans for short-term rental investors whatever yeah yeah that's important the description is important the CTA the call to action in the description and then you use technology to do timestamps so that you know minute five Beau talks about the advantages of a dscr loan versus a conventional loan right and those are keyword optimized too and then that helps in the algorithms of search to be


found so the more you can put out like that is important and then also the looping like when I in my video I said hey if you like this video and you want to learn more about short-term rental investing click on this video they you keep them engaged and then they over time they're like man this guy puts out great content like everything he's talking about is cool and and sometimes there's some stuff I don't like but all in all they subscribe they get notified when a new video comes out and then it all starts from some random


person searching how to get an SBA loan on a self storage facility and then they become my client and my friend and you know a business contact the lifetime value of that client right the lifetime value of that client could be six figures just one client right how many times we do that deal first deal I'm doing today for example good old Justin is doing wants to buy this and build a hundred thousand square feet of Self Storage total project cost is 13 million dollars right and so this commission here if I were to close it would be


fifty thousand dollars this one deal will be fifty thousand dollars in my pocket so now you know it might fall out and he might not get the offer accepted it might not happen it's not easy but the point is is he found my information on YouTube or on my audio version podcast or from a real I'm not sure I didn't ask him and this can equate to fifty thousand dollars so how many of these videos can you put out with good relevant content and and and also I should say you have to be an expert in whatever


you're doing or at least have the niche so if I was a residential mortgage broker which I used to be what would I be doing I would be doing the same I would be talking about self-employed stated income loans I'd be talking about dscr loans like the advantages of dlcr loans for Real Estate Investors you don't have to show your income docs you can't qualify from a DTI standpoint you create content around that now you're becoming an expert of that or house hacking hey how do you do your first house hack let me show you


how to create wealth through home ownership and you don't have to buy a rental property we're going to get you a four Plex and we're going to use FHA financing you're going to live in it so I think our job as as real estate mortgage people uh is to educate more right because you're you're creating Legacy not just for yourself but you're creating Legacy for them because I'm helping this borrower by their first property their first four Plex which is they're gonna have no they're gonna have


no payment due because the three other people are are covering their mortgage plus they're going to be netting twenty five hundred dollars a month of cash flow right on the on the on their first deal and then you give them a plan hey let's take that 2500 let's save it for a year let's put it into something that you know create earns interest now we're gonna have you know thirty thousand dollars at the end of the year twenty five thousand whatever that is let's use that and buy another property or we'll


save for another year and then we're going to move out of that property we become financial planners of real estate right because real as you know it's hard to save money the only way I've ever been able to make money is really owning real estate right because that million dollar property goes up four or five percent a year that's fifty thousand dollars I'm adding to my net worth each year then I'm harvesting that crop and so as a mortgage planner we gotta we gotta teach people these


strategies hey maybe you should buy a second home if you use it 14 days out of the year but you can also when you're not using it you can run it as a short-term rental or whatever right we're helping these people create massive wealth more so than maybe a financial planner would be doing because you know that that's a good leverage absolutely and I've talked to so many financial advisors that of course you know when they say oh I inherited money or I have this amount like invest it start at Ira do this no you put it in


real estate that's why financial advisors I mean not some not all but they've steered me in the wrong direction before because as my I did some math on one of my iris of the amount I put in monthly over the 10-year span and the balance has not grown hardly any because of so many ups and downs in the market but then you have my real estate properties that I bought my my primary in 2017 for one and a half million is worth three million now I mean in what five years now so it what you were just saying about


creating that wealth through real estate it's so important for people to actually like hone in and listen to that I have a lot of clients that get hung up on well if I do you know no money down then the rates higher or just call me in 90 days when I save 20 grand you're not going to save if you don't already have 20 grand nothing's going to change so to 90 days from now you'll probably have even less than what you have in your bank account now with that mentality so for people listening that you know are on the fence


and they're renting the best way to build your wealth is by buying real estate and finding ways like finding people like both you know can give you options as an investor and you know use using other people's money and however you need to scrape and pull the money together it's so so important right yeah and and like if you have like a retirement account there's something and I'm not an expert in this is a it's a Rob's rollover you can essentially roll that into and you can use that money to


go out and buy an existing business or start a franchise guys right like it's not making you anything what if you took that hundred grand and you started a like a home service based franchise business or a healthcare you know Assisted Living uh care franchise and now that thing is doing 800 or million dollars of gross revenues net 200 Grand a year and you're you know you're running it from your home because like you got to figure out how you can get these revenue streams and that's that's


the real goal and and so even like W-2 employees everybody should be thinking doesn't matter if you want to stay you love your job in Tech sales or whatever you should be looking at like how do I replace this W-2 eventually because yeah let's face it it's not getting any cheaper to live and if you want to live a good life you need money and money is you know and having cash flow is the most important thing right because if we have a bad month if I don't make any money in my loan business this month


because five deals fell out ago you know what do I have so we have to have other streams of income right because you always want that constant flow of money coming to you so even mortgage brokers or whoever is listening to this or watching this in the future what can you do to have other streams of income coming in right and then what can you do in your business to maximize the results and so if I put out these videos all I'm really doing is taking a little bit of my time and and using a virtual assistant to edit the the video and


that's all the amount of cost that goes into it so it's very little cost with high return if I were to do pay-per-click or whatever and it works a lot of people that's an easier easier way to scale things but if you just do organic content creation and you put it and you keyword optimize it and you put in the right location over time that's gonna like that's gonna trickle into like tons of leads like five just who who doesn't want five to seven calendar uh appointments on this on their


calendar every day and like I could like probably do more if I open up my calendar more but at some point it's a work life thing and people want me and I can't have an assistant taking the call because sometimes you have to like pick up some high level things yeah yeah it's pretty amazing it's it is amazing and I love talking about this stuff and this is what I teach in my courses now but to the average person entrepreneur that's like yeah I want to be like Bo I want to get out there I want to show up


first on YouTube with keyword searches and optimizations and all that it's a little mind-blowing but I think just to like nut it down to the basics I used to make this mistake where I post an ad and I'd say hey Tiffany with Guild Mortgage and team Tiffany Rose apply for a loan today versus here's the call to action here's the hook here's the story here's feel felt found you know all these techniques putting the right hashtags running the right ads targeting repurposing correctly there's two worlds to using


social media you do it incorrectly where it's buy my thing apply today or call me with questions versus doing all the stuff that you're talking about and that I'm teaching two completely different worlds you can do the same thing with video the wrong way or the right way you just have you said call to action a couple times in there I don't think people even realize that a call to action needs to be there and that it doesn't always have to be apply for a loan today it could be drop a house


emoji if you plan the blah blah blah or what can you do in today's market to blah blah blah you know anything at the end and having the right Hooks and always being out there educating educating educating people the times have changed I think it was uh oh my gosh what was that movie uh Boiler Room I think it was like sell me this pen right now now that used to be like well it's got this feature and this feature now the way of selling is serving it's like well tell me why you want this pen tell me what it


means to you what would it what would you be able to do if you had this pen completely different worlds and you've transitioned into this world where you know how to generate the leads not just because you're handsome and smart and all these things you also have all these other technical tactics to blow up your calendar and generate leads and you you also use something that is you use Meetup right so can you tell the audience a little bit about that and how you generate business that way or connect people sure so I think what you


what you really want to do and I'm kind of painting the picture here is is where is your target audience so uh years back I said well you know I make loans to Real Estate Investors so why don't I create a Meetup Group Go to for Real Estate Investors right and so now I have 3 000 people in those meetup groups on meetup.


com right that I can advertise to I can invite them to events I'm not always trying to sell them a lot of times I'm giving them like huge value I'm bringing great speakers and always not all about always the loan but but because of that I have the ability to plant seeds whenever I want so these 3 000 people will get some messages oh by the way here's a recently funded deal I'll write I'll write a what we call a tombstone right like just take what you're doing hey I close this loan and I'm telling the story hey this was a


real estate investor in Texas you know he needed to refi his hard money with loan was at 12 it was coming dude this is what I did that's my Tombstone that's a call to action so I could plant those seeds in the Meetup so you can really the first step is like reverse engineer like what you want to be known for what do you want to be known for what's your Niche what's your Niche whether that's somebody that specializes work with VA loans or maybe you've become the the bad ass 203k specialist because nobody knows


how to do 203ks in the mortgage world right maybe that's your your your gift and you all you talk about is 203k on your social presence 203k hey let's get your first we're going to find a fixer-upper the Market's a little soft you can get your offers accepted we fix up this duplex you live in one side you live it like that could be your story that creates thousands of loan opportunities or hundreds at least right like because if you go onto YouTube somebody came to me and said hey I want to build a


want to build a fourplex and use the FHA loan I'm like I didn't even know there was a construction loan one time closed for four plexus I mean there's probably a very minute group that know how to actually close those deals so maybe that's you maybe you're not getting leads or maybe you become the king of king or queen of dscr loans right like you know like if you're a broker you know hey I'm going to take it to you know this this lender this Center lender there this is why they're good and then


you systemize the process of closing those deals right or maybe you come the king of doing luxury um home home purchases like for three or four million when they can't prove income a lot of those big business people have millions of dollars but they can't get a conventional loan well maybe you're that luxury person that can do these five million dollar big you know bank statement type deals so carve out what you want to be known for and then we then you create the plan of like okay where am I gonna find where am I going


to plant seeds that those people are going to find so it's true if you try to be an expert at everything or a jack of all trades master at none you're going to confuse your audience and a confused mind doesn't buy and when you're just out there talking about too many different things and credit repair this and FHA this and you gotta Niche it down and become the absolute expert exactly what you're saying and that's how you're going to generate the business and make a positive impact on the community and


the world that you're in you know what whether it's loans or real estate or any kind of entrepreneur where you have to sell you've got to serve and you've got to educate and you have to Niche it down and become the absolute what you just said king and queen of whatever it is that you want to talk about pick something you're passionate about don't pick something you hate doing you know if you hate dealing with people with bad credit don't be your Niche and make your Niche credit repair pick something else


that's that's fun you know luxury real estate or something so you just touched on three different ways to generate leads and grow your business by educating so you got your podcasts you do your Meetup and you've grown that and you've talked about how to get found in the searches and how to have like that intent and then kind of reverse engineer it so you know my podcast wouldn't be taught mortgage and mindset in minutes if I didn't talk about the mindset piece why is it that people don't jump on this


opportunity if it's just creating video making sure that a call to action putting some keywords in what the heck is stopping people from doing it because a lot of people are content where they're at and they have a fear so like they're like okay well I'm cool making my 100 my six figures I make I make 100 Grand and my business is always a hundred thousand dollar business give or take right like and I can live okay but you have to have that a burning desire that there's you know more like


what do you aspire to be like and you finally have to just say Hey listen I want to be I don't want to leave this earth being media uh media being mediocre right like you know at 45 years old I have that realization and that's why I hired a coach actually it was because I felt like I was not fulfilling my destiny right so like if you don't have that burning desire it's okay then maybe you shouldn't you don't need to worry about it maybe that's this isn't for you but if you want to up level your life


right A lot of it becomes comes from a financial position it's money doesn't do everything for you it doesn't make you more happy but it gives you the time Freedom like right now I look and I go okay I'm 45 now at 55 years old or actually I'm doing like a five-year plan because like at 50 years old what do you want your life to be and then if I kept doing what I was doing for the last 20 years I'm not going to get the results right because I I got stuck in that okay I'm okay definition of insanity right


there right yeah but now like if you think big picture how much different is it for you when businesses comes to you like I don't go hunting anymore I hunt like from a from a like a e-myth way where I'm working on my business like I like plant seeds that's how I hunt I don't have to go out and buy internet leads and call people people book time to call me because I'm the authority in the space that's way different right and you know I almost I almost cried Bo when I first got my my first realtor a couple years ago called


me and said Tiff I've been following on social media I have a loan for you blah blah blah I love your content I literally almost cried because I attracted that business she's in Novato she's not in my community I don't see her at mixers I don't connect with her I didn't never did alone with her and I was so happy I cried because I was so happy that everything that I've been doing and the funnels and the you know the limiting beliefs that I'm like I don't know what's a funnel I can't learn


it I'm scared it's gonna be too hard I pushed through all that and to get that first deal that I attracted and closed was like money I mean it was just a beautiful thing and that's I think what people aren't realizing is like you just have to start start somewhere and write down your list because I don't I agree with you that some people are content but I do think that it goes a lot deeper with the Fear Part that you mentioned people procrastinate I just saw Mel Robbins talk about this morning on


Instagram people procrastinate because it equals stress it's something that's gonna they don't understand it learn tell you right now learning is not scary it's fun start telling yourself that if you're listening to this because it's the only way you're going to push through and get with today's times if you don't understand what like long tail keywords and this and that and how to set up a podcast and what's Buzz Sprout or whatever your platforms aren't how does Bo do meet up you've got to write


down like those out of all of this maybe three things pick it and go all in on it and get over yourself get over your fear of whatever it is that's stopping you and don't be content because yeah you don't want to die being mediocre so yeah yeah I mean that's my biggest fear in the world is to like to look back and say like not be to have that like you're sitting in your you know you're 75 years old you're laying in bed and you're like what did I really do with my life right like I've worked and


I grinded but I never really got ahead and like I was just like this middle class person which is cool you know it's better than me and poor but and I was like content and then I have these regrets when I get older that's the scary part like I would say like if you're you gotta just snap internally and say listen I'm gonna do this I'm gonna get okay talking on podcast even if I say um and buy because I always I still do this day I say a lot of butts and ums but what can I do right so everything I do I try to keep on like


moving the needle moving the needle maybe it's like doing a Toastmasters or maybe it's like getting out of my comfort zone I was just at a meet up the other day to do better content to go shooting a studio with better lighting like I am constantly thinking like okay what can I do what can I do with my workouts I was working out at the gym today I was jumping rope in this holy rip dude that's like a jump rope Master comes up and says Hey try my jump rope right like and then we started talking I'm like well what's your workout and


he's like tell me what his workout is I'm like okay that guy's super ripped I want to look like that and he's jumping rope in between each head and he's using this jump rope and this is he told me his workouts he keeps his heart rate at 130 right like so you get around these people that will up level you he motivates me I never even talked to the guy in three years till today he came up to me I'm like dude dude's ripped you know everybody wants to look like this guy and I work out every day but I'm not


getting those results so it's who not how right he just shared information with me like I probably should have talked to him earlier and be like hey I watch you in here you're doing a great job can you like tell me what your workout is right don't be afraid to ask people people want to share their successes with you that's important so get around those people and don't have fear like we all have fear I have a coach because I have limiting beliefs right and like if you don't have a coach you need a coach right like I


was like okay like you know I was intimidated to pay x amount of dollars per hour session I was like that's a lot of money like you know like I'm paying x amount and that's like well I never thought I would you know but it's like it's totally worth it because you're getting somebody's experience to kind of look on you and help you work on stuff that you you have problems with that you're like I'm afraid to do this I'm afraid of that but once you start getting out there when I


started doing the meetups and I started talking in front of people it's like all right I'm actually pretty good at this and like I have a lot of knowledge to share I'm sure everybody out there has a good amount of knowledge that like they could really tell a story about and that's the key is like what do you have out there what what experiences can you share with the world and by sharing with the world and by helping these people like with whatever this is that you have it's gonna feed you like it's gonna give


you more than you ever thought possible it won't if you don't do it and most people you're right are scared they're like I I can't do it I had one I have one mortgage broker friend his name is John I'm not going to say his last name for embarrassment purposes but for like the last 15 years we've had the same conversation I'm gonna start doing marketing I'm gonna start doing marketing right and then you know he had a couple good years because everybody every mortgage broker was doing fairly well the last


couple years when rates were 2.75 percent but the thing is with John he'll never because he's scared for some reason and content he'll never like he'll only have that good two years when the rates are low well why couldn't he just like be a good marketer and like crush it every year instead of making like 300 Grand during you know good times what if you're making 600 Grand and then during bad times you're still making 450.


and then you're taking that money and you're investing it because you're constantly educating yourself you're investing in like half-long assets you're buying real estate you become you you're becoming the message you're telling other people right like yeah I can I can walk the walk because I buy rental properties I flip houses I invest in different asset classes now I invest in merchant cash advances which are a risky class I I didn't own any Bitcoin Bitcoin or anything I didn't knew


nothing about it I just opened a coinbase account I put 500 in uh in a in a in a um a cryptocurrency right because I don't know enough and if I lose 500 bucks that's okay but I wanted to educate myself on the blockchain because that's all coming and if you don't adapt with AI and all this stuff as a loan officer taking technology pretty soon people are just going to go and just fill out online and not have to talk to you anymore yeah you want to be the messenger that's like hey you're calling


me because you're you're gonna get navigated to the right way and get get to the Finish Line that's why they call me because I'm the expert in that nail Niche you can easily be um replaced if you don't have the skill set easily and it's all coming is I was just gonna say that I took the words out of my mouth it's all coming I I got top producer award for uh 2022 and the only way that I did it was because all that crazy stuff that I was learning the last you know maybe three four years going in


a lot deeper and getting influencers and interviewing and starting my podcast writing my book and understanding funnels and call to actions and hooks and the right way to storytell and creating my authentic voice what's my story all these things that I know I know damn well my some of my co-workers like what's she doing in her office now what's going on what's the selfie light for what's the headphones or the microphone all that stuff is what kept me in top position last year through all


the market tough times I didn't have the best year as I did the past years but I still made it on top the only way I did it was through all this Innovative new stuff that's not even new it's just it's stuff that's starting to become more and more normal and if you don't do you think going and sitting in an open house on a Sunday with a realtor if you're a loan officer is going to be what gets you the business do you think that's collapsing time do you think that's what's going to generate the leads hell


no you got to get your voice out there figure out what your authentic voice is in the first place get it out there figure out what the analytics look like learn how to do retargeting and you know reach ads and brand awareness and all these cool things that Facebook offers and spend the money you attention is currency you have to spend the money to get eyes on your product there's a reason right why in Super Bowl commercials they pay millions and million dollars to be on their brand because as many eyes on their brand as


possible the better you're not going to grow your business organically if you just say apply today if you want a home loan it's not going to work in today's world right put it this way right now I don't know maybe 670 videos on YouTube there's there's a handful of people watching my content right now learning and and soon we'll be booking the call and I'm not doing anything more for it it's they're already done right that you're winning before you arrive a little bit of time I spent is


multiplying me right everything you do needs to be a multiplier in fact like when you get a certain deal like a like it's a dscr loan right you should have a quick link like email that goes to the client like makes things so easy so I don't have to repeat what I'm doing because then you're more efficient and you can have better systems and so that all plays into it but right now there's thousands of there's a thousand bows uh selling for me right now a thousand plus right like and anybody out there


right there could be doing the same thing so like I would I don't know I would strongly encourage you to do that and uh the last thing I wanted to add with with something you said was that um Carol Carol dewick uh she wrote a book about growth mindset you know about mindset and I love it there's people that have growth mindset like read that book and hopefully you see where you where maybe some of you doesn't don't have that growth part try to try to work on that growth part that growth mindset


and uh yesterday with my coach I was like I I I tell them I'm like I'm like a 90 percenter I I I'm pretty good at stuff but I never get like the elite level right and so like that's a mindset thing and like I'm like hey I can never be like an Alex romozy me you know having 200 million dollars in Revenue every year I can't do it right but that's a mindset thing right like I I can do it and so you gotta like figure out these triggers in your life that will really help you like when you're having a bad


day right like when you have a bad day at work because we're in sales right we lose a deal and we were counting on that 15 000 commission whatever it is that and then we get we get kind of down man I was worked on that it's like instead of making that deal ruin the rest of your day what's a trigger you can do to like kind of snap you back into that positive mindset right and so that I was working on that yesterday right so we're constantly working on these things because we want to improve we want to be the best version of Bo the


best version of Tiff that we can both physically and business-wise right and it all flows together and the people I hang out with are all entrepreneurial because I'm entrepreneurial right the people I like to I get along with the people that I used to party with aren't the same people I'd like you know I still like them and they're still my friends but I spend more time now with the groups where I'm learning on the weekends I'm going hey how do I become a better version of Bo it's like hey go to this boop boop this


camp this boot camp or or take this online webinar and most people I don't know for whatever reason they don't want to do it but I'm telling you if you're watching this right now you probably have that that drive inside you and you just need to like just everything you do is just move the needle forward every day meet with your marketing people your team like in like what can you be what can you look at what can you be doing what can you how can you position yourself as the authority in whatever


Niche you are and that is going to propel your business and and you know well said and don't be afraid to learn new things because you kind of gotta dabble at it and and figure it out but then whatever you know when you pick your Niche something that you're really intensely passionate about the rest of this stuff hire it out there's virtual assistants that instead of buying the five dollar Starbucks in the morning you take that money and you pay a virtual assistant to do the work that you absolutely know is not collapsing time


and bettering you so you got to kind of learn it all at first you know you do need to understand what funnels are and how the conversion rates and opt-in pages and let you know all that yes but once you kind of at least just like what you said with Bitcoin you just wanted to kind of understand it a little bit then once you get a grip on it hire it out find higher slow Fire fast and go for what your passion is in my conversations now are so changing it's so fun now I talk to people at like mixers or parties


or whatever about conversions and oh my gosh so what are you doing with this and how are you doing this on your social media it's so fun to talk about I no longer want to gossip about other people and you know get wasted and be hungover and blow off the day the next day I'm like okay I'm gonna have a few drinks and I'm going home because in the morning I want to do X Y and Z and learning is a game now to me it's so fun so just be figuring out how to like don't be scared of this stuff that you


don't know because you can always pay someone it's a huge world that's gotten very small with the digital technology exactly yeah everything's at your fingertips now yeah and I just look at my end like my my vision in my head is like my business is Flowing I can bring my laptop to Mexico I I just bought a uh a nice little house overlooking the beach in Mexico I wear flip-flops and shorts all day and then you know when I want to meet with clients I meet over Zoom I solve big problems I get paid


very well and I can still like enjoy kind of a slow pace I come back to my house in Vegas do hang out and go to the fights do that to so think about that Envision and think about like hey I'm I'm at this point in my life I'm 45 or whatever you are and like okay by 55 this is and then you vision board it right then you have the vision board of like the beach house in Mexico the life you're living like the you're getting away from like having that we in the in the real estate world we live with that


kind of stress in the bottom of our gut because we're like so dependent on deals closing but what if you had so many deals that were going on and you started putting the right uh junior loan officers in and you started kind of working yourself outside of the business so now you're working on it instead of in it and that's where we're going to evolve to because then you're not you're not in the trenches like I for 20 years I've been in the trenches it's like no all the other real smart people are up here


and they're like we're their little puppets so you want to get up there and work on the business yeah become really successful hell yeah and Lee Gus you took the word I love you bro you're freaking genius but um leads solve problems so if you get leads if you do X Y and Z that stress and that pressure first of all you're going to learn all these fun things it really is fun to learn all this stuff and get with the times but you're going to generate business you don't have to feel like you're in that hamster wheel


that rat race where you're just like oh my God if I lose this deal that's gonna be seven thousand dollars I won't be able to do X Y and Z or pay this bill I'm I'm done with that I want to teach I'm changing the industry in the loan with loan Originators I want them to be empowered and stop thinking of ourselves as workers or managers we as marketers Educators and innovators that's the people that make the millions managers workers you're never going to get to the millions and you're never going to be


able to impact the millions if you don't level up level up your community your masterminds you get a coach invest on yourself my my coach Krista May Shore she paid Dean graziazzi 25 grand for four hours she had to go fly to him four hours for 25 Grand and they just know how to roll there's no I title chat there's no gossiping time it's go all in and invest in yourself and make sure you're coached up have no fear be resourceful and be bold no one gives a crap because if you're at the bottom


they ignore you and if you're at the top they hate on you so just be you and make money right I love it I'll end on that note sounds amazing thank you Bo you're awesome as always thank you thank you [Music] foreign